
Yii2 integration for league/flysystem

4.3.3 2022-11-14 15:42 UTC


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Integration of league/flysystem for Yii2.

It is configured by environment variables by default. Available integration out-of-box:

  • FTP - should be used in deprecated systems
  • Local - should be used for development
  • S3 - should be used in production


By-default configuring available using environment variables. To choose which integration to use you need to configure FILESYSTEM_ADAPTER variable. Available values: local, ftp, s3. (or another, if you use custom bootstrap configuration)

Configuring S3 adapter

Variable Required Default Description
S3_ENDPOINT yes endpoint url (with http/https)
S3_KEY yes public key
S3_SECRET yes secret key
S3_VERSION no latest
S3_REGION yes Example: eu-central-1
S3_BUCKET yes Example: yourcompany
S3_PREFIX no empty string path prefix
S3_BASE_URL no base url will be used to generate URL to files

Configuring Local adapter

Variable Required Default Description
FILESYSTEM_LOCAL_SAVE_PATH yes path to save file on local machine
FILESYSTEM_LOCAL_BASE_URL no base url will be used to generate URL to files

Configuring Ftp adapter

Variable Required Default Description
FTP_PASS no null password for FTP user
FTP_PORT no 21
FTP_PATH no empty string prefix for save path
FTP_BASE_URL no base url will be used to generate URL to files

Configuring Replica adapter

This adapter purpose of mirroring files on few adapters (any AdapterInterface implementation)


use Wearesho\Yii\Filesystem;

$adapter = new Filesystem\Replica\Adapter([
    'master' => [
        'class' => Filesystem\S3\Adapter::class,
    'slaves' => [
        // so much slaves
            'class' => Filesystem\Ftp\Adapter::class,



To start use this package out-of-box you need to append Bootstrap into your Yii2 application.


// common/config/main.php or another configuration file

use Wearesho\Yii\Filesystem;

return [
    'components' => [
        // ...
    'bootstrap' => [
        'class' => Filesystem\Bootstrap::class,
        'container' => true, // if you need to configure global DI container (\Yii::$container)
        'id' => 'fs', // \Yii::$app component to be configured. Filesystem will be available using \Yii::$app->fs

Note: for advanced usage you may customize Bootstrap adapters and config properties

Filesystem Class

You can also use Filesystem class for yii2-way configuration:


use Wearesho\Yii\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Wearesho\Yii\Filesystem\AdapterInterface;

$fs = new Filesystem([
    'adapter' => [
        'class' => AdapterInterface::class, // or another implementation, if container not configured


  • Tests
