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Service for searching cities and streets using passed input value

2.2.0 2018-10-24 14:13 UTC


Build Status codecov

This library allows you to search cities/streets of concrete country using google api.



composer require wearesho-team/google-autocomplete


Create configuration


$config = new \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Config(
    $apiKey = 'your personal api key',
    $country = 'ua', // optional
    $requestUrl = 'https://google.com/' // optional

Or use Environment Config to load variables from environment

Variable Required Default value Description
GOOGLE_SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETE_URL no https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json url for google-autocomplete-api service
GOOGLE_SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETE_COUNTRY no ua ISO alpha-2 country code in lower case

$config = new \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\EnvironmentConfig('GOOGLE_SERVICE_AUTOCOMPLETE');

Create service


/** @var \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\ConfigInterface $config */

$service = new \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Service(
    new \GuzzleHttp\Client()

Create search data entity

Session token

A random string which identifies an autocomplete session for billing purposes for user In google-docs sad if this parameter is omitted from an autocomplete request, the request is billed independently. So this service is binding to use it.

Recommended to use hash string.


$token = 'any_random_string';

Searching cities


use Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete;

$searchQuery = new GoogleAutocomplete\Queries\CitySearch(
    'Value from input',
    $language = GoogleAutocomplete\Enums\SearchLanguage::RU(),
    $mode = GoogleAutocomplete\Enums\SearchMode::SHORT() // optional

Searching streets


use Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete;

$searchQuery = new GoogleAutocomplete\Queries\StreetSearch(
    'Value from input',
    $language = GoogleAutocomplete\Enums\SearchLanguage::RU(),
    $city = 'city name', // optional
    $type = 'avenue', // optional
    $mode = GoogleAutocomplete\Enums\SearchMode::SHORT() // optional

If you want to customize your queries use Query Interfaces

Receive suggestions


/** @var \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Service $service */
/** @var \Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Queries\Interfaces\SearchQueryInterface $searchQuery */

$service->load($searchQuery); // invoke query
$suggestions = $service->getResults(); // get collection object of locations

// or use it fluent
$suggestions = $service->load($searchQuery)->getResults();

$values = $suggestions->jsonSerialize();

Search mode

Service have 2 modes for searching results:


use Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Enums\SearchMode;

 * This mode provide service for returning short names of locations
 * @example "Paris"
 *          "Kharkov"
$mode = SearchMode::SHORT();

 * This mode provide service for returning full names of locations
 * @example "Paris, France"
 *          "Kharkov, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine"
$mode = SearchMode::FULL();

This parameter is optional. By default set FULL() mode.

Yii2 configuration

If you need to configure your yii2 application, you can use this yii extension, that depend on this package


To contribute you need to fork this repo and than create a pull request

Search language

Add language code to SearchLanguage.php


namespace Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Enums;

use MyCLabs\Enum\Enum;

 * Interface SearchLanguage
 * @package Wearesho\GoogleAutocomplete\Enums
 * @method static static RU()
 * @method static static UK()
 * @method static static YOUR_LANGUAGE_KEY()
final class SearchLanguage extends Enum
    protected const RU = 'ru';
    protected const UK = 'uk';
    protected const YOUR_LANGUAGE_KEY = 'language_code';

Frameworks configurations

Add directory with name of needs framework to source directory and create your Bootstrap.php file

