
PDF to HTML converter with PHP using tools, like poppler-utils

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v2.0 2020-04-02 23:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-12-29 03:31:42 UTC


PDF to HTML converter with PHP using tools, like poppler-utils. Currently only supported poppler-utils.


PdfToHtml from package poppler-utils always executing with next flags:

  • -s # single file
  • -i # without images
  • -noframes # without iframe


When you are in your active directory apps, you can just run this command to add this package on your app

composer req wbrframe/pdf-to-html


  1. Poppler-Utils (if you are using Ubuntu Distro, just install it from apt )

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils


In this example HTML file will be created in system temporary folder with in subfolder output a random name. Example: /tmp/output/5e8671ec8e0283.34152860.html


use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\ConverterFactory;

// if you are using composer, just use this
include 'vendor/autoload.php';

// initiate
$converterFactory = new ConverterFactory('test.pdf');
$converter = $converterFactory->createPdfToHtml();

$html = $converter->createHtml();

// Get absolute path created HTML file
$htmlFilePath = $html->getFilePath();

// or get Crawler (symfony/dom-crawler)
$crawler = $html->createCrawler();

You can change some options like is outputFolder, outputFilePath and binPath, where an option outputFolder is folder were HTML will be created, outputFilePath is absolute path for HTML file that you want to create, binPath is path to pdftohtml

NOTE: If outputFilePath is specified, option an outputFolder is was be missed.


use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\ConverterFactory;
use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\PopplerUtils\PdfToHtmlOptions;

// if you are using composer, just use this
include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$converterFactory = new ConverterFactory('test.pdf');

$options = (new PdfToHtmlOptions())

$converter = $converterFactory->createPdfToHtml($options);

$html = $converter->createHtml();