
PHP FIG PSR-11 Container implementation.

v1.1.0 2023-05-11 16:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 18:12:43 UTC


This repository contains the [PHP FIG PSR-11] Container implementation.


Via Composer Package is available on Packagist, You can install it using Composer.

$ composer require vulpes/container

Default usage

// namespace MyNamespace
    interface ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface {}
    class ExampleDataAccessObject implements ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface {
        public function __construct(PDO $master, PDO $replica, string $key) {}
    class AnotherExampleDataAccessObject implements ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface {}

    interface ExampleModelInterface {}

    class ExampleModel implements ExampleModelInterface { 
        public function __construct(ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface $dao) {}
    interface StorageCollectorWillKnowInterface {}
    interface StorageCollectorWillKnowRequestInterface {}
    class Request implements StorageCollectorWillKnowInterface, StorageCollectorWillKnowRequestInterface {
        public function __construct(ArrayObject $arrayObject = new ArrayObject) {}

    class ExampleController {
        public function __construct(ExampleModelInterface $model, StorageCollectorWillKnowInterface $request) {
            // the (Request) $request object will be the same that under below
        public function handle(StorageCollectorWillKnowRequestInterface $request, int $id, string $userName) {
            // the (Request) $request object will be the same as above

// bootstrap
    // If cached storage data available
        // not necessary, but can speed things up a lot for larger projects
        $storageData = [/** the cached storage data */];

    // If cached storage data NOT available
        $storageData = [/** the parsed data from Yaml */];
        $collector = new Container\StorageCollector($storageData);
        // You can collect interfaces and constructor/method
        // parameters for faster processes or easier configuration
        // it will not overwrite existing settings (like from Yaml)
        $collector->collect('MyNamespace', __DIR__ . '/src/my-directory');
        // returns the existing and new settings together
        $storageData = $collector->getStorage();
        // save storage data to cache..
    // create container instance with predefined storage values
    $container = new Container\Container($storageData);
    // to process the parsed data from Yaml
    $container->add(new Container\Processor\YamlProcessor);
    // create instance of ExampleController
    $exampleController = $container->get(ExampleController::class);
    // set AnotherExampleDataAccessObject to use when ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface build
    $container->set(ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface::class, AnotherExampleDataAccessObject::class);
    // create instance of ExampleController with AnotherExampleDataAccessObject
    $exampleController = $container->get(ExampleController::class);
    // to process \Closure objects
    $container->add(new Container\Processor\ClosureProcessor);
    // set Closure to use when ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface build
        function(Container\ContainerInterface $container, string $id, mixed ...$args){
            return new class implements ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface {};
    // create instance of ExampleController with a custom ExampleDataAccessObjectInterface
    $exampleController = $container->get(ExampleController::class);
    // create instance of ExampleController and call handle function with Request, with custom builtin parameters
    $handleResult = $container->get(ExampleController::class . '::handle', '17', 'user-name');
    // call ExampleController handle method with Request, with custom builtin parameters
    $handleResult = $container->call($exampleController, 'handle', '17', 'user-name');

The Yaml config for the example above

    - obj: PDO:master
    - obj: PDO:replica
    - val: example-key

  class: PDO
    - env: MYSQL01_DSN
    - env: MYSQL01_USER
    - env: MYSQL01_PASS
    - arg: PDO:options

  class: PDO
    - env: MYSQL02_DSN
    - env: MYSQL02_USER
    - env: MYSQL02_PASS
    - arg: PDO:options

  !php/const PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE: !php/const PDO::FETCH_OBJ

Customizable usage

$container = new Container\Container(

    // storage: You can define in advance what values You want to use with which key/interface
    storage: [], // storage
    // factory: You can define how to instantiate classes or call functions or get the required Reflector classes
    factory: new Container\Factory, // Container\FactoryInterface

    // parameters: You can customize how to build the necessary parameter values for different methods/constructors
    parameters: new Container\Parameters, // Container\ParametersInterface

    // handler: You can customize how to build the necessary parameter values for different methods/constructors
    handler: new Container\ProcessHandler // Container\ProcessHandlerInterface

// With the help of YamlProcessor, You can pre-define the values of
// various parameters and separate classes according to the way of use.
$container->add(processor: new Container\Processor\YamlProcessor);

// With the help of ClosureProcessor, You can use \Closure objects to build your own objects
$container->add(processor: new Container\Processor\ClosureProcessor);

// Or you can create your own processor if needed
$container->add(processor: new MyOwnProcessor); // implements Container\ProcessorInterface