
A PDF API for generating business documents

0.0.1-alpha 2019-05-11 09:05 UTC


Build Status codecov


A PHP API for generating business documents in PDF format.


Once the API is running using one of the methods below, the following endpoints are available:

  • POST /invoice
  • POST /purchaseOrder

Sample invoice requests

Body data should be posted as application/json raw content type.

  "logoHeight": 55,
  "emailTelUnderLogo": true,
  "company": {
    "name": "Example Limited",
    "number": "12345678",
    "vatNumber": "GB12345678901",
    "email": "hello@example.com",
    "telephone": "01234 567 890",
    "logoUrl": "https://example.com/logo.png",
    "address": {
      "line1": "123 House Street",
      "line2": "Townville",
      "city": "Citybourne",
      "postcode": "PO57 C0D"
  "invoice": {
    "ref": "INV-123",
    "summary": "For the provision of services.",
    "notes": "",
    "instructions": "Please make BACS direct credit payments to: Example Limited | Account Number: 00000000 | Sorting code: 00-00-00",
    "symbol": "£",
    "net": 1234.56,
    "tax": 100.00,
    "gross": 1334.56,
    "company": {
      "name": "Customer Limited",
      "address": {
        "line1": "1a Flat Towers",
        "line2": "Low High Street",
        "city": "Uptown",
        "postcode"     : "C0D P057"
    "items": [
        "quantity": 1,
        "description": "Provision of services relating to particulars",
        "unitPrice": 354.17,
        "taxPercent": 20,
        "net": 425
        "quantity": 1,
        "description": "Production of widgets conforming to specification J-21",
        "unitPrice": 354.17,
        "taxPercent": 20,
        "net": 425
    "keyValuePairs": [
        "key": "Tax Point",
        "value": "2019-09-02"
        "key": "Period",
        "value": "2019-08-01 to 2019-08-31"


To run the API as a Docker container, a single http endpoint needs to be exposed, for example to 3002 on the host machine:

docker run -p 3002:80 voquis/pdfapi

To run in detached mode, add -d before the image name.


The API uses the Laravel Lumen framework and makes use of voquis/pdflib, a library built on TCPDF.

Developing in Docker

First start a development container in detached mode and mount the source code as a volume:

docker run \
-d \
--name pdfapi_dev \
--hostname pdfapi_dev \
-v /local/path/to/source:/pdfapi \
-p 3000:80 \
-p 3001:9000 \
-w /pdfapi \

To use the current directory instead of specifying the full local path, use -v `pwd`:/pdfapi . If using docker for windows, change paths to //c/path/to/source://pdfapi. Then connect to the running container in interactive mode (-i) and to the TTY (-t). Note that if using git for Windows, the prefix winpty may be required. If using CentOS/RHEL or other SELinux enabled distros, use :Z (exclusive access to this container) or :z (shared with other containers) at the end of the volume mounts to set appropriate permissions, i.e. -v /local/path/to/source:/pdfapi:Z. See this StackOverflow question/answer for further details.

docker exec -it pdfapi_dev bash

To disconnect and leave a container running use Ctrl+P then Ctrl+Q.

Install and enable dependencies

Note that the base Docker PHP image has a utility docker-php-ext-install for installing and enabling PHP extensions. The gd extension is used for parsing image logos in the header. The xsl extension is used during tests and is not required for production (see Dockerfile for production optimisation).

apt-get update
apt-get install -y libpng-dev vim git unzip libxslt1-dev
docker-php-ext-install gd xsl

Install tools

Install Xdebug and add config file. The xdebug extension is required for producing unit test coverage reports. The xdebug.remote_enable and xdebug.remote_autostart options are only required if remote debugging will be used (port 9000).

pecl install xdebug
echo "zend_extension=xdebug.so
xdebug.remote_autostart=1" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini

Increase memory limit

Static code analysis (phpstan) may hit default PHP memory limits, to increase this, run the following. Note that this creates a new ini config file.

echo "memory_limit=512M" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/memory.ini

Install and run composer

Acquire the latest version of composer with curl and output (-o) to system-wide binary path, following any redirects (-L). Update permissions to allow executing (+x). Instruct composer to check out from git with --prefer-source, this will allow development of any vendor libraries if required.

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/composer https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer
composer install --prefer-source

Configure writeable directories

Give apache permission to write to storage and sub-directories.

chown -R www-data storage

Configure Apache

Enable the rewrite apache2 module, then update the configs to change from default webroot directory to location of project files in mounted volume (/pdflib).

a2enmod rewrite
sed -ri -e 's!/var/www/html!/pdfapi/public!g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/*.conf
sed -ri -e 's!/var/www/!/pdfapi!g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/*.conf
service apache2 restart

Note that restarting apache2 will terminate the container so will need to run docker container start pdfapi_dev and then reconnect.


Contributions are welcome in the form of issue reporting and pull-requests, please fork the repository with any proposed changes. Please ensure 100% unit test code coverage is maintained and that tests are run locally with composer test before pushing your changes. To generate unit test coverage report, run composer phpunit-html. These commands are defined in composer.json under scripts.