
A bundle for Symfony2/3 that simplifies retrieving settings from config files and Doctrine entities

1.1.2 2017-04-15 12:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 23:51:55 UTC


This is a simple bundle that aims to simplify the process of getting Symfony project settings from different places. Currently it supports two sources of settings: a config file or an entity under control of Doctrine. Note that this bundle requires Doctrine to work.


The only thing you need to do prior to using this bundle is to define the entity. If you will always be using parameter-based settings, you can skip this completely.

To create an entity supported by this bundle, you need to create a Doctrine entity class that would implement VKR\SettingsBundle\Interfaces\SettingsEntityInterface and define two of its methods, getName() and getValue(), both of those must return strings.

Then, you need to create a parameter called settings_entity in your config file, it must contain the fully qualified name of your entity, e.g.

settings_entity: 'AppBundle\Entity\Settings'

Please note that the following entry will NOT work:

settings_entity: 'AppBundle:Settings'

That's it.


First, create a SettingsRetriever service object. Then, use its get() method with your setting name as an argument. The script will first try to get a parameter with that key from your config file. If there is none, it will try to find a DB record with name parameter equal to get() method's argument and then use getValue() on it. Otherwise, it will through a VKR\SettingsBundle\Exception\SettingNotFoundException.

Example (should be run from a controller):

$settingsRetriever = $this->get('vkr_settings.settings_retriever');
try {
    $mySetting = $settingsRetriever->get('my_setting');
} catch (VKR\SettingsBundle\Exception\SettingNotFoundException $e) {
    // do something


void SettingsRetriever::__construct(Container $container, EntityManager $em)

Container and entity manager should be injected if initialized manually

string SettingsRetriever::get(string $settingName, bool $suppressErrors=false)

If the second argument is set to true, the method will return false if the setting is not found instead of throwing an exception.

string[] SettingsRetriever::getAllFromDB()

Will try to retrieve all objects from the settings entity as a key-value array. If the entity is not set, will return empty array. This method will ignore all parameters-based settings.