
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the vitexsoftware/abraflexi-bricks package instead.

php-abraflexi extending classes and widgets

1.3.1 2025-02-27 23:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 23:28:07 UTC


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Examples of how to use the php-abraflexi Library for AbraFlexi with EasePHP Framework widgets

Examples of using the php-abraflexi library for AbraFlexi


composer require vitexsoftware/abraflexi-bricks

How to run?

  1. composer install
  2. cd src
  3. modify config.php to use custom AbraFlexi connection
  4. open the project URL in the browser

What do we have here?

So far, a few practical examples intended for use in your applications - hence the name bricks/cihličky

Classes in php-abraflexi/Bricks/:

File Description
Convertor.php Document converter
Customer.php Customer
GdprLog.php GDPR Logger with support for AbraFlexi
GateKeeper.php Checks if the user's company matches the document's company
PotvrzeniUhrady.php Class confirming received payment
ParovacFaktur.php Invoice matcher

Classes in php-abraflexi/Bricks/ui:

File Description
CompanyLogo.php Company Logo
DocumentLink.php Link to the document in the AbraFlexi web interface
AbraFlexiLogo.php AbraFlexi Logo
EmbedResponsiveHTML.php Class for displaying HTML document on the page
EmbedResponsivePDF.php Class for displaying PDF document on the page
RecordTypeSelect.php Dropdown for selecting document type
RecordChooser.php Dropdown for selecting record based on Selectize.js

Examples in the Examples folder

Company Logo: companylogo.php


Address Editor: addresseditor.php


Invoice listing on the page: invoices.php


Embedding PDF on the page: embed.php


Retrieving document from AbraFlexi and sending it to the browser: getpdf.php

Form for entering AbraFlexi login details and displaying whether the connection was successful: statussignin.php

Connection Test

Custom button installer buttonInstaller

Custom Button Installer

  • these moved originally from src
File Description
common.php shared general functions
ConnectionInfo.php Connection check to AbraFlexi server
ConvertIncomeToZdd.php Converts bank income to ZDD and creates a link
gethtml.php Returns HTML version of the document
LogResults.php Logs request results
XSLTimporter.php Imports XML via XSLT transformation
config.php Example configuration file
CurrencyExchange.php Functions for currency exchange in a record
getpdf.php Returns PDF version of the document
parse-cmdline.php Command line parameter parser
RegisterAddress.php Example of using the registration form
UpomenNeplatice.php Sends reminders to debtors
webhook.php Endpoint for receiving WebHooks


For Linux, .deb packages are available. Please use the repo:

sudo apt install lsb-release wget apt-transport-https bzip2

wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/vitexsoftware.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/vitexsoftware.gpg]  $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vitexsoftware.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php-vitexsoftware-abraflexi-bricks