
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the spryker/project-architecture-sniffer package instead.

Spryker Project Architecture Sniffer

dev-main 2024-01-09 18:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-10 16:34:59 UTC


Minimum PHP Version License

Architecture Sniffer for Spryker projects. Over 80 rules adapted for Spryker Project.

Priority Levels

  • 1: Сritical (stop it)

  • 2: Major (it is not a Spryker project)

  • 3: Medium (better to have)

  • 4: Minor (nice to have)

  • 5: Spryker Core (code matches Spryker Architecture Rules and even more)

We recommend minimum priority 3 by default for local and CI checks.

Note: Lower priorities (higher numbers) always include the higher priorities (lower numbers).


  • 36 adapted PHPMD rules
  • 38 adapted Spryker Architecture sniffer rules
  • 10 new Project level rules


Make sure you include the sniffer as require-dev dependency:

composer require --dev vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer:dev-main

Spryker Usage

namespace Pyz\Zed\Development;

class DevelopmentConfig extends \Spryker\Zed\Development\DevelopmentConfig
    public function getArchitectureSnifferRuleset(): string

        return $vendorDir . 'vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer/src/ruleset.xml';

When using Spryker you can use the Spryker CLI console command for it:

console code:sniff:architecture [-m ModuleName] [optional-sub-path] -v [-p priority]

Verbose output is recommended here.

Manual Usage

You can also manually run the Project Architecture Sniffer from console by using:

vendor/bin/phpmd src/Pyz/ (xml|text|html) vendor/vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer/src/ruleset.xml --minimumpriority 2

Local Code Review Usage

vendor/bin/phpmd src json vendor/vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer/src/ruleset.xml --minimumpriority 4 --reportfile results.json

cp vendor/vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer/tools/script.php script.php

php script.php


docker/sdk cli -x

PHPMD_ALLOW_XDEBUG=true vendor/bin/phpmd src/Pyz/ (xml|text|html) vendor/vitaliiivanovspryker/project-architecture-sniffer/src/ruleset.xml --minimumpriority 2

Roadmap (expected rules)

feel free to suggest

Writing new sniffs

Add them to inside src/Project folder with the same folder structure.

Don't forget to update ruleset.xml.

Every sniff needs to implement either the ClassAware, FunctionAware, InterfaceAware, or MethodAware interface to be recognised.



composer install


no testing at this moment

Running code-sniffer on this project

Make sure this repository is Spryker coding standard conform:

composer cs-check

If you want to fix the fixable errors, use

composer cs-fix

If you want to run phpstan

composer stan

Once everything is green you can make a PR with your changes.