Packages from vespula

  • vespula/auth

    A library for authentication against various adapters

  • vespula/event

    Very simple event handler.

  • vespula/form

    A simple form class and builder for creating HTML form elements

  • vespula/ldap

    A class for searching for entries in Active Directory/LDAP servers. There is no create or update functionality

  • PHP


    A simple class for displaying localized strings

  • vespula/log

    A PSR-3 Log Implementation. Simple and flexible. Can use multiple adapters.

  • vespula/notifier

    A simple notification library to send notifications to various adapters such as email, mattermost.

  • vespula/paginator

    A package that creates simple pagination links. No reliance on ORMs or arrays. Has a generic, bootstrap, and foundation adapters.

  • vespula/plates-extensions

    A few simple plates extensions that I use. Probably not useful for others at this time.

  • vespula/simple-cache

    A PSR-16 implementation for very simple caching. Nothing fancy. Just dead-simple caching. Adapters include None, Sql (via PDO), Memcached, and File.

  • vespula/slim-cli

    A cli for creating vespula-flavoured slim projects. To be used with vespula/slim-mvc.

  • vespula/slim-mvc

    A Starting point for creating Slim Framework v4 mvc applications.

  • vespula/spot-tools

    A library for generating SpotORM entities from existing database tables.

  • vespula/user

    A simple user class for working with Laminas Permissions ACL. It extends the Laminas\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface.

  • vespula/slim-skeleton

    A Starting point for creating Slim Framework v3 applications.

    Abandoned! See vespula/slim-mvc