
CMS module with administration

dev-master / 2.1.x-dev 2014-09-06 13:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 03:40:41 UTC


Venne:CMS based on Venne:FRAMEWORK

Build Status



The best way to install Venne:CMS is create new project using Composer:

composer create-project venne/sandbox:2.0.x-dev myApp && cd myApp
composer require venne/cms-module:2.1.x [--prefer-dist]
php www/index.php venne:module:update
php www/index.php venne:module:install cms [--noconfirm]


Installation by composer

composer require [name:version]

Manual installation

Module can be installed manualy. Download archive from GitHub and unpack it into /vendor/venne.


php www/index.php venne:module:list                   # List modules
php www/index.php venne:module:update                 # Update local database of modules
php www/index.php venne:module:install <name>         # Install module
php www/index.php venne:module:uninstall <name>       # Uninstall module
php www/index.php venne:module:upgrade <name>         # Upgrade module

Example of module installation

composer require venne/sample-module:2.0.x [--prefer-dist]      # Download module
php www/index.php venne:module:update                           # Update local database of modules
php www/index.php venne:module:install sample                   # Install module