
PHP Wrapper for Carrot Quest API

v2.0.0 2016-09-05 18:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 15:00:00 UTC


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An extended native php wrapper for Carrot Quest API without requirements. Supports all methods and types of responses.

##Install The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require  veksa/carrot-api "~1.0"

or add

"veksa/carrot-api": "~1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


API Wrapper

$carrot = new \Veksa\Carrot\Api('YOUR_APP_ID', 'YOUR_CARROT_API_TOKEN');



Get the users who are currently online on the status of "online".


Get count of users (leads). User if the lead is considered to be, if known contacts about it: name, email, phone, User ID, or it was at least one dialogue.


Get all users (leads). User if the lead is considered to be, if known contacts about it: name, email, phone, User ID, or it was at least one dialogue.

filters array: array of filters, examples:

prop string: property for sort. Default: $last_seen

order string: sort order. Default: desc

limit int: limit show users. Default: 20

offset int: start from. Default: 0


Get all the dialogues of application.

id int: user ID.

limit int: limit show dialogues. Default: 20

offset int: start from. Default: 0

closed bool|null: true - open dialogues, false - closed dialogues, null - all dialogues

assigned int|null: Id of Admin that dialogues is assign, or null

tags array: array of tags


Get information about the specific dialog.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options


Get messages in a specific dialog.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

limit int: limit show users. Default: 20

offset int: start from. Default: 0


Send messages to a specific dialog.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

message string: text of message. Required options

type string: type of message. Default: note

botName string: name of bot. Default: Bot

fromUser bool: true - message from user

fromAdmin int: Id of Admin or default_admin to send message from admin

randomId int: random Id of message, for control delivery. Default: 0

autoAssign int: Id of Admin than auto assign to him

autoAssignRandomId int: random Id of message, for control assign delivery. Default: 0


Mark all messages as read in the dialogue (by the user on the site).

id int: dialogue ID. Required options


Set typing message in conversation.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

message string: message.

botName string: set typing botName

fromUser bool: set typing from user

fromAdmin int: set typing from admin


Assign a specific dialogue defined by the administrator (or removes the assignment).

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

adminId int|null: admin ID or null to remove assignment.

fromAdminId int|null: admin ID from assignment

botName string: bot name from assignment. Default: Bot

randomId int: number for control assignment


Add tag to dialogue.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

tag string: tag.

fromAdminId int|null: admin ID from assignment

botName string: bot name from assignment. Default: Bot

randomId int: number for control assignment


Delete tag from dialogue.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

tag string: tag.

fromAdminId int|null: admin ID from assignment

botName string: bot name from assignment. Default: Bot

randomId int: number for control assignment


Close the conversation.

id int: dialogue ID. Required options

fromAdminId int|null: admin ID from assignment

botName string: bot name from assignment. Default: Bot

randomId int: number for control assignment


Get user by ID.

id int: user ID. Required options

isSystem bool: system or local ID. Default is system


Add or Update user props.

id int: user ID. Required options

props array: array of props. Required options

isSystem bool: is system ID?


Delete user props.

id int: user ID. Required options

props array: array of props. Required options

isSystem bool: is system ID?


Set user status.

id int: user ID. Required options

presence string: user status. Required options

sessionId string: session ID Required options


Send messages to a specific user.

id int: user ID. Required options

message string: text of message. Required options

type string: is note or message. Default: popup_chat


Start conversation with user.

id int: user ID. Required options

message string: text of message. Required options


Tracking events, which is performed by the user.

id int: user ID. Required options

eventName string: name of event. Required options

additionalParams array: additional params


Receive events that the user makes a chronologically.

id int: user ID. Required options

eventName string: name of event to filter.

limit int: limit show users. Default: 20

offset int: start from. Default: 0

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.