
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the see rtheunissen/guzzle-log-middleware package instead.

Guzzle middleware to log requests and responses

v0.4.0 2015-06-16 06:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:51:18 UTC


Author License Latest Version Build Status Scrutinizer Scrutinizer Coverage


composer require vbukreyev/guzzle-log-middleware


use Concat\Http\Middleware\Logger;


You can use either a PSR-3 logger (such as Monolog) or a callable that accepts a log level, message, and context as an array.

$logger = new myLogger(); // should implements Psr\Log\LoggerInterface 
$middleware = new Logger($logger);
$middleware->setFormatter(new \GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatter(myLogger::MY_FORMAT));

$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
  'handler' => $stack,


class myLogger  extends \Psr\Log\AbstractLogger {

  const MY_FORMAT = "{hostname} {req_header_User-Agent} - [{date_common_log}] \"{method} {target} HTTP/{version}\" {code} {res_header_Content-Length} :: {req_body}";

  public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) {

    file_put_contents('/tmp/my-logger.log', $message . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);




$middleware = new Logger(function ($level, $message, array $context) {
    // Log the message

Log level

You can set a log level as a string or a callable that accepts a response. If the response is not set, it can be assumed that it's a request-only log, or that the request has been rejected. If the log level is not set, the default log level will be used which is LogLevel::NOTICE for status codes >= 400, or LogLevel::INFO otherwise.

use Psr\Log\LogLevel;



$middleware->setLogLevel(function ($response) {
    // Return log level


You can set a message formatter as a MessageFormatter or a callable that accepts a request, response, as well as a reason when a request has been rejected.



$middleware->setFormatter(function ($request, $response, $reason) {
    // Return log message


$middleware = new Logger($logger, $formatter);

Request logging

A request will only be logged when its response is received. You can enable request logging by using $middleware->setRequestLoggingEnabled(true), which will log a request when it is requested, as well as its response when it is received. Any $response references will be null in the case where only the request exists.


This package is designed to function as Guzzle 6 Middleware.