
An ORM implementation

7.3.0 2018-05-25 11:23 UTC


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A orm abstraction with support for various drivers.


Via Composer

$ composer require vakata/orm


// first you need a database instance
$db = new \vakata\database\DB('mysql://root@');

// then you can create the manager object
$manager = new \vakata\orm\Manager($db);

// assuming there is a book table with a name column
foreach ($manager->book() as $book) {
    echo $book->name . "\n";
// you could of course filter and order
foreach ($manager->book()->filter('year', 2016)->sort('name') as $book) {
    // iterate over the books from 2016

// if using mySQL foreign keys are automatically detected
// for example if there is an author table and the book table references it
foreach ($manager->book() as $book) {
    echo $book->author->name . "\n";

// you can solve the n+1 queries problem like this
foreach ($manager->fromQuery($db->book()->with('author')) as $book) {
    echo $book->author->name . "\n";

// provided there is a linking table book_tag and a tag table and each book has many tags you can do this
foreach ($manager->book()->with('author') as $book) {
    echo $book->tag[0]->name . "\n"; // the name of the first tag which the current book has

// which means you can do something like this
echo $manager->book()[0]->author->book[0]->tag[0]->book[0]->author->name;

// as for removing objects
$authors = $manager->author();
$author = $authors[0];

// you can also create new objects
$book = new \StdClass();
$book->name = 'Test';

// you can also use your own classes
// just make sure you provide getters and setters for all table columns and relations
class Author
    protected $data = [];
    public function __get($key) { return $this->data[$key] ?? null; }
    public function __set($key, $value) { $this->data[$key] = $value; }
$manager->registerGenericMapperWithClassName('author', Author::class); // you can also add custom mappers (check the docs)
$author = $manager->author()[0]; // this is an Author instance

// as for changing objects
// one way is to do it manually
$authors = $manager->author();
$author = $authors[0];
$author->name = "Test";

// or use the unit of work manager and have all changes automatically saved
$manager = new \vakata\orm\UnitOfWorkManager($db, new \vakata\orm\UnitOfWork($db));
$book = new Book();
$book->name = "Book name";
$book->author = $manager->author()->find(1);
$tag = new Tag('tag');
$book->tags = $tag;
$book->author->name = "Changed name";
// all you need to do is call this line

Read more in the API docs


$ composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.