
This provision category contains common functions used in domain name provisioning flows with various registries and registrar/reseller platforms.

v2.12.3 2024-06-24 11:07 UTC


Upmind Provision Providers - Domain Names

Latest Version on Packagist

This provision category contains common functions used in domain name provisioning flows with various registries and registrar/reseller platforms.


composer require upmind/provision-provider-domain-names


This library makes use of upmind/provision-provider-base primitives which we suggest you familiarize yourself with by reading the usage section in the README.


The easiest way to see this provision category in action and to develop/test changes is to install it in upmind/provision-workbench.

Alternatively you can start using it for your business immediately with Upmind.com - the ultimate web hosting billing and management solution.

If you wish to develop a new Provider, please refer to the WORKFLOW guide.

Supported Providers

The following providers are currently implemented:


Function Parameters Return Data Description
poll() PollParams PollResult Poll for the latest relevant domain event notifications e.g., successful transfer-in, domain deletion etc
domainAvailabilityCheck() DacParams DacResult Check the availability of a domain SLD across one or more TLDs
register() RegisterDomainParams DomainResult Register a new domain name
transfer() TransferParams DomainResult Initiate and/or check a domain name transfer, returning successfully if transfer is complete
renew() RenewParams DomainResult Renew a domain name for a given number of years
getInfo() DomainInfoParams DomainResult Get information about a domain name including status, expiry date, nameservers, contacts etc
updateRegistrantContact() UpdateDomainContactParams ContactResult Update the registrant contact details of a domain name
updateNameservers() UpdateNameserversParams NameserversResult Update a domain's nameservers
setLock() LockParams DomainResult Lock or unlock a domain name for transfers and changes
setAutoRenew() AutoRenewParams DomainResult Toggle registry auto-renewal for a domain name
getEppCode() EppParams EppCodeResult Get the EPP/Auth code of a domain name
updateIpsTag() IpsTagParams ResultData Release a domain name to a new IPS tag (UK-only)


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). Please see License File for more information.


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