upmind / enhance-sdk
Enhance.com PHP SDK automatically generated from the Enhance OpenAPI spec using OpenAPI Generator
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0
Enhance.com PHP SDK automatically generated from the Enhance OpenAPI spec using OpenAPI Generator v7.11.0.
This package's versioning corresponds to the version of the Enhance orchd OpenAPI spec used to generate the SDK.
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.
To install the package via Composer, run the following install command:
composer require upmind/enhance-sdk
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/upmind/enhance-sdk/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); $apiInstance = new Upmind\EnhanceSdk\Api\AppsApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $org_id = 'org_id_example'; // string | The id of the organization. $website_id = 'website_id_example'; // string | The id of the website. $new_website_app = new \Upmind\EnhanceSdk\Model\NewWebsiteApp(); // \Upmind\EnhanceSdk\Model\NewWebsiteApp try { $result = $apiInstance->createWebsiteApp($org_id, $website_id, $new_website_app); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AppsApi->createWebsiteApp: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
- AcceptInviteBody
- ActivitiesListing
- Activity
- ActivityAccessTokenEntity
- ActivityContext
- ActivityContextActor
- ActivityDomainEntity
- ActivityDomainEntityContent
- ActivityDomainEntityContentDetail
- ActivityDomainEntityDetail
- ActivityErrorEntity
- ActivityErrorEntityContent
- ActivityKind
- ActivityLoginEntity
- ActivityLoginEntityContent
- ActivityLoginEntityContentDetail
- ActivityLoginEntityDetail
- ActivityObject
- ActivityObjectEntity
- ActivityObjectOneOf
- ActivityOrgEntity
- ActivityOrgEntityContent
- ActivityOrgEntityContentDetail
- ActivityOrgEntityDetail
- ActivityServerEntity
- ActivityServerEntityContent
- ActivityServerEntityContentDetail
- ActivityServerEntityDetail
- ActivityWebsiteEntity
- ActivityWebsiteEntityContent
- ActivityWebsiteEntityContentDetail
- ActivityWebsiteEntityDetail
- Allowance
- ApplicationRoleInfo
- AuthNs
- AuthNsResponse
- AuthNsResponseNs
- Autoresponder
- Backup
- BackupAction
- BackupDetailed
- BackupKind
- BackupOptions
- BackupRemoteStorageS3
- BackupRestoreOptions
- BackupRoleInfo
- BackupStatus
- BackupStorageKind
- BackupsFullListing
- Blocked
- Branding
- CPLocale
- CanUse
- CanonicalRedirect
- CgroupLimits
- ChangeSubscriptionParams
- ChangeSubscriptionParamsSubscriptionId
- CloneStatus
- CloudFlareApiKey
- CloudFlareNameServers
- CloudFlareStatus
- ControlRoleInfo
- CoreServiceInfo
- CreateBackupRemoteStorageS3
- CrontabFullListing
- CrontabValue
- CrontabValueCmd
- CrontabValueCmdCronCmd
- CrontabValueVariable
- CrontabValueVariableVariable
- CustomersListing
- DaemonKind
- DatabaseRoleInfo
- DedicatedSubscriptionInfo
- DefaultDnsRecord
- DeleteWebsiteDomainVhostRequest
- DemoMode
- DeviceKind
- Disk
- DnsQueryOutcome
- DnsRecord
- DnsRecordKind
- DnsRoleInfo
- DnsSoa
- DnsStatus
- DnsThirdPartyProvider
- DnsZone
- DockerRegistry
- Domain
- DomainInUseStatus
- DomainIp
- DomainMapping
- DomainMappingKind
- DomainMappingUpdate
- DomainMappingsFullListing
- DomainSslCert
- DomainSslCertWithData
- DomainWithUuid
- DomainsListing
- EmailAddress
- EmailAuth
- EmailAuthUpdate
- EmailAuthValidation
- EmailDetailed
- EmailForwardersUpdate
- EmailPasswordUpdate
- EmailPublicIp
- EmailRoleInfo
- EmailServerHostnameOverride
- EmailStatus
- EmailsListing
- ForwardersFullListing
- FsQuotaInfo
- FsQuotaLimit
- FsQuotaStatus
- FtpUser
- FtpUserUpdate
- FtpUsersFullListing
- GetServerRole200Response
- GetWordpressAppVersion200Response
- HttpError
- HttpdStatus
- ImportKind
- ImportMigrationEntry
- ImportMigrationFullListing
- ImportMigrationLogEntry
- ImportServerDomain
- ImportServerDomainsFullListing
- ImportServerDomainsListing
- ImportServerSettings
- ImportServerSettingsFullListing
- ImporterAnalyzedData
- ImporterAnalyzedDataCrontabsInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataDomainsInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataFtpsInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataMailboxesInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataMysqlDatabasesInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataMysqlGrantsInner
- ImporterAnalyzedDataMysqlUsersInner
- ImporterMigrationReqBody
- IniSetting
- Install
- InstallCmd
- InstallWpPlugin
- InstallWpThemeRequest
- InstallableWebsiteApp
- InstallableWebsiteAppsFullListing
- InterfaceIp
- InviteValidation
- LetsEncryptPreflightResult
- LicenceInfo
- LicenceKey
- LicenceStatus
- LocalRemote
- LocalRemoteBody
- LogAction
- LogGreetingsMessageMetadata
- LogHttpMetadata
- LogKind
- LogLevel
- LogLevelLimit
- LogTimeMetadata
- Login
- Login2FA
- Login2FARememberMe
- LoginCreds
- LoginInfo
- LoginMembership
- LoginMemberships
- LoginsListing
- MaintenanceMode
- MaintenanceModeStatus
- Member
- MembersListing
- MetricsEntry
- MigrationCreationOutcome
- MigrationDetails
- MigrationLog
- MigrationSessionCreationError
- MigrationSessionCreationOk
- MigrationSessionDetails
- MigrationSessionsListing
- MigrationStatus
- MigrationsListing
- ModSecStatus
- ModelUnset
- MySQLAuthPlugin
- MySQLDBsFullListing
- MySQLDBsListing
- MySQLUser
- MySQLUserAccessHosts
- MySQLUserGrants
- MySQLUserUpdate
- MySQLUsersFullListing
- MysqlInfo
- MysqlKind
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkStatus
- NewAccessToken
- NewAccessTokenResponse
- NewAutoresponder
- NewBackupRole
- NewCloudFlareToken
- NewCustomer
- NewDefaultDnsRecord
- NewDnsRecord
- NewDnsThirdPartyProvider
- NewDomain
- NewEmail
- NewFtpUser
- NewImportServerSettings
- NewInvite
- NewMappedDomain
- NewMember
- NewMigrationDetails
- NewMySQLUser
- NewPassword
- NewPlan
- NewPrimaryDomainMapping
- NewResourceId
- NewResourceUuid
- NewServerGroup
- NewServerIp
- NewSshKey
- NewSshKeyId
- NewSslCert
- NewSubscription
- NewTag
- NewUiPreferences
- NewWebsite
- NewWebsiteApp
- NewWpUser
- OperationStatus
- OrchdLogSettings
- OrchdLoginPolicyEmailList
- OrchdLoginPolicyIpList
- OrchdLoginPolicySettings
- Org
- OrgAccessToken
- OrgOwnerUpdate
- OrgUpdate
- OrgUpdateSlackNotificationWebhookUrl
- OutboundSpamScanningSettings
- Outcome
- OwaspVersion
- PhpIni
- PhpVersion
- Plan
- PlanType
- PlansListing
- ProcessInfo
- Quota
- Recursion
- RemoteStoragePurpose
- RequireIpsRule
- RequireIpsRuleKind
- ResendPin
- Resource
- ResourceCheckConflict
- ResourceCheckConflictKind
- ResourceCheckError
- ResourceCheckManagerError
- ResourceCheckManagerErrorKind
- ResourceCountByInterval
- ResourceName
- RestoreDetailed
- RewriteChain
- RewriteChainCondsInner
- RewriteChainFullListing
- RewriteChainRule
- Role
- RoleInstallationState
- RoleInstalledStatusSummary
- RoleState
- RoleSummary
- RolesInfo
- RolesSummary
- ScreenshotConfig
- ScreenshotConfigUpdate
- Selection
- ServerConf
- ServerDiskUsage
- ServerGroup
- ServerGroupUpdate
- ServerGroups
- ServerHostnameWebsite
- ServerInfo
- ServerInfoBrief
- ServerIowait
- ServerIp
- ServerLoad
- ServerMemoryUsage
- ServerMigrationSettingsAuthType
- ServerNetworkInterfaces
- ServerNetworkStats
- ServerRole
- ServerRoleState
- ServerSniMapping
- ServerSniMappingBody
- ServerStatEntry
- ServerStatsFullListing
- ServerStatus
- ServerStatusAction
- ServerStatusUpdate
- ServerUptime
- ServersListing
- ServiceInfo
- ServiceKind
- ServiceLog
- ServiceLogMetadata
- ServiceLogStatus
- ServiceLogsFullListing
- ServiceSettingValue
- ServiceStatusAction
- Session
- SessionResult
- SessionsFullListing
- SetCgroupLimits
- SetServerStatus
- SetServiceStatus
- SetWebserverKind
- Setting
- SettingKind
- SettingsFullListing
- SetupResult
- SiteAccessMember
- SlaveRegistration
- SmartHostSettings
- SmartHostSettingsCreds
- SmartHostSettingsHost
- SpaceUsage
- SpamThresholds
- SshKey
- SshKeyFullListing
- SshKeyUpdate
- SslCert
- StagingDomain
- Status
- Subscription
- SubscriptionDedicatedServer
- SubscriptionDedicatedServers
- SubscriptionDedicatedServersInfo
- SubscriptionsListing
- SystemPackage
- SystemPackageName
- Tag
- TagsFullListing
- TldNs
- TransferPleskDomainReqBody
- TransferUserAccountReqBody
- UiPreferences
- UiPreferencesViewKind
- UnixTimestamp
- UpdateApplicationRole
- UpdateAutoresponder
- UpdateBackupRemoteStorageS3
- UpdateBackupRole
- UpdateCloudFlareApiKey
- UpdateCrontabFullListing
- UpdateCrontabValue
- UpdateCrontabValueCmd
- UpdateCrontabValueCmdCronCmd
- UpdateCrontabValueVariable
- UpdateCrontabValueVariableVariable
- UpdateDatabaseRole
- UpdateDefaultDnsRecord
- UpdateDnsRecord
- UpdateDnsRole
- UpdateDnsZone
- UpdateEmail
- UpdateEmailRole
- UpdateImportServerSettings
- UpdateLogin
- UpdateLoginResult
- UpdateMember
- UpdatePlan
- UpdatePlanDefaultServerGroupId
- UpdateRewriteChain
- UpdateRewriteChainFullListing
- UpdateServerRoleRequest
- UpdateSettingRequest
- UpdateSubscription
- UpdateUiPreferences
- UpdateWebsite
- UpdateWebsiteSubscriptionId
- UpdateWpPlugin
- UpdateWpSettings
- UpdateWpUser
- UpgradableSystemPackage
- UsedResource
- UsedResourcesFullListing
- UuidListing
- ValidatedPasswordRecovery
- ValidationResult
- Vhost
- VhostWebserverKind
- WPAutoUpdateCore
- WPPluginAutoUpdateStatus
- WPPluginStatus
- WPPluginUpdateAvailable
- WPThemeAutoUpdateStatus
- WebServerRewrite
- WebserverKind
- Website
- WebsiteAndDomainUuid
- WebsiteApp
- WebsiteAppKind
- WebsiteAppsFullListing
- WebsiteCloneEnumStatus
- WebsiteCloneFullListing
- WebsiteCloneLogEntry
- WebsiteCloneNewWebsite
- WebsiteCloneRequest
- WebsiteCloneResponse
- WebsiteCloneStatus
- WebsiteDomain
- WebsiteKind
- WebsiteLog
- WebsiteLogMetadata
- WebsiteLogStatus
- WebsiteLogsFullListing
- WebsiteMetricsFullListing
- WebsiteOperation
- WebsiteOperationValidation
- WebsitePhpSettings
- WebsiteServerDomains
- WebsiteStatus
- WebsitesListing
- WordpressConfig
- WpDebug
- WpDebugDisplay
- WpDebugLog
- WpInstallation
- WpLatestVersion
- WpPlugin
- WpPluginsFullListing
- WpSettings
- WpTheme
- WpThemesFullListing
- WpUser
- WpUsersFullListing
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version corresponds to SDK package version
- Build package:
Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0). Please see License File for more information.
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