
configurable logger to log into redis queue for persistence or into stashed for debugging

v1.0.0 2019-06-20 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 21:26:13 UTC


中文用户请见 https://github.com/UniFreak/QLog/blob/master/README.cn.md

QLog wraps around Monolog package, and added some customized Handlers/Processors/Formatters, to provide these features:

  • Log records into stash zone (for latter output and debugging) or into redis queue, according to configs
  • Provide some pre-defined log channels and corresponding methods to log into specified channels
  • All records have additional fields, provide info about time consuming and memory usage. See Some Conceptions
  • Auto generate a session key for each record. See Some Conceptions
  • Tag records with _id identifiers
  • Search stashed records

For now, two main use case of QLog are:

  • Print stashed records in api response, for realtime debugging
  • Process redis queued records asynchronously, aggregate them into one place (like ES) for search or visualization


Simply run composer require unifreak/qlog


Some Concepts

QLog logs records as an array with a pre-defined structure, like this:

    "message" => "api call to api.example.com",
    "context" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "params" => [
            "id" => 12345,
            "name" => "John",
    "level" => 200,
    "level_name" => "INFO",
    "channel" => "app",
    "datetime" => "2019:03:28 18:53:19.587777",
    "time" => "15 ms",
    "time_total" => "15 ms",
    "session" => "15a1c8220475f41990cc389ad5f6b495",
    "mem" => "3 MB",
  • message: Log message

  • context: Log context

  • level & level_name

    Log level, supported levels are DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, ALERT, EMERGENCY. You can specify level by calling corresponding log methods. See Log

  • channel

    Log channel. Each log is in a specified channel, to indicate what application event this log maybe related to.

    QLog has several pre-defined channels:

    QLogger::CHANNEL_APP = 'app'; // Applicatoin
    QLogger::CHANNEL_SQL = 'sql'; // SQL
    QLogger::CHANNEL_API = 'api'; // Api call
    QLogger::CHANNEL_REQ = 'req'; // Request
    QLogger::CHANNEL_RESP = 'resp'; // Response

    You can log records into pre-defined channels or your own customized channels, by calling differenct in methods. See Specify Channels

  • datetime: Log date time

  • time / time_total / mem: Time consumed since last log / time consumed since first log / memory consumed

  • session:

    Log record's session key. This session key can be used to chain together logs in different requests which may cross several apps. Say a api call to applicatoin A A:api/a:

    A:api/a --> B:api/b --> C:api/c

    If all logs in A, B and C share the same session key, then we can search for the entire cross-app log chains.

    QLogger's session key is a randomized string. QLogger will read from QLOG_SESSION cookie to init the session key, if there is no QLOG_SESSION cookie, then it will generate a new one. After this, all log records will have the same session key.

    But NOTE THIS: you have to maitain the QLOG_SESSION cookie manually, to chain up records.

  • _id: id

    If we only have session key, this will be a problem: since session key is randomized, we don't know it before we searching the records chain, so how can we know this session key?

    Here comes id field.

    The default log records structure doesn't have _id fields, but you can specify multiple _id fields by calling idBy() methods. See Specify ID.

    id's main purpose, is to be searched firstly to locate one interested record, then use this record's session key to search the whole log records chain.


QLog's constructor requires two parameter: a \Predis\Client/\Reids instance, and a config array. Like this:

use Unifreak\QLog\QLogger;

$redis = new \Predis\Client(['host' => '', 'port' => 6379]);
$config = [
    'default_channel' => QLogger::CHANNEL_APP,
    'queue_name' => 'qlog:example.com',
    'size' => 3000,
    'log_to' => QLogger::LOG_REDIS,
$log = new QLogger($redis, $config);

Config options: $config

  • queue_name:

    Required, specify which redis queue for QLog to log into

  • default_channel:

    Specify default channel. Default to app

  • size: Maximum redis queue size. Default to 3000

  • log_to: Where the records are logged into. Support three values:

    • 0: Only log into stash zone
    • 1: The default value. Only log into redis queue
    • 2: Log into both stash and redis queue


You can log different level record by calling different log methods, passing in log message (required) and log context (optional):

$message = 'log message';
$context = ['some' => 'context'];

$log->info($message, $context);
$log->notice($message, $context);
$log->warn($message, $context);
$log->error($message, $context);
$log->critical($message, $context);
$log->alert($message, $context);
$log->emergency($message, $context);

Specify Channels

You can specify pre-defined channels by calling these methods:

$log->inApp()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: app
$log->inSql()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: sql
$log->inApi()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: api
$log->inReq()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: req
$log->inResp()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: resp

Also, you can specify a customized channel by calling in() method:

$log->in('custom_channel')->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: custom_channel

Specify ID

You can specify multiple id name/value pairs by calling idBy() method. NOTE: id name must end with _id.

$log->idBy('car_id', 123)->idBy('user_id', 321)->info($message, $context);

Then the record will have additional two id fields:

    'car_id' => 123,
    'user_id' => 321


  • If you call idBy() multiple times with the same name, the latter value will override the former
  • Id is sticky, this means that all logs afterwards will auto hold the specified id name/value.

Filter Stashed Logs

You can filter stashed logs by calling these methods:

$log->shift(); // get the first record
$log->pop(); // get the last record
$log->stashed(); // get all records
$log->stashed(function($record) { // filter for specific records
    // like: filter for records that have car_id and level greater than warning
    return !empty($record['car_id']) && $record['level'] > QLogger::WARN;
$log->clean(); // clear all records

NOTE: if QLog is configured not to log into stash zone (the log_to config option), then stash zone will be empty, hence all above methods will return a empty array

Laravel & Lumen

QLog provides a facade class and service provider class for laravel/lumen:

  • Facade: Unifreak\QLog\QLogFacade
  • Service provider: Unifreak\QLog\QLogServiceProvider

After registering facade and service provider, you can use QLog to access QLogger, like:

use QLog;

QLog::in('my_channel')->idBy('car_id', 123)->warning('somthing went wrong');

The QLogServiceProvider also enables auto logging sql queries and GuzzleHttp requests. You can use the following query parameters to control QLog's log bahaviors:

  1. qlog_debug:

    A none-zero value is equivalent to pass in qlog_autolog=2 and qlog_log_to=0, enable auto logging both GuzzleHttp request and sql queries, and only log into stash zone. see below

  2. qlog_autolog: control auto log behaviors

    • 1: Default. Auto log GuzzleHttp requests
    • 2: Auto log both GuzzleHttp requests and sql queries
  3. qlog_log_to: control log zone

    • 0: Only log into stash zone
    • 1: Only log into redis queue
    • 2: Log both into stash zone and redis queue

Register Facade and Service Provider

  1. Add a new config file config/qlog.php:
return [
    // Disable QLog:
    // - If disabled, all log methods call will simply be ignored
    // - But if there is `qlog_debug` query parameter present, QLog will be auto-enabled
    'disable' => false,
    // redis connection config
    'redis' => [
        'host'     => $redisHost,
        'port'     => $redisPort
    // qlog config
    'queue_name' => 'qlog:example.com',
    'size' => 2000,
  1. Add the following codes into bootstrap/app.php:
if (!class_exists('QLog')) {
    class_alias(Unifreak\QLog\QLogFacade::class, 'QLog');


NOTE: Make sure that service provider is registered after $app->withEloquent() , otherwise the sql queries auto logging feature will not function properly

See laravel/lumen official documentation for more infomation


  • Auto log exception in QLogServiceProvider
  • Auto send mails when record meet configured level