
SDK for undostres superapp.

2.0 2023-09-13 01:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 20:55:29 UTC


Composer account

The composer account used was carlos.miranda@undostres.com.mx, for troubleshooting please contact.

Composer installation

Composer is needed, if missing do:

php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"


If composer.json is present and has the package in the requirement list do:

composer install

Otherwise, use the require instruction to add or create a composer.json

composer require undostres-com-mx/superapp_sdk


To update this package, inside the composer.json folder do:

composer update


The use of composer requires the usage of require_once('/vendor/autoload.php');

Import the SDK using use UDT\SDK\SASDK;

Initialize the static class SASDK::init(hashKey, server);

On SASDK instance you can do:

  • encryptSDK($data) : (Input: Array of data, Output: String)

    • Encrypt string with 3des algorithm.
  • decryptSDK($data, $decode) : (Input: String, Output: String or object)

    • Decrypt string with 3des algorithm.
  • decryptUDT($data) : (Input: String, Output: String)

    • Decrypt string with UDT algorithm.
  • validateRequestHeaders($apiKey, $apiToken) : (Input: Data on received api headers, Output: Bool)

    • Check api/token to see if request is authentic.
  • formatMoney($money) : (Input: String or numeric, Output: Float with udt standards)

    • Gives the standard UDT format to money, decimal separated by dot, no comma.
  • createPayment($json) : (Input: Payment JSON (See Test.php), Output: Object)

    • Create an order and retrieve payment url.
  • cancelOrder($paymentId) : (Input: Payment id to cancel, Output: Object)

    • Cancel a pending order on UDT.
  • refundOrder($paymentId, $transactionId, $value) : (Input: Payment id, transaction id and value to refund, Output: Object)

    • Refund a paid order on UDT.

Key utils

Do the following on project root folder to use the key utilities:

  • Create hash key.
  • Read hash key (Given by UDT).
  • Read udt hash (User data encoded on url).
php .\Utils\KeyUtils.php

Local testing

To make test calls it's needed to have a ssl certificate, to do so download the certificate and update your php.ini with yout path like this:


The certificate can be downloaded here.

Do the following on project root folder to open the testing utilities:

php .\Utils\Test.php

Then you can make successful calls.

Keep in mind that to make a payment you need a return and callback api. If you don't add it to the request the payment is always going to fail.


  • Carlos Miranda
  • Adrian Garcia