ug-php / clean-architecture-core
PHP clean architecture core library
- php: >=8.2
- ramsey/uuid: ^4.7
Requires (Dev)
- beberlei/assert: ^3.3
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.7
- symfony/var-dumper: ^7.0
- symplify/easy-coding-standard: ^12.0
This documentation guides you through the utilization of the core library for implementing clean architecture in PHP. We'll explore the creation of custom application requests and use cases, paying special attention to handling missing and unauthorized fields.
Practical examples are provided using code snippets to showcase the library's usage in building a modular and clean PHP application.
Ensure that you have the following:
installed on your machine (version8.2.0 or higher
installed for dependency management.
To install the core library, run the following command in your project directory:
composer require ug-php/clean-architecture-core
Core Overview
Application Request
Request serve as input objects, encapsulating data from your HTTP controller. In the core library, use the \Urichy\Core\Request\Request
class as the foundation for creating custom application request objects.
Define the expected fields using the requestPossibleFields
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use Urichy\Core\Request\Request; use Urichy\Core\Request\RequestInterface; use Assert\Assert; final class PatientRecordRequest extends Request { protected static array $requestPossibleFields = [ 'patient_name' => true, // required parameter 'old' => true, // required parameter 'medical_history' => [ 'allergies' => false, // optional parameter 'current_medications' => true, // required nested parameter 'past_surgeries' => [ 'surgery_name' => true, // required nested parameter 'surgery_date' => true, // required nested parameter ], ], ]; protected static function applyConstraintsOnRequestFields(array $requestData): void { Assert::that($requestData['patient_name'], '[patient_name] must not be an empty string.')->notEmpty()->string(); Assert::that($requestData['old'], '[old] must be an integer.')->integer()->greaterThan(0); Assert::that($requestData['medical_history']['current_medications'], '[current_medications] must not be an empty string.')->notEmpty()->string(); Assert::that($requestData['medical_history']['past_surgeries']['surgery_name'], '[surgery_name] must not be an empty string.')->notEmpty()->string(); Assert::that($requestData['medical_history']['past_surgeries']['surgery_date'], '[surgery_date] must be a valid date.')->date(); // Optional field constraint if (isset($requestData['medical_history']['allergies'])) { Assert::that($requestData['medical_history']['allergies'], '[allergies] must be a string.')->string(); } } }
Handling unauthorized fields:
<?php declare(strict_types=1); try { PatientRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'patient_name' => 'Jane Doe', 'old' => 45, 'medical_history' => [ 'current_medications' => 'aspirin', 'past_surgeries' => [ 'surgery_name' => 'Appendectomy', 'surgery_date' => '2022-01-01', ], 'extra_field' => 'unexpected', ], ]); } catch (BadRequestContentException $exception) { // Handle unauthorized fields dd($exception->getErrors()); // ["medical_history.extra_field"] }
Handling missing fields:
<?php declare(strict_types=1); try { PatientRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'patient_name' => 'Jane Doe', 'medical_history' => [ 'current_medications' => 'aspirin', 'past_surgeries' => [ 'surgery_name' => 'Appendectomy', ], ], ]); } catch (BadRequestContentException $exception) { // Handle missing fields dd($exception->getErrors()); // ["old" => "required", "medical_history.past_surgeries.surgery_date" => "required"] }
When request successfully created.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); $request = PatientRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'patient_name' => 'Jane Doe', 'old' => 45, 'medical_history' => [ 'current_medications' => 'aspirin', 'past_surgeries' => [ 'surgery_name' => 'Appendectomy', 'surgery_date' => '2022-01-01', ], ], ]); dd($request->getRequestId()); // 6d326314-f527-483c-80df-7c157acdb95b dd([ 'patient_name' => $request->get('patient_name'), 'current_medications' => $request->get('medical_history.current_medications'), 'unknown' => $request->get('unknown', 'default_value'), ]); // ['patient_name' => 'Jane Doe', 'current_medications' => 'aspirin', 'unknown' => 'default_value'] dd($request->toArray()); /* [ 'patient_name' => 'Jane Doe', 'old' => 45, 'medical_history' => [ 'current_medications' => 'aspirin', 'past_surgeries' => [ 'surgery_name' => 'Appendectomy', 'surgery_date' => '2022-01-01', ], ], ]*/
Presenter handle the output logic of your use case. Extend \Urichy\Core\Presenter\Presenter
and implement \Urichy\Core\Presenter\PresenterInterface
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use Urichy\Core\Presenter\Presenter; use Urichy\Core\Presenter\PresenterInterface; use Urichy\Core\Response\ResponseInterface; final class ArrayResponsePresenter extends Presenter { public function getResponse(): array { return $this->response->output(); } }
Response encapsulate the data returned by use cases. They include status information, messages, and any relevant data. Use \Urichy\Core\Response\Response
to create use case responses.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use Urichy\Core\Response\Response; // success response $response = Response::create( success: true, statusCode: StatusCode::OK->value, message: 'success.response', data: [ 'user_id' => '6d326314-f527-483c-80df-7c157acdb95b', ] ) // or failed response $response = Response::create( success: false, statusCode: StatusCode::NOT_FOUND->value, message: 'failed.response', data: [ 'field' => 'value', ] ) dd($response->isSuccess()); // true or false dd($response->getStatusCode()); // 200 or 404 dd($response->getMessage()); // 'success.response' or 'failed.response' dd($response->getData()); // ['field' => 'value'] or ['user_id' => '6d326314-f527-483c-80df-7c157acdb95b'] dd($response->get('field')); // 'value' dd($response->get('unknown_field')); // null
Use Case
Use cases encapsulate business logic and orchestrate the flow of data between requests, entities, and presenters. Extend the \Urichy\Core\Usecase\Usecase
class and implement \Urichy\Core\Usecase\UsecaseInterface
with the execute
@see example below
When an exception is thrown during processing, you can use some method to handle the exception data.
How to create an exception ?
- Create an exception class that extends
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use Urichy\Core\Exception\Exception; final class BadRequestContentException extends Exception { } final class UserNotFoundException extends Exception { }
- Throw an exception when something has gone wrong and handling it.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use Urichy\Core\Exception\Exception; use Urichy\Core\Exception\BadRequestContentException; use Urichy\Core\Exception\UserNotFoundException; try { //... throw new BadRequestContentException([ 'message' => 'bad.request.content', 'details' => [ 'email' => [ '[email] field is required.', '[email] must be a valid email.', ] ] // array with error contexts ]); // or throw new UserNotFoundException([ 'message' => 'user.not.found', 'details' => [ 'error' => 'User with [ulrich] username not found.' ] // array with error contexts ]); } catch(ExceptionInterface $exception) { // for exception, some method are available dd($exception->getErrors()); // print details [ 'details' => [ 'email' => [ '[email] field is required.', '[email] must be a valid email.', ] ], ] // or [ 'details' => [ 'error' => 'User with [ulrich] username not found.', ], ] dd($exception->getDetails()); // print error details [ 'email' => [ '[email] field is required.', '[email] must be a valid email.', ] ] // or [ 'error' => 'User with [ulrich] username not found.', ], dd($exception->getMessage()) // 'error.message' dd($exception->getDetailsMessage()) // 'User with [ulrich] username not found.', only if 'error' key is defined in details. dd($exception->getErrorsForLog()) // print error with more context [ 'message' => $this->getMessage(), 'code' => $this->getCode(), 'errors' => $this->errors, 'file' => $this->getFile(), 'line' => $this->getLine(), 'previous' => $this->getPrevious(), 'trace_as_array' => $this->getTrace(), 'trace_as_string' => $this->getTraceAsString(), ] dd($exception->format()); [ 'status' => 'success' or 'error', 'error_code' => 400, 'message' => 'throw.error', 'details' => [ 'email' => [ '[email] field is required.', '[email] must be a valid email.', ], 'lastname' => [ '[lastname] field is required.', ] ], ] }
Example Usage
From Scratch (PHP Without a Framework)
Project Structure
├── src
│ ├── Controller
│ │ └── BookController.php
│ ├── Request
│ │ └── BookRecordRequest.php
│ ├── Presenter
│ │ └── JsonResponsePresenter.php
│ ├── UseCase
│ │ └── RegisterBookUsecase.php
│ └── Response
│ └── Response.php
├── public
│ └── index.php
└── composer.json
Code Examples
<?php declare(strict_types=1); require '../vendor/autoload.php'; use App\Controller\BookController; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $controller = new BookController(); $response = $controller->registerBook($request); $response->send();
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use App\Request\BookRecordRequest; use App\Presenter\JsonResponsePresenter; use App\UseCase\RegisterBookUsecase; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request as SymfonyRequest; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; final class BookController { public function registerBook(SymfonyRequest $request): JsonResponse { $bookRequest = BookRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'title' => $request->get('title'), 'publication' => [ 'date' => $request->get('published_date'), 'publisher' => $request->get('publisher'), ], 'isbn' => $request->get('isbn'), ]); // you can also use $request->toArray() (in createFromPayload method) to get request payload if POST request $presenter = new JsonResponsePresenter(); $useCase = new RegisterBookUsecase(); $useCase ->withRequest($bookRequest) ->withPresenter($presenter) ->execute(); return $presenter->getResponse(); } }
Using beberlei/assert
validation library
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Request; use Urichy\Core\Request\Request; use Urichy\Core\Request\RequestInterface; use Assert\Assert; // interface is optional. You can directly use the implementation interface BookRecordRequestInterface extends RequestInterface {} final class BookRecordRequest extends Request implements BookRecordRequestInterface { protected static array $requestPossibleFields = [ 'title' => true, // required parameters 'publication' => [ 'date' => true, 'publisher' => false, // optional parameters ], 'isbn' => true, ]; /** * @param array<string, mixed> $requestData * @return void */ protected static function applyConstraintsOnRequestFields(array $requestData): void { Assert::that($requestData['title'], '[title] must not be an empty string.')->notEmpty()->string(); Assert::that($requestData['publication']['date'], '[date] must be a valid date.')->date(); Assert::that($requestData['isbn'], '[isbn] must not be an empty string.')->notEmpty()->string(); if (isset($requestData['publication']['publisher'])) { Assert::that($requestData['publication']['publisher'], '[publisher] must be a string.')->string(); } } }
Using Symfony Validator
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Request; use Urichy\Core\Request\Request; use Urichy\Core\Request\RequestInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as SymfonyAssert; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface; // interface is optional. You can directly use the implementation interface BookRecordRequestInterface extends RequestInterface {} final class BookRecordRequest extends Request implements BookRecordRequestInterface { protected static array $requestPossibleFields = [ 'title' => true, 'publication' => [ 'date' => true, 'publisher' => false, ], 'isbn' => true, ]; /** * @param array<string, mixed> $requestData * @return void */ protected static function applyConstraintsOnRequestFields(array $requestData): void { $validator = Validation::createValidator(); $constraints = [ 'title' => [ new SymfonyAssert\NotBlank(message: '[title] cannot be blank'), new SymfonyAssert\Type(type: 'string', message: '[title] must be a string'), ], 'publication' => new SymfonyAssert\Collection([ 'date' => [ new SymfonyAssert\NotBlank(message: '[date] cannot be blank'), new SymfonyAssert\Date(message: '[date] must be a valid date'), ] ]), 'isbn' => [ new SymfonyAssert\NotBlank(message: '[isbn] cannot be blank'), new SymfonyAssert\Type(type: 'string', message: '[isbn] must be a string'), ], ]; if (isset($requestData['publication']['publisher'])) { $constraints['publication']['publisher'] = [ new SymfonyAssert\Type(type: 'string', message: '[publisher] must be a string'), ]; } $violations = $validator->validate($requestData, new SymfonyAssert\Collection($constraints)); self::throwViolationsWhenErrors($violations); } private static function throwViolationsWhenErrors(ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations): void { $errors = []; foreach ($violations as $violation) { $propertyPath = $violation->getPropertyPath(); $errors[$propertyPath][] = $violation->getMessage(); } if (!empty($errors)) { $errors['message'] = 'invalid.request.field'; throw new BadRequestContentException($errors); } } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Presenter; use Urichy\Core\Presenter\Presenter; use Urichy\Core\Presenter\PresenterInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; final class JsonResponsePresenter extends Presenter implements PresenterInterface { public function getResponse(): JsonResponse { $responseData = $this->response->output(); return new JsonResponse($responseData, $responseData['code']); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Presenter; use Urichy\Core\Presenter\Presenter; use Urichy\Core\Presenter\PresenterInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; final class HtmlResponsePresenter extends Presenter implements PresenterInterface { public function getResponse(): Response { $responseData = $this->response->output(); $htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>{$responseData['message']}</h1><p>" . json_encode($responseData['data']) . "</p></body></html>"; return new Response($htmlContent, $responseData['code']); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\UseCase; use Urichy\Core\Usecase\Usecase; use Urichy\Core\Usecase\UsecaseInterface; use Urichy\Core\Response\Response; use Urichy\Core\Response\StatusCode; interface RegisterBookUsecaseInterface extends UsecaseInterface {} final class RegisterBookUsecase extends Usecase implements RegisterBookUsecaseInterface { public function __construct( // inject your dependencies here (always use dependencie interface, not implementation) private BookRepositoryInterface $bookRepository ) {} public function execute(): void { $requestData = $this->getRequestData(); $requestId = $this->getRequestId(); $book = [ 'title' => $this->getField('title'), 'author' => $this->getField('publication.publisher'), 'publication_date' => $this->getField(''), 'isbn' => $this->getField('isbn'), ]; // process your business logic here try { $this->bookRepository->save(Book::from($book)) } catch (PersistenceException $e) { // handle persistence exception here or log it or send failed response. } $this->presentResponse(Response::create( success: true, statusCode: StatusCode::OK->value, message: 'book.registered.successfully.', data: $book )); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Response; use Urichy\Core\Response\Response as LibResponse; use Urichy\Core\Response\StatusCode; abstract class Response extends LibResponse { public static function createSuccessResponse(array $data, StatusCode $statusCode, ?string $message = null): self { return new self(true, $statusCode->value, $message, $data); } public static function createFailedResponse(array $errors = [], StatusCode $statusCode, ?string $message = null): self { return new self(false, $statusCode->value, $message, $errors); } }
Example with Symfony
Project Structure
├── src
│ ├── Controller
│ │ └── BookController.php
│ ├── Request
│ │ └── BookRecordRequest.php
│ ├── Presenter
│ │ └── JsonResponsePresenter.php
| | └── HtmlResponsePresenter.php
│ ├── UseCase
│ │ └── RegisterBookUsecase.php
│ └── Response
│ └── Response.php
├── public
│ └── index.php
├── config
│ └── services.yaml
└── composer.json
Code Examples
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use App\Request\BookRecordRequest; use App\Presenter\JsonResponsePresenter; use App\Presenter\HtmlResponsePresenter; use App\UseCase\RegisterBookUsecase; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request as SymfonyRequest; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route; #[Route('/register-book', name: 'register_book', methods: 'POST')] final class BookController extends AbstractController { public function __construct( private readonly RegisterBookUsecase $registerBookUsecase ) {} public function __invoke(SymfonyRequest $request): JsonResponse { try { $bookRequest = BookRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'title' => $request->get('title'), 'author' => $request->get('author'), 'publication' => [ 'published_date' => $request->get('published_date'), 'publisher' => $request->get('publisher'), ], 'isbn' => $request->get('isbn'), ]); $presenter = $this-getPresenterAccordingToRequestContentType($request->getContentType()); $this->registerBookUsecase ->withRequest($bookRequest) ->withPresenter($presenter) ->execute(); $response = $presenter->getResponse()->output(); } catch (Exception $exception) { return $this->json($exception->format(), $exception->getCode()); } return $this->json($response, $response['code']); } // you can instanciate presenter according to the request context private function getPresenterAccordingToRequestContentType(string $contentType): PresenterInterface { switch ($contentType) { case 'text/html': return new HtmlResponsePresenter(); default: break; } return new JsonResponsePresenter(); } }
Example with Laravel
Project Structure
├── app
│ ├── Http
│ │ └── Controllers
│ │ └── BookController.php
│ ├── Requests
│ │ └── BookRecordRequest.php
│ ├── Presenters
│ │ └── JsonResponsePresenter.php
│ ├── UseCases
│ │ └── RegisterBookUsecase.php
│ └── Responses
│ └── Response.php
├── public
│ └── index.php
└── composer.json
Code Examples
With request and presenter
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Requests\BookRecordRequest; use App\Presenters\JsonResponsePresenter; use App\Presenters\HtmlResponsePresenter; use App\UseCases\RegisterBookUsecase; use Illuminate\Http\Request as LaravelRequest; use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse; final class BookController extends Controller { public function __construct( private readonly RegisterBookUsecase $registerBookUsecase ) {} public function __invoke(LaravelRequest $request): JsonResponse { try { $bookRequest = BookRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'title' => $request->input('title'), 'author' => $request->input('author'), 'publication' => [ 'published_date' => $request->input('published_date'), 'publisher' => $request->input('publisher'), ], 'isbn' => $request->input('isbn'), ]); $jsonPresenter = new JsonResponsePresenter(); $this ->registerBookUsecase ->withRequest($bookRequest) ->withPresenter($jsonPresenter) ->execute(); $response = $jsonPresenter->getResponse()->output(); } catch (Exception $exception) { return response()->json($exception->format(), $exception->getCode()); } return response()->json($response, $response['code']); } }
Without presenter, but with request.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Requests\BookRecordRequest; use App\UseCases\RegisterBookUsecase; use Illuminate\Http\Request as LaravelRequest; use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse; final class BookController extends Controller { public function __construct( private readonly RegisterBookUsecase $registerBookUsecase ) {} public function __invoke(LaravelRequest $request): JsonResponse { try { $bookRequest = BookRecordRequest::createFromPayload([ 'title' => $request->input('title'), 'author' => $request->input('author'), 'publication' => [ 'published_date' => $request->input('published_date'), 'publisher' => $request->input('publisher'), ], 'isbn' => $request->input('isbn'), ]); $this ->registerBookUsecase ->withRequest($bookRequest) ->execute(); } catch (Exception $exception) { return response()->json($exception->format(), $exception->getCode()); } return response()->json([]); } }
Without request and presenter
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Requests\BookRecordRequest; use App\UseCases\RegisterBookUsecase; use Illuminate\Http\Request as LaravelRequest; use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse; final class BookController extends Controller { public function __construct( private readonly RegisterBookUsecase $registerBookUsecase ) {} public function __invoke(): JsonResponse { try { $this ->registerBookUsecase ->execute(); } catch (Exception $exception) { return response()->json($exception->format(), $exception->getCode()); } return response()->json([]); } }
Unit Tests
Command to Run Unit Tests
$ make tests
Information on Copyright and MIT License
- Written and copyrighted ©2023-present by Ulrich Geraud AHOGLA.
- Clean architecture core is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license