typo3/cms-extbase dependents (381) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • t3graf/sis-base

    Sports information system for sports clubs to present team information, player profiles, upcoming matchdays, game results, competition or tournament tables, reports and statistics on the club website.

  • t3graf/smartverein

    This extension integrates a versatile club and association management system in TYPO3. It is modular so you can expand it according your needs. It based on Extbase & Fluid and uses the latest technologies from TYPO3 CMS.See the documentation for more information.

  • t3graf/t3cms-dev

    TYPO3 development package for T3graf media-agentur projects

  • t3graf/website-toolbox

    Versatile, universal and very flexibly customizable website toolbox. It offers a tool for choosing themes (templates) and allows automatic integration of a project sitepackage. It is modularly expandable. See the documentation for more information.

  • t3graf/wstb-easyconf

    Integrates Roman Büchler's EXT:easyconf into the Ext:website_toolbox. Provides a module to easily configure main aspects from a website.Once set up the module allows website owners without any TYPO3 knowledge toconfigure main aspects from the website.

  • t3graf/wstb-pagetree-icons

    Page tree modul for website toolbox

  • CSS


    t3kit project. A TYPO3 website starterkit.

  • CSS


    Starter point for t3kit project. t3kit and TYPO3 dependencies, folder structure, custom site configurations, local environment based on Docker, CI/CD configs

  • JavaScript


    Base Theme fot t3kit project

  • PHP


    T3monitoring service

  • PHP


    Adds Google's reCAPTCHA to EXT:form

  • PHP


    A calendar app

  • PHP


    Debugging extbase queries in TYPO3 6.2 up until 7.6


  • PHP


    Highly flexible AJAX rating based on extbase/fluid/jquery. Allows multiple ratings within one page. Could be used as a cObj by other extensions or included in every FLUID template using the viewhelper. Each ratingstep could be configured having a name - international localization included.

  • PHP


    Simple abo management for TYPO3