
Elasticsearch structured logging for Laravel

2.0.5 2021-11-14 16:13 UTC


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Structured logging for Laravel into Elasticsearch. Log your Requests and Jobs easily alongside key contextual information to elastic search indexes for easy searching and analysis.

Take a look at to see a to do list.


Via Composer

$ composer require twentysix22/laraveleslogs


Publish the provider in laravel:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Twentysix22\LaravelESLogs\LaravelESLogsServiceProvider"

Add the route middleware alias to the app/Http/Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [

'log' => \Twentysix22\LaravelESLogs\Services\Logging\Requests\LogRequest::class,

Configure .env

LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_AUTH_TYPE=url   [url or apikey]
LOG_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE= (size in characters)
LOG_RESPONSE_MAX_SIZE= (size in characters)

Add the service provider to your providers array in config/app.php


Initialise the Elasticsearch indices.

This step is not strictly necessary unless you wish to reset any current indices.

php artisan laraveleslogs:configure

Configure auto cleanup of logs by retention days.

You can run a daily command to clear up old logs which will use the LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_KEEP_DAYS env variable number of days retention.

php artisan laraveleslogs:tidy

Logging Requests

Apply the middleware 'log:{namespace}' to your routes to start logging requests. (you can omit the namespace param if you want to but its useful to specify for clarity in logs) eg:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

You can add this middleware to individual routes, groups, or even your global route middlware if you wish to simply log out every request/response. (but we recommend you be more specific in your logging :-) )

Adding Request Context

You can use the Trait use ReportsRequestContext; in your request controllers. This gives a coupld of options to apply context to your logs.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Twentysix22\LaravelESLogs\Services\Logging\Requests\ReportsRequestContext;

class TestController extends Controller
    use ReportsRequestContext;

    public function test()
            'key' => 'value',
            'key2' => 'value2',

            'globalkey' => 'value',
            'globalkey2' => 'value2',

        return response()->json([
           'hello' => 'world',

Logging Jobs

Logging of jobs will be enabled by default if you configure your .env as above.

Logging Job Context

You can log out context to your jobs using similar trait to requests above - add use ReportsJobContext; to your Job. eg:

use Twentysix22\LaravelESLogs\Services\Logging\Jobs\ReportsJobContext;

class TestJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
    use ReportsJobContext;

     * Create a new job instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the job.
     * @return void
    public function handle()
            'key' => 'value',
            'key2' => 'value2',

            'globalkey' => 'value',
            'globalkey2' => 'value2',

Setting custom context name.

You can set a custom context name using traits ReportsJobContext or ReportsRequestContext


Redaction of sensitive information from logs.

Its important that you do not log out sensitive information in logs for various data protection reasons. You can configure a list of sensitive keys that you would like to redact from your logs in your /config/laraveleslogs.php:

// Keys used to catch elements in logging array keys - will be replaced with redaction ink
    // and not displayed in logs.
    'redaction' => [

    // The ink used to redact sensitive keys in logs.
    'redaction_ink' => config('LOG_REDACTION_INK', '[--REDACTED--]'),

You can also specify the redaction ink string that will replace these sensitive keys by configuring the LOG_REDACTION_INK env variable.

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.



license. Please see the license file for more information.