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A PHP library for asynchronous, promise-based object watching

0.1 2023-04-07 14:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 09:55:31 UTC


A PHP library for asynchronous, promise-based object watching.

basic usage example

class EvalObjNum implements EvaluatedObjectInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly int $value,
    ) {

    public function __toString(): string
        return sprintf('%s', $this->value);

    public function evaluate(mixed $object): bool
        return (is_numeric($object) && $object == $this->value);

$watcher = new ObjectWatcher(Loop::get());

$w1 = $watcher->createWatching(new EvalObjNum(10), 1);
    ->then(function ($value) {
        echo sprintf('Evaluated successfully with value ' . $value) . PHP_EOL;
    }, function (\Throwable $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; });


this example with print Timed out watching 0:(10)

in case we evaluate with number 10 output will be Evaluated successfully with value 10

For evaluating more complex object may be used webmozart/expression