
Generate dedicated normalizers for your objects to increase serialization performance

dev-main 2022-09-01 15:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:46:45 UTC


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Symfony Object Normalizer that improves the serialization process up to 5x (e.g. 400%) compared to built-in normalizers. This boost of performance can be accomplished because this normalizer generates dedicated normalizes to your data classes, so you don't need to worry about runtime overhead like reflections or code relying on metadata (e.g. ClassMetadata).


composer require tsantos/fast-object-normalizer

Symfony Applications

This package ships with a Symfony Bundle that autmatically adds the normalizer to the normalizer stack.

Applications using Flex

Just install the package and the Symfony Flex automatically register the bundle into your application.

Applications not using Flex

You need to register the bundle manually:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ..
    TSantos\FastObjectNormalizer\Bridge\Symfony\FastObjectNormalizerBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Standalone Applications

For applications using Symfony Serializer as a standalone component, you'll need to register the normalizer manually:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory\ClassMetadataFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader\AnnotationLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ArrayDenormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectDenormalizer;

$classMetadataFactory = new ClassMetadataFactory(new AnnotationLoader(new AnnotationReader()));
$discriminator = new ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata($classMetadataFactory);

$serializer = new Serializer([
    new ArrayDenormalizer(),
    new FastObjectNormalizer(
        classGenerator: new NormalizerClassGenerator($classMetadataFactory, $discriminator),
        classDumper: new NormalizerClassDumper('./var/cache/serializer'),
        classMetadataFactory: $classMetadataFactory,
    new ObjectNormalizer($classMetadataFactory)
], ['json' => new JsonEncoder()]);

Note that ObjectNormalizer still in the normalizer stack. This is not a requirement, but it is a good idea to have the built-in normalizer working because Fast Object Normalizer may not support the object that is being serialized.


Fast Object Normalizer is aimed to serialize data class (e.g: DTO), but in somecases it is possible that your application tries to serialize an object which holds a resource or a connection and normally there is an exclusive normalizer that deals with that type. To ensure that Fast Object Normalizer skip such types, you can configure it to serialize only types that matchs some pattern:

$normalizer = new FastObjectNormalizer(
    includedTypes: ['^App\\\Entity']
    //... other args here
# config/packages/fast_object_normalizer.yaml
  includedTypes: ["^App\\Entity"]

Configuring the normalizer with includedTypes you know exactly what types the normalizer will support. In the major of times, you'll opt to this configuration to avoid weird behaviors.

There is also the oposite of includedTypes which now will accepts all types except those defined in the excludedList:

$normalizer = new FastObjectNormalizer(
    includedTypes: ['^App\\\Entity']
    //... other args here
# config/packages/fast_object_normalizer.yaml
  excludedTypes: ["^Some\\Vendor\\Object"]

Finally, you can combine both options:

$normalizer = new FastObjectNormalizer(
    includedTypes: ['^App\\\Entity'],
    excludedTypes: ['^App\\\Entity\\\\ExcludedType'],
    //... other args here
# config/packages/fast_object_normalizer.yaml
  excludedTypes: ['^App\\\Entity']
  includedTypes: ["^App\\\Entity\\\\ExcludedType"]

With this configuration, you are allowing all types starting with App\Entity but excluding App\Entity\ExcludedType.


This packages tries to be the more transparent as possible to allow you to use it without break your application. As explained previously, this package creates dedicated normalizers to serialize your data as fast as possible, which means that the built-in normalizer AbstractObjectNormalizer will not be reached. It means that features like attribute grouping, null value skipping, attribute callback etc. had to be reimplemented here to boost performance, that is, it is possible to have some different behaviors compared to AbstractObjectNormalizer. Please, open an issue if you find some divergent behavior.

The table below list all the features currently supported by built-in normalizer and Fast Object Normalizer.

Feature Builtin Normalizer Fast Object Normalizer
Groups Yes Yes
Ignore attributes Yes Yes
Skip null values Yes Yes
Serialization of Interfaces and Abstract classes Yes Yes
Attribute callbacks Yes Yes
Circular Reference Handle Yes Yes
Object to populate Yes Yes
Default constructor args Yes Yes
Max depth handle Yes Not yet
Avoid extra attributes Yes Not yet
Type enforcement Yes Not yet
Deep object to populate Yes Not yet
Preserve empty objects Yes Not yet
Skip uninitialized values Yes Not yet

If you want to use Fast Object Normalizer but need a specific feature to be implemented, I'd be very happy to point you in how we can implement it.