
This packages uses the Raygun4PHP package. It makes it easier to filter the data that is being send to raygun, making your application GDPR compliant

1.0.4 2022-01-24 12:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 21:55:28 UTC


This package lets you add filters to the Raygun package (which this package is dependent on). By using this package you filter the data that is being send to Raygun in order to comply to the GDPR Law. You can also add/overwrite the filters to better suit your application.

##Installation Raygun Data Filter is dependent on Raygun4PHP, in order to use Raygun Data Filter make sure the Raygun4PHP package is working correctly

With Composer

Composer is a package management tool for PHP which automatically fetches dependencies and also supports autoloading - this is a low-impact way to get Raygun4PHP into your site.

1. If you use a *nix environment, follow the instructions to install Composer. Windows users can run this installer to automatically add it to the Path.

2. Within the project's root directory run the following console command:

php composer.phar require tripledotzero/raygun-exception-listener

3. From your shell run php composer.phar install (*nix) or composer install (Windows). This will download Raygun4PHP and create the appropriate autoload data.

##Usage You can automatically send both PHP errors and object-oriented exceptions to Raygun. The RaygunClient requires an HTTP transport (e.g. Guzzle or other PSR-7 compatible interface).

Currently, there are 2 Guzzle-based transport classes. asynchronous and synchronous. You can choose to use either the GuzzleSync or GuzzleAsync by setting setUseAsync to true.

###example code


namespace App\EventListener;

use RaygunFilterParams\Config;
use RaygunFilterParams\DataFilter;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent;

class ExceptionListener
    public function onKernelException(ExceptionEvent $event)
        $config = new Config($_ENV['RAYGUN_BASE_URI'], $_ENV['RAYGUN_API_KEY']);
        $dataFilter = new DataFilter($config);

as you can see in order to send the data to Raygun, you would first need to create the config object with the BASE_URI and API_KEY. The DisableUserTracking is turn off by default, in order to turn it on use


it is the same for the proxy


For more information see the Raygun4PHP documentation or the Raygun website