
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the triniti/core package instead.

Php library that provides implementations for triniti:dam schemas.

v1.0.7 2020-08-05 23:42 UTC


Build Status

Php library that provides implementations for triniti:dam schemas. Using this library assumes that you've already created and compiled your own pbj classes using the Pbjc and are making use of the "triniti:dam:mixin:*" mixins from triniti/schemas.

Symfony Integration

Enabling these services in a Symfony app is done by importing classes and letting Symfony autoconfigure and autowire them.


    autowire: true
    autoconfigure: true
    public: false

    resource: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/triniti/dam/src/**/*'

  # Triniti\Dam\S3AssetProjector: '@Acme\Dam\S3AssetProjector' # coming soon


  • Complete implementation for S3AssetProjector.
  • Create purge-asset command and asset-purged event and implement handlers, projectors, etc. Purge will be the ultimate destruction of everything you hold deer, by kid venison. Delete is typically a soft delete (concealed).
  • Add an errors map that contains the filename hash as the key and any specifics about the error that we want to reveal to the client.