
0.01-alpha 2018-01-05 02:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 07:31:38 UTC


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Symfony Bundle for easy routing of asynchronous messages.

Why bother?

It allows you to

  1. Automatically create MessageProducer services.
  2. Define routes for each service in yaml or xml config.
  3. Define AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge for each service, which you can implement using any infrastructure.

Quick start

1) Install this library through composer

composer require tomcizek/symfony-prooph-asynchronous-router

2) Register these Bundles in your kernel (individual, but might be config/bundles.php)

return [
    Prooph\Bundle\ServiceBus\ProophServiceBusBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    TomCizek\AsynchronousRouter\ProophAsynchronousRouterBundle::class => ['all' => true],

3) Implement your own TomCizek\AsynchronousRouter\AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge

Simplest working example implementation for RabbitMq php-amqplib infrastructure might look like:

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace YourApp\Infrastructure\Rabbit;

use DateTime;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\Producer;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\MessageConverter;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\MessageDataAssertion;
use TomCizek\AsynchronousRouter\AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge;

final class RabbitAsynchronousMessageProducerBridge implements AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge
	/** @var Producer */
	private $producer;

	/** @var MessageConverter */
	private $messageConverter;

	public function __construct(Producer $producer, MessageConverter $messageConverter)
		$this->producer = $producer;
		$this->messageConverter = $messageConverter;

	public function publishWithRoutingKey(Message $message, string $routingKey): void
		$stringMessage = $this->convertMessageToString($message);
		$this->producer->publish($stringMessage, $routingKey);

	private function convertMessageToString(Message $message): string
		$messageData = $this->messageConverter->convertToArray($message);
		$messageData['created_at'] = $message->createdAt()->format(DateTime::ATOM);

		return json_encode($messageData);

4) Setup your configuration for prooph components in your symfony *.yml config!

        # this key defines service id of created producer, this will create 'prooph_asynchronous_router.firstProducer'
            # bridge refers to service with your implementation of AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge
            bridge: 'firstAsynchronousMessageProducerBridge'
            # Routes are defined that key is message name and value is routing key. 
            # AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge will then recieve message instance and routing key string 
            # in publishWithRoutingKey method. 
                App\Namespace\FirstMessage: first_routing_key

# this is standard service-bus-symfony-bundle configuration
                # here you refer to automatically created service you defined few lines above.
                async_switch: 'prooph_asynchronous_router.firstProducer'
    # here you register your implementation of AsynchronousMessageProducerBridge to which we refer above.
        class: TomCizek\AsynchronousRouter\Tests\DependencyInjection\Fixture\Model\FirstAsynchronousMessageProducerBridge
Another configuration example


Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new features and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and may adapt the documentation.