WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow

Installs: 77

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 3 056



This is a starter theme, based on the roots/sage starter theme


Install composer packages in Bedrock or Sage root directory

  composer require log1x/navi tombroucke/otomaties-sage-helper

Publish bootstrap components

  wp acorn vendor:publish --tag="Bootstrap components"

Find & Replace

  • %devurl% (without https://)
  • %client_name%
  • %themename%
  • %mu-plugin-namespace%



  • Bootstrap is loaded by default. You should comment out components & helpers in resources/styles/config/bootstrap to decrease build time / filesize.
  • Custom pagination (@include('partials.pagination'))
  • Breadcrumb (@include('partials.breadcrumb'))
  • Some components might not be rendered correctly (missing styles), this could be fixed by
    • uncommenting the component in resources/styles/config/bootstrap/components.scss or resources/styles/config/bootstrap/helpers.scss.
    • enqueuing the modal styles by uncommenting bundle('modal')->enqueue() in app/setup.php


Add css classes to purge-safelist.cjs to whitelist


Add @include('partials.language-switcher') to have a WPML language switcher appear

Built-in support for headroom.js

All you need to do is add styling for the headroom classes (banner--not-top, banner--unpinned, ...)


Custom block styles

In resources/scripts/editor.js, we add a 'Lead' style to the core/paragraph block.

Editor styles

By default the editor styles are not loaded when running yarn dev, to increase build size. The styles will be loaded after building. You can temporarily copy the contents of editor.scss to editor-basic.scss when you need to make changes to the file.

Custom directives

@ray(mixed $variable)

Outputs a variable to your Ray console

@background(string $image)

You can pass an image url, which will be added as an inline style background-image.



Will render the current year


Content of this block will only be rendered in the admin interface

@echoWhen(bool $condition, string $markup)



Default blocks from Otomaties sage helper

Default blocks (accordion, cards, gallery, hero, ...) can be easily added from Otomaties sage helper e.g.:

wp acorn vendor:publish --tag="Otomaties block Buttons"
  • .js files in resources/scripts/blocks will be dynamically imported if there is a block matching the name. E.g. resources/views/blocks/image-content.blade.php > resources/scripts/blocks/image-content.js
  • .scss files in resources/styles/blocks will be automatically enqueued in case there is a block with the same name (without namespace). If you want to enqueue a block style for core/paragraph, you should create resources/styles/blocks/paragraph.scss.

⚠️ After adding scss-files, bud needs to be restarted

Custom blocks

Custom blocks can be added using Log1x/acf-composer e.g.:

wp acorn acf:block MyCustomBlock

Views for custom blocks should be wrapped in an <x-block> component. E.g:

@if ($items->isNotEmpty())
<x-block :block="$block">

      @foreach ($items as $item)
        <li>{{ $item['item'] }}</li>

    <InnerBlocks />
  <p>Add an item...</p>

See also ACF Builder Cheatsheet

You can add styles for your block in resources/styles/blocks/my-block.scss. These will automatically be enqueue by our theme. Restart bud after adding the style. If you need bootstrap variables, mixins etc.:

@import 'bootstrap/scss/mixins';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import './../config/variables';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables';

Google Fonts

  1. Install Laravel Webfonts
  2. Run wp acorn webfonts:add, follow the wizard
  3. Add 'fonts': ["@styles/fonts"], to bud.config.js and enqueue this asset in app/setup.php



There are 2 widths for containers: contentSize (768px) and wideSize (1320px). These can be changed from the theme.json


Colors defined in resources/styles/config/_variables.scss should be copied over to theme.json (settings.color.pallette). There is a ThemeJson facade to extract the colors.

Get a <key, value> list of all theme colors in PHP:

ThemeJson::colors()->pluck('name', 'slug');


  • This starter theme uses Log1x/navi. The navigation is built in app/View/Composers/Navigation.php.
  • You can add bootstrap button classes to menu items (e.g. btn btn-primary) to style them as buttons
  • You can add fontawesome classes to add icons (e.g. fas-envelope)
  • resources/scripts/components/header.js will listen to click events on a .menu-item--has-submenu element, and toggle the menu-item--open class on this element. It will also remove the menu-item--open class from every other element

Mobile nav

  • resources/scripts/components/header.js will listen to click events on a .navbar-toggler element, and toggle the primary-nav-open class on the body element.

Google maps

If you're using Google Maps, you can add the GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY variable to your .env file


SVG logo

File should be in resources/icons/logoname.svg

@svg('logoname', ['height' => '2em'])
{{-- or --}}
<x-icon-logoname height="2em" />

Get a list of fontawesome icons in a list

// app/Providers/ThemeServiceProvider.php
$this->app->bind('icons', function() {
    return Cache::rememberForever('fontawesome-icons', function () {
        $icons = [];
        $sets = app()->make('BladeUI\Icons\Factory')->all();
        foreach ($sets as $setname => $set) {
            if (strpos($setname, 'fontawesome') === false) {

            $niceSetName = str_replace('fontawesome-', '', $setname);
            foreach ($set['paths'] as $path) {
                $files = glob($path . '/*.svg');
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $iconBasename = basename($file, '.svg');
                    $iconName = $set['prefix'] . '-'. $iconBasename;
                    $icons[$iconName] = "$iconBasename $niceSetName";
        return $icons;

// app/Blocks/BlockWithIcons.php
->addSelect('icon', [
    'label' => __('Icon', 'sage'),
    'choices' => app()->make('icons'),
    'default_value' => 'fas-star',