WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow

Installs: 68

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 3 058



This is a starter theme, based on the roots/sage starter theme


Install composer packages in Bedrock or Sage root directory

  composer require log1x/navi tombroucke/otomaties-sage-helper

Publish bootstrap components

  wp acorn vendor:publish --tag="Bootstrap components"

Find & Replace

  • %devurl% (without https://)
  • %client_name%
  • %themename%
  • %mu-plugin-namespace%



  • Bootstrap is loaded by default. You can comment out components & helpers in resources/styles/config/bootstrap to decrease build time.
  • Custom pagination (@include('partials.pagination'))
  • Breadcrums (@include('partials.breadcrumb'))


  • Add css classes to purge-safelist.cjs to whitelist


  • Add @include('partials.language-switcher') to have a WPML language switcher appear

Built-in support for headroom.js

  • All you need to do is add styling for the headroom classes (banner--not-top, banner--unpinned, ...)


Custom block styles

  • In resources/scripts/editor.js, we add a 'Lead' style to the core/paragraph block. Use .is-style-lead to add styling.

Ray directive

You can use the @ray($somevariable) directive to output to your Ray console



Default blocks from Otomaties sage helper

Default blocks (accordion, cards, gallery, hero, ...) can be easily added from Otomaties sage helper e.g.:

wp acorn vendor:publish --tag="Otomaties block Buttons"
  • .js files in resources/scripts/blocks will be dynamically imported if there is a block matching the name. E.g. resources/views/blocks/image-content.blade.php > resources/scripts/blocks/image-content.js
  • .scss files in resources/styles/blocks will be automatically enqueued in case there is a block with the same name (without namespace). If you want to enqueue a block style for core/paragraph, you should create resources/styles/blocks/paragraph.scss.

⚠️ After adding scss-files, bud needs to be restarted

Custom blocks

Custom blocks can be added using Log1x/acf-composer e.g.:

wp acorn acf:block MyCustomBlock

Views for custom blocks should be wrapped in an <x-block> component. E.g:

<x-block :block="$block">
  @if ($items)
      @foreach ($items as $item)
        <li>{{ $item['item'] }}</li>
    <p>{{ $block->preview ? 'Add an item...' : 'No items found!' }}</p>

    <InnerBlocks />

See also ACF Builder Cheatsheet

You can add styles for your block in resources/styles/blocks/my-block.scss. These will automatically be enqueue by our theme. Restart bud after adding the style. If you need bootstrap variable, mixins etc.:

@import 'bootstrap/scss/mixins';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import './../config/variables';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables';

Google Fonts

  1. Install Laravel Webfonts
  2. Run wp acorn webfonts:add, follow the wizard
  3. Add 'fonts': ["@styles/fonts"], to bud.config.js and enqueue this asset in app/setup.php



There are 2 widths for containers: contentSize (768px) and wideSize (1320px). These can be changed from the theme.json


Colors defined in resources/styles/config/_variables.scss should be copied over to theme.json (settings.color.pallette). There is a ThemeJson facade to extract the colors.

Get a <key, value> list of all theme colors in PHP:

ThemeJson::colors()->pluck('name', 'slug');


  • This starter theme uses Log1x/navi. The navigation is built in app/View/Composers/Navigation.php.
  • You can add bootstrap button classes to menu items (e.g. btn btn-primary) to style them as buttons
  • You can add fontawesome classes to add icons (e.g. fas-envelope)
  • resources/scripts/components/header.js will listen to click events on a .menu-item--has-submenu element, and toggle the menu-item--open class on this element. It will also remove the menu-item--open class from every other element

Mobile nav

  • resources/scripts/components/header.js will listen to click events on a .navbar-toggler element, and toggle the primary-nav-open class on the body element.

Google maps

If you're using Google Maps, you can add the GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY variable to your .env file


SVG logo

File should be in resources/icons/logoname.svg

<x-icon-logoname width="200" height="100" />

Get a list of fontawesome icons in a list

// app/Providers/ThemeServiceProvider.php
$this->app->bind('icons', function() {
    return Cache::rememberForever('fontawesome-icons', function () {
        $icons = [];
        $sets = app()->make('BladeUI\Icons\Factory')->all();
        foreach ($sets as $setname => $set) {
            if (strpos($setname, 'fontawesome') === false) {

            $niceSetName = str_replace('fontawesome-', '', $setname);
            foreach ($set['paths'] as $path) {
                $files = glob($path . '/*.svg');
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $iconBasename = basename($file, '.svg');
                    $iconName = $set['prefix'] . '-'. $iconBasename;
                    $icons[$iconName] = "$iconBasename $niceSetName";
        return $icons;

// app/Blocks/BlockWithIcons.php
->addSelect('icon', [
    'label' => __('Icon', 'sage'),
    'choices' => app()->make('icons'),
    'default_value' => 'fas-star',