
Picture support for PHP applications.

1.0.2 2024-12-01 12:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:42:30 UTC


The Picture Service provides interfaces for creating and rendering a picture for PHP applications. It comes with a default implementation but you may create specific implementation to fit your requirements.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the picture service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-picture


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Picture Creator

The picture creator creates images based on the given definition and returns a Created Picture holding the images to be stored wherever you like.

Create Picture Creator

The picture creator uses the Imager Service to create images.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureCreator;

$pictureCreator = new PictureCreator(
    imager: (new ImagerFactory())->createImager(),

In Detail

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Exception\ResourceSizeException;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureCreator;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureCreatorInterface;

$pictureCreator = new PictureCreator(
    imager: (new ImagerFactory())->createImager(),

    // You may define imager actions which are allowed only.
    // If empty array all are allowed if not in disallowedActions.
    allowedActions: [
    // You may define imager actions which are not allowed and will be skipped:
    disallowedActions: [
    // You may adjust the supported mime types:
    supportedMimeTypes: [
        'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp',
    // You may set an upsize limit for resizing images:
    upsize: 1.2, // default is null (unlimited)
    // You may skip smaller sized images (except img src)
    // from generating at all to prevent unsharp images.
    skipSmallerSizedSrc: true, // false is default
    // You may verify sizes. If one of the defined image size
    // is too small, a ResourceSizeException will be thrown.
    verifySizes: true, // false is default
    // You may pass a logger for debugging:
    logger: null, // LoggerInterface

var_dump($pictureCreator instanceof PictureCreatorInterface);
// bool(true)

Picture Creating

Create Picture From Stream

Use the createFromStream method to create a picture from a PSR-7 stream:

use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\CreatedPictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;

$createdPicture = $pictureCreator->createFromStream(
    stream: $stream, // StreamInterface
    definition: $definition, // DefinitionInterface

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof CreatedPictureInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Definition section to learn more about definitions.

You may check out the Picture section to learn more about the default PictureInterface::class implementation.

Create Picture From Resource

Use the createFromResource method to create a picture from any resource implementing the ResourceInterface interface:

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\CreatedPictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;

$createdPicture = $pictureCreator->createFromResource(
    resource: $resource, // ResourceInterface
    definition: $definition, // DefinitionInterface

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof CreatedPictureInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Imager Service - Resource section to learn more about it.

Check out the Definition section to learn more about definitions.

You may check out the Picture section to learn more about the default PictureInterface::class implementation.

Supported Resources

Created Picture

The created picture holds all created images which you can use to store the images in the way you need it.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\CreatedPictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof CreatedPictureInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($createdPicture instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

foreach($createdPicture->srces() as $src) {
    var_dump($src instanceof SrcInterface);
    // bool(true)
    // The encoded image which was created:
    var_dump($src->encoded() instanceof Encoded);
    // bool(true)

Check out the Encoded Response to learn more about it.


Array Definition

The array definition is the default picture definition.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;

$definition = new ArrayDefinition(name: 'product:main', definition: [
    'img' => [
        'src' => [600, 600], // [width, height]
        // or width only, height will be resized keeping ratio
        'src' => [600],
        // or height only, width will be resized keeping ratio
        'src' => [null, 600],
        // or
        'src' => [null, null], // keeps resource dimensions.
        // or using Src class
        'src' => new Src(
            width: 600, // or null
            height: 600, // or null
            // you may set a mime type to convert to:
            mimeType: 'image/webp',
            // you may define quality and actions:
            options: ['quality' => 90, 'actions' => ['crop' => [300, 200, 10, 15]]]
        // img attributes:
        'alt' => 'Alternative Text',
        'class' => 'foo',
        'data-foo' => 'foo',
        'sizes' => '(max-width: 600px) 480px, 800px',
        'loading' => 'lazy',
        'srcset' => [
            '480w' => [480], // same definition as img src
            '800w' => [800],
    // You may define any sources:
    'sources' => [
            'media' => '(min-width: 800px)',
            'srcset' => [
                '' => [1200, 600],
            'type' => 'image/webp',
            'media' => '(max-width: 600px)',
            'srcset' => [
                '' => [600, 600],
            'type' => 'image/webp',
            'width' => '600',
            'height' => '600',
    // Attributes for the picture tag:
    'attributes' => [
        'class' => 'foo',
    // Options:
    'options' => [
        // You may define a global quality if not specified individually with the Src class:
        'quality' => [
            'image/jpeg' => 70,
            'image/webp' => 70,
        // You may convert all png to jpeg types if not defined individually:
        'convert' => ['image/png' => 'image/jpeg'],
        // You may define imager actions used if not specified individually with the Src class:
        'actions' => [
            'greyscale' => [],
            'gamma' => ['gamma' => 5.5],

var_dump($definition instanceof DefinitionInterface);
// bool(true)

// Definition to picture:
var_dump($definition->toPicture() instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

Example with pixel density descriptors:

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;

$definition = new ArrayDefinition(name: 'logo', definition: [
    'img' => [
        'src' => [250],
        'srcset' => [
            '' => [250],
            '2x' => [500],

Picture Definition

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\PictureDefinition;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Source;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Srcset;

$definition = new PictureDefinition(
    name: 'product',
    picture: new Picture(
        img: new Img(
            src: new Src(
                width: 600, // or null
                height: 600, // or null
                // you may set a mime type to convert to:
                mimeType: 'image/webp',
                // you may define quality and actions:
                options: ['quality' => 90, 'actions' => ['crop' => [300, 200, 10, 15]]],
            // you may define a srcset:
            srcset: new Srcset(
                new Src(width: 480, descriptor: '480w'),
                new Src(width: 800, descriptor: '800w'),
            attributes: [
                'sizes' => '(max-width: 600px) 480px, 800px',
                'loading' => 'lazy',
                'class' => 'foo',
        sources: new Sources(
            new Source(
                srcset: new Srcset(
                    new Src(width: 1200, height: 600),
                attributes: [
                    'media' => '(min-width: 800px)',
                    'type' => 'image/webp',
            new Source(
                srcset: new Srcset(
                    new Src(width: 600, height: 600),
                attributes: [
                    'media' => '(max-width: 600px)',
                    'type' => 'image/webp',
        attributes: [
            'class' => 'foo',
        options: [
            // You may define a global quality if not specified individually with the Src class:
            'quality' => [
                'image/jpeg' => 70,
                'image/webp' => 70,
            // You may convert all png to jpeg types if not defined individually:
            'convert' => ['image/png' => 'image/jpeg'],
            // You may define imager actions used if not specified individually with the Src class:
            'actions' => [
                'greyscale' => [],
                'gamma' => ['gamma' => 5.5],

var_dump($definition instanceof DefinitionInterface);
// bool(true)

// Definition to picture:
var_dump($definition->toPicture() instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)


You may use the following definitions classes to add, filter and get definitions from.

Default Definitions

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definitions\Definitions;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionsInterface;

$definitions = new Definitions(
    'product', // a definitions name
    new ArrayDefinition('product-main', ['img' => ['src' => [50]]]),
    // ... DefinitionInterface

var_dump($definitions instanceof DefinitionsInterface);
// bool(true)

Json Files Definitions

The JsonFilesDefinitions class loads definitions from JSON files within the given directories.

use Tobento\Service\Dir\Dir;
use Tobento\Service\Dir\Dirs;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definitions\JsonFilesDefinitions;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionsInterface;

$definitions = new JsonFilesDefinitions(
    name: 'product', // a definitions name
    dirs: new Dirs(new Dir('dir/private/picture-definitions/'))

var_dump($definitions instanceof DefinitionsInterface);
// bool(true)

Example Directory:


Example Json Definition:

    "img": {
        "src": {
            "width": 300,
            "height": null,
            "descriptor": null,
            "mimeType": "image/png",
            "url": null,
            "path": null,
            "options": []
        "srcset": [
                "width": 200
        "attributes": {
            "key": "value"
    "sources": [
            "srcset": [
                    "width": 200,
                    "height": null,
                    "descriptor": null,
                    "url": null,
                    "path": null,
                    "options": []
            "attributes": {
                "key": "value"
    "attributes": {
        "key": "value"
    "options": {
        "key": "value"

Stack Definitions

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definitions\Definitions;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definitions\StackDefinitions;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\DefinitionsInterface;

$definitions = new StackDefinitions(
    'name', // a definitions name
    new Definitions('product', new ArrayDefinition('product-main', ['img' => ['src' => [50]]])),
    // ... DefinitionsInterface

var_dump($definitions instanceof DefinitionsInterface);
// bool(true)


The picture class may be used to create, store or render the picture.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\ImgInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SourcesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;

$picture = new Picture(
    img: new Img(
        src: new Src(),
    sources: new Sources(),
    attributes: [],
    options: [],

var_dump($picture instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns the img:
var_dump($picture->img() instanceof ImgInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given img:
$picture = $picture->withImg(new Img(new Src()));

// returns the sources:
var_dump($picture->sources() instanceof SourcesInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given sources:
$picture = $picture->withSources(new Sources());

// returns the attributes:
$attributes = $picture->attributes();

// returns a new instance with the given attributes:
$picture = $picture->withAttributes([]);

// returns the options:
$options = $picture->options();

// returns a new instance with the given options:
$picture = $picture->withOptions([]);


The srces method returns a Generator with all collected Src classes:

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcInterface;

$picture = new Picture(
    img: new Img(
        src: new Src(),
    sources: new Sources(),

foreach($picture->srces() as $src) {
    var_dump($src instanceof SrcInterface);
    // bool(true)


The toTag method returns a new created picture tag.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;

$picture = new Picture(
    img: new Img(
        src: new Src(),
    sources: new Sources(),

var_dump($picture->toTag() instanceof PictureTagInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Picture Tag section to learn more about the default PictureTagInterface::class.


The jsonSerialize method serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;

$picture = new Picture(
    img: new Img(
        src: new Src(),
    sources: new Sources(),

$jsonSerialized = $picture->jsonSerialize();


use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\ImgInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Srcset;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcsetInterface;

$img = new Img(
    src: new Src(), // SrcInterface
    srcset: new Srcset(), // null|SrcsetInterface
    attributes: [],

var_dump($img instanceof ImgInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns the src:
var_dump($img->src() instanceof SrcInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given src:
$img = $img->withSrc(new Src());

// returns the srcset or null if none:
var_dump($img->srcset() instanceof SrcsetInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given srcset:
$img = $img->withSrcset(new Srcset());

// returns the attributes:
$attributes = $img->attributes();

// returns a new instance with the given attributes:
$img = $img->withAttributes([]);

// json serialize:
$jsonSerialized = $img->jsonSerialize();


use Tobento\Service\Picture\Source;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SourcesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Srcset;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcInterface;

$sources = new Sources(
    new Source(new Srcset()),
    new Source(new Srcset()),

var_dump($sources instanceof SourcesInterface);
// bool(true)

// iterate sources:
foreach($sources as $source) {
    var_dump($source instanceof SourceInterface);
    // bool(true)
// or
foreach($sources->all() as $source) {}

// count sources:
// int(2)

// returns all collected Src classes:
foreach($sources->srces() as $src) {
    var_dump($src instanceof SrcInterface);
    // bool(true)

// json serialize:
$jsonSerialized = $sources->jsonSerialize();


use Tobento\Service\Picture\Source;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Srcset;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcsetInterface;

$source = new Source(
    srcset: new Srcset(),
    attributes: []

var_dump($source instanceof SourceInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns the srcset or null if none:
var_dump($source->srcset() instanceof SrcsetInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given srcset:
$source = $source->withSrcset(new Srcset());

// returns the attributes:
$attributes = $source->attributes();

// returns a new instance with the given attributes:
$source = $source->withAttributes([]);

// json serialize:
$jsonSerialized = $source->jsonSerialize();


use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Srcset;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcsetInterface;

$srcset = new Srcset(
    new Src(width: 200, descriptor: '1x'),
    new Src(width: 400, descriptor: '2x'),

var_dump($srcset instanceof SrcsetInterface);
// bool(true)

// iterate srces:
foreach($srcset as $src) {
    var_dump($src instanceof SrcInterface);
    // bool(true)
// or
foreach($srcset->all() as $src) {}

// count srces:
// int(2)

// json serialize:
$jsonSerialized = $srcset->jsonSerialize();


use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\SrcInterface;

$src = new Src(
    width: 200, // null|int
    height: 200, // null|int
    descriptor: '200w', // null|string, may be used for srcset
    mimeType: 'image/jpeg', // null|string
    url: null, // null|string
    path: null, // null|string
    encoded: null, // null|Encoded
    options: [],

var_dump($src instanceof SrcInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns the width or null if none:
// int(200)

// returns a new instance with the given width:
$src = $src->withWidth(300); // or null

// returns the height or null if none:
// int(200)

// returns a new instance with the given height:
$src = $src->withHeight(300); // or null

// returns the descriptor or null if none:
// string(4) "200w"

// returns a new instance with the given descriptor:
$src = $src->withDescriptor('1x'); // or null

// returns the mimeType or null if none:
// string(10) "image/jpeg"

// returns a new instance with the given mimeType:
$src = $src->withMimeType('image/gif'); // or null

// returns the url or null if none:
// NULL or string

// returns a new instance with the given url:
$src = $src->withUrl(''); // or null

// returns the path or null if none:
// NULL or string

// returns a new instance with the given path:
$src = $src->withPath('path/image.jpg'); // or null

// returns the encoded or null if none:
// NULL or Encoded

// returns a new instance with the given encoded:
$src = $src->withEncoded(null); // or Encoded

// returns the options:
// array(0) { }

// returns a new instance with the given options:
$src = $src->withOptions([]);

// json serialize:
$jsonSerialized = $src->jsonSerialize();

Picture Factory

The picture factory may be used to create a picture.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureFactoryInterface;

$factory = new PictureFactory(
    // you may throw exceptions if an error occurs:
    throwOnError: true, // false is default

var_dump($factory instanceof PictureFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Create From Array

Use the createFromArray method to create a picture from the given array:

use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureInterface;

$picture = (new PictureFactory())->createFromArray([
    'img' => [
        'src' => [
            'width' => 300,
            'height' => null,
            'descriptor' => '2x', // or null
            'mimeType' => 'image/jpeg', // or null
            'url' => null,
            'path' => null,
            'options' => [],
        'srcset' => [
            ['width' => 200],
        'attributes' => ['key' => 'value'],
    'sources' => [
            'srcset' => [
                    'width' => 200,
                    'height' => null,
                    'descriptor' => null,
                    'url' => null,
                    'path' => null,
                    'options' => [],
            'attributes' => ['key' => 'value']
    'attributes' => ['key' => 'value'],
    'options' => ['key' => 'value'],

var_dump($picture instanceof PictureInterface);
// bool(true)

Picture Tag Factory

The picture tag factory may be used to create picture tags.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagFactoryInterface;

$factory = new PictureTagFactory();

var_dump($factory instanceof PictureTagFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Create From Picture

Use the createFromPicture method to create a picture tag from the given picture:

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Img;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Picture;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Sources;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\Src;

$picture = new Picture(
    img: new Img(
        src: new Src(url: ''),
    sources: new Sources(),

$pictureTag = (new PictureTagFactory())->createFromPicture($picture);

var_dump($pictureTag instanceof PictureTagInterface);
// bool(true)

Picture Tag

The picture tag renders the picture html tag.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTag;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Tag\Attributes;
use Tobento\Service\Tag\Tag;
use Tobento\Service\Tag\TagInterface;

$picture = new PictureTag(
    new Tag(name: 'picture'),
    new Tag(name: 'img', attributes: new Attributes(['src' => 'image.jpg'])),
    new Tag(name: 'source', attributes: new Attributes(['srcset' => 'image.webp', 'type' => 'image/webp'])),
    new Tag(name: 'source', attributes: new Attributes(['srcset' => 'image.avif', 'type' => 'image/avif'])),

var_dump($picture instanceof PictureTagInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($picture instanceof \Stringable);
// bool(true)

// returns the "picture" tag:
var_dump($picture->tag() instanceof TagInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given "picture" tag:
$picture = $picture->withTag(new Tag('picture'));

// returns the "img" tag:
var_dump($picture->img() instanceof TagInterface);
// bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given "img" tag:
$picture = $picture->withImg(new Tag('img'));

// returns the "source" tags:
foreach($picture->sources() as $source) {
    var_dump($source instanceof TagInterface);
    // bool(true)

// returns a new instance with the given "source" tags:
$picture = $picture->withSources(
    new Tag(name: 'source', attributes: new Attributes(['srcset' => 'image.webp', 'type' => 'image/webp'])),
    new Tag(name: 'source', attributes: new Attributes(['srcset' => 'image.avif', 'type' => 'image/avif'])),

// returns a new instance with the given "picture" attribute:
$picture = $picture->attr(name: 'data-foo', value: 'Foo');

// returns a new instance with the given "img" attribute:
$picture = $picture->imgAttr(name: 'data-bar', value: 'Bar');

You may check out the Tag Service - Tag Interface section to learn more about the TagInterface::class.

Render Picture

<?= $picture->render() ?>

// or just
<?= $picture ?>

Null Picture Tag

The null picture tag does not render any content at all and may be useful in some sitations.

use Tobento\Service\Picture\PictureTagInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Picture\NullPictureTag;

$picture = new NullPictureTag();

var_dump($picture instanceof PictureTagInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(0) ""
