
This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 12:56:42 UTC


The app media provides features and services such as:

and more ...

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Add the latest version of the app media project running this command.

composer require tobento/app-media


  • PHP 8.0 or greater



Check out the App Skeleton if you are using the skeleton.

You may also check out the App to learn more about the app in general.

Media Boot

The media boot does the following:

  • installs and loads the media config
  • implements media interfaces
  • boots features from media config
use Tobento\App\AppFactory;
use Tobento\App\Media\FeaturesInterface;

// Create the app
$app = (new AppFactory())->createApp();

// Add directories:
    ->dir(realpath(__DIR__.'/../'), 'root')
    ->dir(realpath(__DIR__.'/../app/'), 'app')
    ->dir($app->dir('app').'config', 'config', group: 'config')
    ->dir($app->dir('root').'public', 'public')
    ->dir($app->dir('root').'vendor', 'vendor');

// Adding boots

// Implemented interfaces:
$features = $app->get(FeaturesInterface::class);

// Run the app

Media Config

The configuration for the media is located in the app/config/media.php file at the default App Skeleton config location.


File Feature

This feature may be used to retrieve files from a supported file storage. The main aim of this feature is to retrieve file urls.


This feature does not have any requirements.


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\File(
        // define the supported storages which have public urls:
        supportedStorages: ['images'],
        // you may throw exeptions if storage or file does not exist for debugging e.g.:
        throw: true, // false default

Retrieve Files

To retrieve files, use the storage method from the File::class returning a read-only file storage. The file storage does not throw any exceptions when a file does not exists instead it returns an "empty" file.

use Tobento\Media\Feature\File;
use Tobento\Service\FileStorage\FileInterface;
use Tobento\Service\FileStorage\StorageInterface;

$fileUrl = $app->get(File::class)
    ->storage(storage: 'images')
    ->file(path: 'path/to/file.jpg')

$storage = $app->get(File::class)->storage(storage: 'images');
// StorageInterface

$file = $storage->file(path: 'path/to/file.jpg');
// FileInterface

By default, the file storage will retrieve only file urls. If you wish to retrieve other file attributes use the file storage with method:

use Tobento\Media\Feature\File;

$file = $app->get(File::class)
    ->storage(storage: 'images')
    ->with('url', 'width', 'height')
    ->file(path: 'path/to/file.jpg');

If you only want to retrieve a file url, you may prefer to use the url method instead:

use Tobento\Media\Feature\File;

$file = $app->get(File::class)->url(storage: 'images', path: 'path/to/file.jpg');

Retrieve Files Within Views

Make sure you have booted the View Boot.

Use the view fileStorage method to retrieve file(s) within your views:

$fileUrl = $view->fileStorage(storage: 'images')->file(path: 'path/to/file.jpg')->url();

If you only want to retrieve a file url, you may prefer to use the fileUrl method instead:

$fileUrl = $view->fileUrl(storage: 'images', path: 'path/to/file.jpg');

Using File Display Feature For Urls

If a storage does not support public urls you may use the File Display Feature and in the File Storage Config set the public_url parameter as the route uri configured in the File Display Feature:

'storages' => [

    'files' => [
        'factory' => \Tobento\App\FileStorage\FilesystemStorageFactory::class,
        'config' => [
            // The location storing the files:
            'location' => directory('app').'storage/files/',
            // Point to the file display feature route uri:
            'public_url' => '',

File Display Feature

This feature may be used to display a file from a supported file storage, such as an image or PDF, directly in the user's browser.


This feature does not have any requirements.


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\FileDisplay(
        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['images'],
        // you may change the route uri:
        routeUri: 'media/file/{storage}/{path*}', // default
        // you may define a route domain:
        routeDomain: '', // null is default

Display File

Once installed, files will be publicly accessible by the defined route uri:

To generate a file url, use the router url method:

use Tobento\Service\Routing\RouterInterface;

$router = $app->get(RouterInterface::class);

$router->url('media.file.display', ['storage' => 'images', 'path' => 'path/to/file.jpg']);

You may check out the Display And Download Files Using Apps if you want to serve files from a customized app.

File Download Feature

This feature may be used to force downloading a file from a supported file storage in the user's browser.


This feature does not have any requirements.


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\FileDownload(
        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['images'],
        // you may change the route uri:
        routeUri: 'media/download/{storage}/{path*}', // default
        // you may define a route domain:
        routeDomain: '', // null is default

Download File

Once installed, files will be publicly accessible by the defined route uri:

To generate a file url, use the router url method:

use Tobento\Service\Routing\RouterInterface;

$router = $app->get(RouterInterface::class);

$router->url('', ['storage' => 'images', 'path' => 'path/to/file.jpg']);

You may check out the Display And Download Files Using Apps if you want to serve files from a customized app.

Icons Feature

This feature may be used to render SVG icons using the Icon Service.


This feature does not have any requirements.


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\Icons(
        // Define the directory where to store cached icons:
        cacheDir: directory('app').'storage/icons/',
        // You may enable to throw an exception if an icon is not found.
        // This is useful during development, but in production, you may want to log a message instead (see below).
        throwIconNotFoundException: true, // default is false

Render Icons Within Views

To render icons within your views use the view icon method returning an icon implementing the Icon Interface:

<?= $view->icon('edit')->size('m')->label(text: 'Edit') ?>

Access Icons

In addition, to render icons you may just access them within any service:

use Tobento\Service\Icon\IconInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Icon\IconsInterface;

final class SomeService
    public function __construct(
        private IconsInterface $icons,
    ) {
        $icon = $icons->get('edit');
        // IconInterface

Storing SVG icons

Store your SVG icon files in the app/views/icons/ directory:


Clear cached icons

To clear cached icons you may delete the defined $cacheDir folder manually or run the following command:

php ap icons:clear

During development, if you store more SVG icons, you will need to clear the cache to see the changes!

Log Not Found Icons

Make sure you have booted the App Logging Boot.

In the app/config/logging.php file you may define the logger to be used, otherwise the default logger will be used:

'aliases' => [
    \Tobento\App\Media\Icon\FallbackIcons::class => 'daily',
    // or do not log at all:
    \Tobento\App\Media\Icon\FallbackIcons::class => 'null',

Image Editor Feature

This feature may be used to edit images.


This features requires:

composer require tobento/app-language
composer require tobento/app-translation
composer require tobento/app-user


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\ImageEditor(
        // define different image editors templates:
        templates: [
            'default' => [
                'crop', 'resize', 'fit', // Used for cropping. You may uncomment all if you want to disable cropping.
                'background', 'blur', 'brightness', 'contrast', 'colorize', 'flip', 'gamma', 'pixelate', 'rotate', 'sharpen',
                'greyscale', 'sepia', // Filters
                'quality', 'format',

        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['uploads'],
        // define the supported mime types:
        supportedMimeTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp'],
        // you may define a custom image actions class:
        imageActions: \Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageActions::class, // default
        // define the user permission or null if no permission is needed (not recommended):
        userPermission: 'media.image.editor', // default
        // you may localize routes:
        localizeRoute: true, // false (default)

Edit Image

Use the media.image.editor route name to generate the url where you can edit the specified image.

$url = $router->url('media.image.editor', ['template' => 'default', 'storage' => 'uploads', 'path' => 'image.jpg']);


The Tobento\App\Media\Event\ImageEdited will dispatch after the image is edited.

Picture Feature

This feature may be used to generate HTML markup for responsive images using the HTML picture element.


If images are not created yet when you display a picture, a picture job will be sent to the defined queue, generating the images in the background and returning a "fallback" picture from the defined resource. Once, the images are generated, the picture will be displayed with the images generated.


This feature does not have any requirements.


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\Picture(
        // Define the storage name where to store the generated picture data.
        pictureStorageName: 'picture-data',

        // Define the storage name where to store each created image. The storage must support urls.
        imageStorageName: 'images',
        // Define the queue to be used for generating the images:
        queueName: 'file',

Make sure you have configured the defined storages in the App File Storage Config.

Make sure you have configured the defined queue in the App Queue Config.


Make sure you have booted the App Logging Boot.

In the app/config/logging.php file you may define the logger to be used, otherwise the default logger will be used:

'aliases' => [
    // Logs if picture generation fails:
    \Tobento\App\Media\Picture\PictureGenerator::class => 'daily',
    // or do not log at all:
    \Tobento\App\Media\Picture\PictureGenerator::class => 'null',
    // Logs if image action fails:
    \Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageActions::class => 'daily',
    // or do not log at all:
    \Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageActions::class => 'null',

Display Picture

Within your view file, use the picture method to display a picture based on the given path, resource and definition parameter:

Example Using A Named Definition

You may use named definitions to generate images from. Check out the Picture Definitions section to learn how to add named definitions.

<?= $view->picture(
    path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
    resource: 'storage-name',
    definition: 'name',
)->imgAttr('alt', 'Alt Text') ?>

Depending on your definition this will output:

  <source srcset="" type="image/webp">
  <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg">
  <img src="" alt="Alt Text">

Using named definitions have the following advantages:

  • you can crop images based on the named definition
  • you can have different definitions per view theme

Example Using A Definition

use Tobento\Service\Picture\Definition\ArrayDefinition;

<?= $view->picture(
    path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
    resource: 'storage-name',
    definition: new ArrayDefinition('product-main', [
        'img' => [
            'src' => [600],
            'alt' => 'Alternative Text',
            'loading' => 'lazy',
        // You may define any sources:
        'sources' => [
                'media' => '(min-width: 800px)',
                'srcset' => [
                    '' => [1200, 500],
                'type' => 'image/webp',
                'media' => '(max-width: 600px)',
                'srcset' => [
                    '' => [600, 400],
                'type' => 'image/webp',
) ?>

Check out the Picture Definition section to learn more about definitions in general.

Example Using An Imager Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

<?= $view->picture(
    path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
    resource: $resource, // ResourceInterface
    definition: 'name',
)->imgAttr('alt', 'Alt Text') ?>

Check out the Picture Creating - Create Picture From Resource section to learn more about.

Picture Definitions

Store your picture definition JSON files in the app/views/picture-definitions/ directory:


You may check out the Json Files Definitions for more information.

Clearing Generated Picture

Using Console Command

To clear all generated pictures run the following command:

php ap picture:clear

Or clear generated pictures of specific definitions only:

php ap picture:clear --def=product-main --def=post

Picture Editor Feature

This feature requires the Picture Feature to be installed.


This features requires:

composer require tobento/app-language
composer require tobento/app-translation
composer require tobento/app-user


In the media config file you can configure this feature:

'features' => [
    new Feature\PictureEditor(
        // define different image editors templates:
        templates: [
            'default' => [
                'crop', 'resize', 'fit', // Used for cropping. You may uncomment all if you want to disable cropping.
                'background', 'blur', 'brightness', 'contrast', 'colorize', 'flip', 'gamma', 'pixelate', 'rotate', 'sharpen',
                'greyscale', 'sepia', // Filters
        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['uploads'],
        // define the supported mime types:
        supportedMimeTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp'],
        // you may define a custom image actions class:
        imageActions: \Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageActions::class, // default
        // define the user permission or null if no permission is needed (not recommended):
        userPermission: 'media.picture.editor', // default
        // you may localize routes:
        localizeRoute: true, // false (default)
        // Images will be generated in the background by the queue by default:
        queuePictureGeneration: true, // true (default)

Edit Picture

Use the media.picture.editor route name to generate the url where you can edit the specified picture.

$url = $router->url('media.picture.editor', [
    'template' => 'default',
    'storage' => 'uploads',
    'path' => 'image.jpg',
    'definitions' => ['product', 'product-list']


The Tobento\App\Media\Event\PictureEdited will dispatch after the picture is edited.


File Writer

The file writer class writes the given file to the defined File Storage.

use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\FileWriter;
use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\FileWriterInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\Writer;
use Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\FileStorage\StorageInterface;

$fileWriter = new FileWriter(
    // Define the file storage where to write the files to:
    storage: $storage, // StorageInterface
    // Define how filenames should be handled:
    filenames: FileWriter::ALNUM, // RENAME, ALNUM, KEEP
    // Or using a closure for customized filenames:
    filenames: function (string $filename): string {
        // customize
        return $filename;
    // Define how dublicates should be handled:
    duplicates: FileWriter::RENAME, // RENAME, OVERWRITE, DENY
    // Define how folders should be handled:
    folders: FileWriter::ALNUM, // or KEEP
    // Or using a closure for customized folders:
    folders: function (string $path): string {
        // customize
        return $path;
    // Define the max folder depth limit:
    folderDepthLimit: 5,

    // You may add writers handling specific files:
    writers: [
        new Writer\ImageWriter(
            imageProcessor: new ImageProcessor(
                actions: [
                    'orientate' => [],
                    'resize' => ['width' => 2000],
        new Writer\SvgSanitizerWriter(),

You may check out the Image Processor section to learn more about it.


Use the writeFromStream method to write the given stream to the file storage:

use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\WriteException;
use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\WriteResponseInterface;

$writeResponse = $fileWriter->writeFromStream(
    stream: $stream, // StreamInterface
    filename: 'file.txt',
    folderPath: 'path/to', // or an empty string if no path at all

var_dump($writeResponse instanceof WriteResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

// throws WriteException if writing failed!


Use the writeUploadedFile method to write the given uploaded file to the file storage:

use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\WriteException;
use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\WriteResponseInterface;

$writeResponse = $fileWriter->writeUploadedFile(
    file: $uploadedFile, // UploadedFileInterface
    folderPath: 'path/to', // or an empty string if no path at all

var_dump($writeResponse instanceof WriteResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

// throws WriteException if writing failed!

It is highly recommended to use the Upload Validator before writing the uploaded file to the file storage.


use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\WriteResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesInterface;

$writeResponse = $fileWriter->writeUploadedFile(file: $uploadedFile, folderPath: '');

var_dump($writeResponse instanceof WriteResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

// Get the path (string) e.g. path/to/file.txt
$path = $writeResponse->path();

// Get the content (string|\Stringable):
$content = $writeResponse->content();

// Get the original filename (unmodified). Might come from client.
$originalFilename = $writeResponse->originalFilename();

// Get the messages:
$messages = $writeResponse->messages();
// MessagesInterface

Upload Validator

The upload validator validates the given uploaded file.

use Tobento\App\Media\Upload\Validator;
use Tobento\App\Media\Upload\ValidatorInterface;

$validator = new Validator(
    // Define the allowed file extensions:
    allowedExtensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp'],
    // Define if you want to allow only strict filename characters
    // which are alphanumeric characters, hyphen, spaces, and periods:
    strictFilenameCharacters: true, // default
    // Define the max. filename length:
    maxFilenameLength: 255, // default
    // You may define the max. file size in bytes or null (unlimited).
    maxFileSizeInKb: 2000,

var_dump($validator instanceof ValidatorInterface);
// bool(true)


Use the validateUploadedFile method to validate the given uploaded file:

use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\UploadedFileException;

try {
        file: $uploadedFile, // UploadedFileInterface
} catch (UploadedFileException $e) {
    // validation failed.


The validator validates that

  • the file extension and mime type detected by its content is allowed
  • the client filename extension, client media type of the file is consistent with its content
  • the filename consists only of alphanumeric characters, hyphen, spaces, and periods if strictFilenameCharacters is set to true (default)
  • the filename length does not exceed the defined maxFilenameLength parameter
  • the file size does not exceed the defined maxFileSizeInKb parameter. Default is null unlimited

Once the uploaded file is validated and valid, you can be sure that

  • the $uploadedFile->getClientMediaType() is allowed, consistent with its file content and extension
  • the $uploadedFile->getClientFilename() file extension is allowed and consistent with its file content

The only thing you have to take care of is the filename except the extension:

$filename = $uploadedFile->getClientFilename();

$extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// is valid as verified

If you use the File Writer to store files, make sure the filenames parameter is configured safely.

use Tobento\App\Media\FileStorage\FileWriter;

$fileWriter = new FileWriter(
    filenames: FileWriter::ALNUM,
    // or
    filenames: FileWriter::RENAME,
    // or
    filenames: function (string $filename): string {
        // verify filename!
        return $verifiedFilename;

File Storage Location

Always store uploaded files outside the webroot or on a different host. If using the File Writer to store files, make sure your defined storage is outside the webroot such as the default configured uploads storage.


You may read the File Upload Cheatsheet -

Uploaded File Factory

The upload file factory may be used to create uploaded files from different resources.

use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactoryInterface as Psr17UploadedFileFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Upload\UploadedFileFactory;
use Tobento\App\Media\Upload\UploadedFileFactoryInterface;

$factory = new UploadedFileFactory(
    uploadedFileFactory: $uploadedFileFactory, // Psr17UploadedFileFactoryInterface
    streamFactory: $streamFactory, // StreamFactoryInterface

var_dump($factory instanceof UploadedFileFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)


Use the createFromRemoteUrl method to create an uploaded file from a remote url:

use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\CreateUploadedFileException;

try {
    $uploadedFile = $factory->createFromRemoteUrl(
        url: '' // string
    var_dump($uploadedFile instanceof UploadedFileInterface);
    // bool(true)
} catch (CreateUploadedFileException $e) {
    // creating uploaded file failed.


Use the createFromStorageFile method to create an uploaded file from a Storage File:

use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\CreateUploadedFileException;
use Tobento\Service\FileStorage\FileInterface;

try {
    $uploadedFile = $factory->createFromStorageFile(
        file: $file // FileInterface
    var_dump($uploadedFile instanceof UploadedFileInterface);
    // bool(true)
} catch (CreateUploadedFileException $e) {
    // creating uploaded file failed.

Image Processor

The image processor class processes the given image with the defined actions using the Imager Service.

use Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageProcessor;
use Tobento\App\Media\Image\ImageProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionFactoryInterface;

$imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(
    // Define the imager actions to be processed:
    actions: [
        'orientate' => [],
        'resize' => ['width' => 300],
        new Action\Contrast(20),
    // You may define imager actions which are allowed only.
    // If empty array all are allowed if not in disallowedActions.
    allowedActions: [
    // You may define imager actions which are not allowed and will be skipped:
    disallowedActions: [
    // You may convert certain images e.g. png to jpeg:
    convert: ['image/png' => 'image/jpeg'],
    // You may adjust the image quality:
    quality: ['image/jpeg' => 90, 'image/webp' => 90],
    // You may adjust the supported mime types:
    supportedMimeTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'], // default
    // You may define a custom imager actions class:
    //actionFactory: $customActionFactory, // ActionFactoryInterface

var_dump($imageProcessor instanceof ImageProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)

// Use the following methods to modify the image processor returning a new instance:
$imageProcessor = $imageProcessor->withActions([
    'resize' => ['width' => 300],

$imageProcessor = $imageProcessor->withConvert([
    'image/png' => 'image/jpeg',

$imageProcessor = $imageProcessor->withQuality([
    'image/jpeg' => 90,
    'image/webp' => 90,


Use the processFromResource method to process the given resource:

use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\ImageProcessException;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;

$encoded = $imageProcessor->processFromResource(
    resource: $resource, // ResourceInterface

var_dump($encoded instanceof Encoded);
// bool(true)

// throws ImageProcessException if image cannot get processed!

Check out the Resource and Encoded documentation to learn more.


Use the processFromStream method to process the given stream:

use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Tobento\App\Media\Exception\ImageProcessException;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;

$encoded = $imageProcessor->processFromStream(
    stream: $stream, // StreamInterface

var_dump($encoded instanceof Encoded);
// bool(true)

// throws ImageProcessException if image cannot get processed!

Check out the Encoded documentation to learn more.

Learn More

Display And Download Files Using Apps

You may use the Apps to create multiple apps, one for your main app and one for displaying and downloading files only:

Once you have created and configured your apps you may

In Media File Display App

use Tobento\Apps\AppBoot;

class MediaDisplayApp extends AppBoot
    protected const APP_ID = 'media-display';

    protected const SLUG = 'app-media';
    protected const DOMAINS = [''];
'features' => [
    new Feature\FileDisplay(
        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['images'],
        // you may change the route uri:
        routeUri: '{storage}/{path*}',
        routeDomain: '',

In Main App

use Tobento\Apps\AppBoot;

class MainApp extends AppBoot
    protected const APP_ID = 'main';

    protected const SLUG = '';
    protected const DOMAINS = ['', ''];
'features' => [
    new Feature\FileDisplay(
        // define the supported storages:
        supportedStorages: ['images'],
        // you may change the route uri:
        routeUri: '{storage}/{path*}',
        // you may define a route domain:
        routeDomain: '',
