
Provides BluedotSms notification channel for Laravel

1.0.4 2023-04-25 14:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-25 18:15:12 UTC


A laravel package for sending notifications via bluedot-mobile service.

Installation 🚥

Add the package to your composer.json

"require": {
    "tjmugova/bluedot-sms": "{version}"

Or just run composer require

$ composer require tjmugova/bluedot-sms


Add your Bluedot API ID, API Password, API Url, and From Number to your .env:

BLUEDOTSMS_API_URL= # always required
BLUEDOTSMS_API_ID=ZYX # always required
BLUEDOTSMS_SMS_FROM=1234 # always required

Advanced configuration

Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tjmugova\BluedotSms\BluedotSmsProvider"


Usage ✅

For full documentation, please refer to Laravel Notification Docs

Sending Notification

To send notification you can use the Laravel Notification Facade and pass the mobile number as the first parameter

public function send () 
    Notification::send('263777777777', new LeadAddedNotification());
    Notification::send(['263777777777', '263777777777'], new LeadAddedNotification());

Formatting Viber Notification

If a notification supports being sent as a Bluedot message, you should define a toBluedotSms method on the notification class. This method will receive a $notifiable entity and should return an Snp\Notifications\Rml\Messages\ViberMessage instance. Let's take a look at a basic toRMLViber example:

use Tjmugova\BluedotSms\Messages\ViberMessage;

 * Get the BluedotSms representation of the notification.
 * @param  mixed  $notifiable
 * @return Tjmugova\BluedotSms\Messages\BluedotSmsMessage
public function toBluedotSms($notifiable)
    return (new BluedotSmsMessage('This is a test message from Laravel'));


If you find any bugs or you have some ideas in mind that would make this better. Please don't hesitate to create a pull request.

If you find this package helpful, a simple star is very much appreciated.