
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Implementation of swagger-php for Symfony

0.2.2 2017-06-01 10:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-18 08:28:16 UTC


Travis Packagist

This bundle provides integration of swagger-php in Symfony. It should only run in the dev environment, as searching for annotations at runtime is not performant. The bundle comes with the ability to generate a swagger.json file that can be statically served.


Install via Composer:

composer require timeinc/swagger-bundle --dev

Enable Bundle

In your app/AppKernel.php file, add the following to your list of dev bundles:


class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        // ...

        if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['dev', 'test'], true)) {
            // ...
            $bundles[] = new TimeInc\SwaggerBundle\SwaggerBundle();

        // ...

Configure Bundle

Application Configuration

Open ./app/config/config_dev.yml and add your configuration like below.

    version: '2.0'
        title: 'My API'
        version: '1.0.0'
        description: 'My API Description'
    host: 'my-api-host:8080'
    base_path: '/v2'
        - https
        - { name: 'production', host: 'productionhost', schemes: [https], base_path: '/api' }
        - application/json
        - application/json
            - AcmeDemoBundle
    pretty_json: true

The full configuration reference for a comprehensive list of all values and defaults.


The bundle comes with routes to view the default swagger.json schema or schemas with overridden host, schemes and base_path as defined by your presets. To enable the routes, add the following to your ./app/config/routing_dev.yml:

    resource: "@SwaggerBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
    prefix:   /

You can then access your default schema through /_swagger/swagger.json or your alternative schemas through /_swagger/swagger-{alternative-host-name}.json. As noted before, this should not be added to the production routes.


Once you have registered your bundles under swagger > bundles in config_dev.yml, the swagger-bundle will automatically search for any swagger-php annotations under:

  • [bundle_dir]/Controller
  • [bundle_dir]/Document
  • [bundle_dir]/Entity
  • [bundle_dir]/Form
  • [bundle_dir]/Model
  • [bundle_dir]/Swagger

Please see swagger-php's annotation reference for details about swagger-php's syntax.

Symfony Routes

This bundle comes with an extra \TimeInc\SwaggerBundle\Swagger\Annotation\Route annotation that allows you to define a symfony route as a swagger endpoint. using the annotation will set a swagger path for each method and add parameters for the path variables and any defaults as query strings.

The annotation can be defined on a class or a method with the following properies:

NOTE: If the entity is omitted, the bundle will search for an entity name of the same name as the controller in the same bundle. For Example, the below example controller is Acme\PetBundle\Controller\PetController, so the bundle will search for an entity in Acme\PetBundle\Entity\Pet


namespace Acme\PetBundle\Controller;

use TimeInc\SwaggerBundle\Swagger\Annotation\Route;

 * @Route(
 *     method="cgetAction",
 *     route="api_get_pets",
 *     returns="collection"
 * )
class PetController
     * This annotation defines no entity. The bundle will check an entity exists in:
     *     Acme\PetBundle\Entity\Pet
     * @Route(
     *     route="api_get_pet"
     * )
    public function getAction()
     * @Route(
     *     route="api_get_pet_owner",
     *     entity="Acme\PetBundle\Entity\Owner",
     *     headers={"X-TEST": "string"},
     *     queryParams={"query": "string", "page": "integer"}
     * )
    public function getOwnerAction()

Command Line

You can dump the json schema to the console with the swagger:dump command:

./bin/console -e=dev swagger:dump --pretty

HINT: You can use the option --alternative-host=product to override host, schemes and base_path with your production preset

API Gateway

The bundle can also generate a swagger schema for an AWS API Gateway using the HTTP Proxy.

The schema can then be imported into the AWS console to generate a 1-1 route mapping over a HTTP proxy for your API. All parameters and headers and imported into AWS and passed through.

API Gateway

Please see the docs on how to integrate your API with API Gateway.