
1.2.0 2019-04-29 06:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:23:08 UTC



Version history

1.2.0 Big changes..

Compatibilty broken!

jsflow and cssflow options

The flow for the run and watch commands can be changed by the --jsflow and --cssflow option. Default for both is MC, meaning Minify then Concat. Specify CM for Concat then Minify. Note that minify in the context of CSS means crush which is preprocess by csscrush and minify. And even if minify is surpressed by the --nominify option we still call this step minify! Also note that you can't just switch there parameters. You'll probably want to change your dirs in the config file since each steps assumes the inputfiles in a different dir

Settings Namechange, warning: breaks compatibility!

Out of consistency the setting cssdir_in and cssdir_out is changed to csscrunch_in and csscrunch_out. The name is now related to the process-step using it.
Same goes for jsdir_in and jsdir_out becoming jsmin_in and jsmin_out.

Old setting New setting
cssdir_in csscrunch_in
cssdir_out csscrunch_out
jsdir_in jsmin_in
jsdir_out jsmin_out


  • Before crushing css the csscrunch_out is emptied
  • Before concatting css the cssconc_out is emptied
  • Before minifying js the jsmin_out is emptied
  • Before concatting js the jsconc_out is emptied

1.1.0 Watching!

Added watch functionality


First usable version

What is it?

QK:Run is a little taskrunner that automates the processing of your project's javascript and css-files. I've built it for my own use on small solo php-projects but, who knows, it might come in handy for someone else. In the 1.1.0 version a watch feature to watch has been added!

In version 1.1 QK:Run can

  • minify javascript files
  • crush CSS files (with CSS~Crush)
  • concat javascript and css files
  • watch for changes in your javascript and css dir

Crushing by the way means preprocessing and (optional) minification of css files. See http://the-echoplex.net/csscrush/

How to run

QK:Run is implemented as command-line PHP. It needs PHP5.4 or higher. It expects Linux-style commands so I for example use it in a GitBash window on a windows machine. The QK:Run main file is qk.php in the proj folder. I've made an alias qk to start this so I don't have to type php qk.php all the time. From now on in my examples i'll use this short variant qk as well.


The idea is to have one installation of QK:Run on your computer. This installation can serve multiple projects (called sites in QK:Run), one at a time. You can point QK:Run to the site currently used with the select command.

In the proj folder you'll find a config folder. In here you'll find the a qkrun.config.php. This is the global config file which should return a php associative array of key-value pairs. key is the name of the setting and value the value of the setting.

The global config file should at least contain a sites setting. The sites setting is an array key-value pairs where the key is an acronym for a site (remember: site is the term for a QK:Run project) and the value is the name of the config file for this site.

   return ['sites' => ['dogs'=>'config/dogs.config.php',

In the example above you'll see that this QK:Run installation can handle two sites, dogs and birds. The configuration for dogs is in config/dogs.config.php and the configuration for birds is in config/birds.config.php. This is the mechanism used to let QK:Run point to a selected site.

The site config file is called the local config file. Like the global config file it needs to return a php-array of key-value pairs. These files can be part of the file structure of the site itself but like here in the example I've put them in the same folder as the global config file to have all configurations at one place. It doesn't matter. Note how the path in the example is a relative path seen from the proj folder though.

An important concept about QK:Run config files is that they are merged. Settings of the global and local file are combined. If the same setting occurs in both files the local setting overrides the global setting. The whole idea is that you define settings which are the same for all your sites in the global config file and site specific settings in the local config file. With the current set of settings you probably won't be using this feature a lot but I expect it to become more relavant in future versions.

Getting started

So to get started the first thing you'll want to do is to fill the sites setting in the qkrun.config.php file. Then you'll want to create and populate the local config file(s) you defined in the sites setting.

If we use the previous example of

'sites' => ['dogs'=>'config/dogs.config.php', 'birds'=>'config/birds.config.php', ]

in the global file then we'll need to create a dogs.config.php and a birds.config.php in the config folder. Let's focus on dogs.config.php..

Typically it will look something like this:

return [
   'csscrunch_in'   => '/mysites/dogs/css/',
   'csscrunch_out'  => '/mysites/dogs/cssmin/',
   'jsmin_in'    => '/mysites/dogs/js/',
   'jsmin_out'   => '/mysites/dogs/jsmin/',
   'jsconc_in'   => '/mysites/dogs/jsmin/',
   'jsconc_out'  => '/mysites/dogs/jscon/',
   'jsconc_name' => 'dogs-min.js',
   'cssconc_in'  => '/mysites/dogs/cssmin/',
   'cssconc_out' => '/mysites/dogs/csscon/',
   'cssconc_name'=> 'dogs-min.css',
  • csscrunch_in defines where the input css files for the crunch step can be found
  • csscrunch_out defines where the 'crushed' css files are stored
  • jsmin_in defines where the javascript files for the minify step can be found
  • jsmin_out defines where the minified javascript files are stored
  • jsconc_in defines where the javascript files to concat are stored, typically the same as jsmin_out
  • jsconc_out defines where the concatted javascript file is stored
  • jsconc_name is the name of the concatted javascript file
  • cssconc_in defines where the css files to concat are stored, typically the same as csscrunch_out
  • cssconc_out defines where the concatted css file is stored
  • cssconc_name is the name of the concatted css file

QK:Run commands

select the site working on. Must be one of the acronyms in sites.

--site=<siteacronym> specifies the site you want to select.

show available commands

crushes the css-files in csscrunch_in to csscrunch_out. If xxx.css is the input file the output file names becomes xxx-min.css if minified or stays xxx.css if no minification.

--nominify specify this if you don't want minification. Minification is the default.

minify your javascript files in jsmin_in and write them to jsmin_out.

concat your javascript files in jsconc_in to one file in jsconc_out with the name jsconc_name.

--sort specify this if you want the files processed sorted by alphabet. Default no sorting.

concat your css files in cssconc_in to one file in cssconc_out with the name cssconc_name.

--sort specify this if you want the files processed sorted by alphabet. Default no sorting.

this is a combination of crush, minify, concss and conjs. See the individual commands. --jsflow Default flow is MC, Minify then Concat, use CM for Concat then Minify.
--cssflow Default flow is MC, Minify/Crush then Concat, use CM for Concat then Minify/Crush.

watch watches your css and js for changes.
--jsflow Default flow is MC, Minify then Concat, use CM for Concat then Minify.
--cssflow Default flow is MC, Minify/Crush then Concat, use CM for Concat then Minify/Crush.