
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A set of useful Laravel classes to be used during everyday development.

v0.9.1 2021-06-22 16:06 UTC


A set of useful Laravel classes to be used across every day development.

Table of Contents


composer require thtg88/laravel-base-classes

You can publish the configuration file and views by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thtg88\LaravelBaseClasses\LaravelBaseClassesServiceProvider"


Coming soon!


Clone the repo:

git clone


The Xdebug PHP extension is required, you can install it via:

pecl install xdebug


Linting is performed using PHP CS Fixer, you can run that with:

composer run-script check-style

Static Analysis

Static Analysis is run using Psalm, you can run that with:

composer run-script stan


Tests are run using PHPUnit, you can run them using:

composer run-script test

Mutation Tests

Mutation tests are run using PHPUnit to generate coverage first, and later with Infection.

In order to run mustation tests, first run the following in order to generate the coverage in XML format in the build directory:

XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit \
    --coverage-xml=build/coverage-xml \

Then you can run mutation tests with:

./vendor/bin/infection --coverage=build/coverage-xml


Laravel Base Classes is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel Base Classes, please send an e-mail to Marco Marassi at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.