Designed specifically for the ability to add shortcodes to existing content.

3.0.1 2023-08-12 07:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 11:33:03 UTC


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A very highly targeted package. Designed specifically for the ability to add shortcodes to existing content. If you are just starting to develop an application then just use or alternative without using this package. The package is needed if you already have a large amount of content, and the client requires adding new functionality


You can install the package via composer:

  1. Install "flexible content" package.
composer require
  1. Install "shortcode" package
composer require
# optional publish configs
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"



\ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\ShortcodeText field. You need add it to top level layouts in you flexible content

class ImageLayout extends \NovaFlexibleContent\Layouts\Layout
    public function fields(): array
        return [
            ->help('All parameters you can find <a href="//some-link">here</a>'),
            NLFMImage::make('Image', 'image'),
            Text::make('Caption', 'caption'),

class ImageLayout extends \NovaFlexibleContent\Layouts\Layout
    public function fields(): array
        return [
            NLFMImage::make('Image', 'image'),
            Text::make('Caption', 'caption'),

class ImagesSliderLayout extends \NovaFlexibleContent\Layouts\Layout
    public function fields(): array
        return [
            \NovaFlexibleContent\Flexible::make('Slider', 'slider')
                    ->layoutsMenuButton('Add slide'),

\NovaFlexibleContent\Flexible::make('Shortcodes', 'shortcodes')
    ->layoutsMenuButton('Add shortcode')

Html presenter

You need create "presenters" to display your shortcodes. Any presenter should implement interface ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\ShortcodePresenter

use ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\ViewPresenter;

class ImageWithCaption extends ViewPresenter
    protected string $viewPath = 'my-folder.shortcodes.image-with-caption';
# my-folder/shortcodes/image-with-caption.blade.php
@if(!empty($shortcodeData) && !empty($shortcodeData['image']))
    <div class="...">
        <div class="...">
                src="{{$shortcodeData['image']}}" alt=""/>
                <div class="...">

Render example with trait

class Article extends Model {

    use \ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\Eloquent\HasShortcodes;

    public function shortcodesMap(): array {
        return [ 'image' => ImageWithCaption::class, ];

    public function getFullContentAttribute(): string {
        return $this->getDataWithShortcodes( WysiwygHelper::filter( (string) $this->content ) );
    public function getFullContentOtherAttribute(): string {
        return $this->getDataWithShortcodes( WysiwygHelper::filter( (string) $this->content_other ) );

Then call it:

{!! $article->full_content !!}
{!! $article->full_content_other !!}

Raw render example

class Post extends Model
    public function presentersMap(): array
        return [
            'image'  => ImageWithCaption::class,
            'EYsCY62xKnkHrvIo'  => AdHocImageWithCaption::class,
            'slider' => ImagesSlider::class,
    public function shortcodesData(): array
        $data = null;
        if ($this->shortcodes && is_string($this->shortcodes)) {
            $data = json_decode($this->shortcodes, true);

        return is_array($data) ? $data : [];
    public function postContent(): ?string
        return \ThinkOne\NovaFlexibleContentFieldShortcode\ShortcodeCompiler::make(
            $this->shortcodesData(), // array represent "nova-flexible-content" field
            $this->presentersMap() // array represent presenters map (key => class), see above
          $this->content // text containing shortcode, maybe you need to filter it to prevent xss


  • Think Studio