
Convention based routing for PHP

3.0.0 2024-11-05 21:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 22:13:51 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Convention based routing for PHP based on Symfony components.

Croute is great because:

  • You don't need to maintain a routing table
  • Promotes consistent code organization
  • Allows for customization through attributes and events

Install via Composer

Via the command line:

composer.phar require thewunder/croute ^2.0

Or add the following to the require section your composer.json:

"thewunder/croute": "^2.0"


Your index.php should look something like this:

$router = Router::create($eventDispatcher, ['Your\\Controller\\Namespace'], $container, [$dependency1, $dependency2]);

Your controllers should look something like this:

namespace Your\Controller\Namespace

class IndexController extends Croute\Controller
    public function __construct($dependency1, $dependency2)

     * Will be available at http://yourdomain/
     * and require the "required" (body or querystring) request parameter
    public function indexAction($required, $optional = null)
        echo 'Crouter Controller'; //you can echo or return a symfony Response

     * Available at http://yourdomain/test
    public function testAction()
        return new Response('Test Action');

The name of the controller determines which url it appears as:

It supports nested namespaces so that:


Croute optionally supports controller and action attributes. Two attributes are included out of the box, HttpMethod and Secure.


Restricts the allowed http methods. Returns a 400 response if the method does not match.

    public function saveAction()


Requires a secure connection. If the connection is not https send a 301 redirect to the same url with the https protocol.

class IndexController extends Controller

Custom Attributes

To create a custom attribute, implement the RoutingAttribute interface on your attribute, and an AttributeHandler.

class MyAttribute implements RoutingAttribute
    public function __construct(public string $option)
class MyAttributeHandler extends BasicAttributeHandler
    public function getAttributeClass(): string
        return MyAttribute::class;

    public function handleRequest(MyAttribute|RoutingAttribute $attribute, Request $request): ?Response 
        // Return a response will immediately return that response, bypassing the normal controller action
        if ($attribute->option == 'teapot') {
            return new Response("I'm a teapot", Response::HTTP_I_AM_A_TEAPOT);
        return null;

Add the attribute handler to the router, and your custom attribute will be ready to use.

$router->addAttributeHandler(new MyAttributeHandler());


Symfony events are dispatched for every step in the routing process. A total of 12 events are dispatched in a successful request:

  1. router.request
  2. router.controller_loaded
  3. router.controller_loaded.{ControllerName}
  4. router.before_action
  5. router.before_action.{ControllerName}
  6. router.before_action.{ControllerName}.{actionName}
  7. router.after_action
  8. router.after_action.{ControllerName}
  9. router.after_action.{ControllerName}.{actionName}
  10. router.before_response_sent
  11. router.response_sent
  12. router.response_sent.{ControllerName}
  13. router.response_sent.{ControllerName}.{actionName}

The {ControllerName} will be sans 'Controller' and {actionName} sans 'Action' i.e IndexController::indexAction -> router.before_action.Index.index.

At any time before the response is sent, in an event listener you can set a response on the event to bypass the action and send instead.

    public function myListener(ControllerLoadedEvent $event)
        $event->setResponse(new Response('PermissionDenied', 403));

Error Handling

Proper error handling is not really something that I can do for you. It's up to you to determine how to do logging, how and when to render a pretty error page. To handle errors, implement the EventHandlerInterface and set your error handler on the router. Your class will be called when common routing events occur (i.e. 404 errors) and when there is an exception during the routing process.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.