YACO (Yet Another COmpiler) is a PHP tool that generates a PHP container based on entry definitions.

v1.0.0 2016-03-01 17:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 00:16:09 UTC


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YACO - Yet another compiler

YACO (Yet Another COmpiler) is a PHP tool that generates a PHP container based on entry definitions. It is fully compatible with entry definitions from definition-interop.


You can install this package through Composer:

    "require": {
        "thecodingmachine/yaco": "^1.2"

The packages adheres to the SemVer specification, and there will be full backward compatibility between minor versions.


This package contains a Compiler class. The goal of this class is to take a number of "entry definitions" (as defined in definition-interop) and to transform those into a PHP class that implements the ContainerInterface

use TheCodingMachine\Yaco\Compiler;

$compiler = new Compiler();

// ...

foreach ($definitions as $identifier => $definition) {
    /* @var $definition Interop\Container\Definition\DefinitionInterface */
    $compiler->addDefinition($identifier, $definition);

// Let's dump the code of the My\Container class.
file_put_contents("Container.php", $compiler->compile("My\\Container"));

Now, you can instantiate your container using this code:

$container = new My\Container();

$service = $container->get('a_service');

Note: Yaco is consuming container definitions (implementing Interop\Container\Definition\DefinitionInterface). Out of the box, Yaco does not provide any classes implementing this interface. However, you can find such classes in a package like mnapoli/assembly.

Here is a complete sample using Yaco and Assembly:

Compile phase:

use TheCodingMachine\Yaco\Compiler;
use function \Assembly\object;
use function \Assembly\alias;

$compiler = new Compiler();

$loggerDefinition = object('MyLogger')
    ->addMethodCall('setDebug', true);

$compiler->addDefinition('logger', $loggerDefinition);

// Let's dump the code of the My\Container class.
file_put_contents("Container.php", $compiler->compile("My\\Container"));



$container = new My\Container();
$logger = $container->get('logger');

Note: the My\Container class implements the Interop\Container\ContainerInterface. Therefore, it can be used with any framework compatible with container-interop.

Service provider support

This package supports container agnostic service providers as defined in container-interop/service-provider.

To register service providers, you must pass to the compiler a TheCodingMachine\ServiceProvider\Registry object.

Here is a sample:

use TheCodingMachine\Yaco\Compiler;
use TheCodingMachine\ServiceProvider\Registry;

$registry = new Registry([

// The registry is passed as first argument to the compiler. 
$compiler = new Compiler($registry);

// Let's dump the code of the My\Container class.
file_put_contents("MyContainer.php", $compiler->compile("MyContainer"));

Important! When you want to use the compiled container, you have to pass a registry containing the same service providers, in the same order.

Below is an instantiation of the container generated by the code above:

use TheCodingMachine\ServiceProvider\Registry;

$registry = new Registry([

// The registry is passed as first argument to the compiler. 
$container = new MyContainer($registry);

$service = $container->get('a_service');


Delegate lookup support

Containers generated by Yaco support the "delegate lookup" feature of container-interop.

If you pass a container as the second argument to the generated container, all dependency lookups will be done on the passed container rather than on the generated container.

Here is a sample:

// $rootContainer is a composite container from the acclimate library
$rootContainer = new Acclimate\CompositeContainer();

$myContainer = new MyContainer(null, $rootContainer);


Definition providers

You can directly register a definition provider using the register method:

use TheCodingMachine\Yaco\Compiler;

$compiler = new Compiler();

// ...


// Let's dump the code of the My\Container class.
file_put_contents("Container.php", $compiler->compile("My\\Container"));

Definition providers are classes implementing the Interop\Container\Definition\DefinitionProviderInterface. They provide a list of container definitions to be compiled by the compiler.