
Open edX Bundle.

1.1.1 2018-06-05 13:33 UTC


Bundle based on Symfony to work with the PuMuKIT2 Video Platform.

This bundle adds an API for an Open edX instance to be able to connect to Media Manager. It is intented to work along with:

Installation steps


Steps 1 and 2 requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 1: Introduce repository in the root project composer.json

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to add this repo:

$ composer config repositories.pumukitopenedxbundle vcs

Step 2: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require teltek/pmk2-openedx-bundle dev-master

Step 3: Install the Bundle

Install the bundle by executing the following line command. This command updates the Kernel to enable the bundle (app/AppKernel.php) and loads the routing (app/config/routing.yml) to add the bundle route

$ cd /path/to/pumukit2/
$ php app/console pumukit:install:bundle Pumukit/OpenEdxBundle/PumukitOpenEdxBundle

Step 4: Configure Bundle

Go to Resources/doc/

Step 5: Install Open edX Publication Channel

Install the Open edX Publication Channel with tag code PUCHOPENEDX.

$ cd /path/to/pumukit2/
$ php app/console openedx:init:pubchannel

Step 6: Add the PUCHOPENEDX tag code to the desire encoder profiles

Edit your app/config/encoder.yml profile to add the PUCHOPENEDX tag code to the desire encoder profiles, so in case a multimedia object has this Tag, the Tracks with those profiles will be genereated.

For example, if you want to generate a video_h264 Track each time the Open edX Publication Channel is added to a Multimedia Object, you should add the tag code this way:


For PuMuKIT latest version of 2.3.x and 2.4.x, add this configuration to encoder.yml as well:

            video: "video_h264"

Step 7: (Optional) Set the permissions

Add the "Init Multimedia Objects in published status" role to those users with a permission profiele with personal scope, if you want them to publish their own videos immediately. Example for "Auto Publisher" permission profile:

php app/console pumukit:permission:update "Auto Publisher" ROLE_INIT_STATUS_PUBLISHED

Step 8: Override PumukitNewAdminBundle:MultimediaObject:list.html.twig template

If your server has PuMuKIT 2.3.x installed, execute:

php app/console openedx:init:resources 2.3.x

If your server has PuMuKIT 2.4.x installed, execute:

php app/console openedx:init:resources 2.4.x

Clear cache:

php app/console cache:clear && php app/console cache:clear --env=prod


1.- Configuration

2.- PuMoodle Installation Guide