
Metapackage to install Teknoo East Common in Symfony, Package following the #East programming philosophy, build on Teknoo/East-Foundation (and Teknoo/Recipe), providing components (user management, object persistence, template rendering, ..) for the creation of web application or website.

Fund package maintenance!

Installs: 2 801

Dependents: 2

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Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



Metapackage to install Teknoo East Common with Symfony.

Support this project

This project is free and will remain free. It is fully supported by the activities of the EIRL. If you like it and help me maintain it and evolve it, don't hesitate to support me on Patreon or Github.

Thanks :) Richard.


EIRL Richard Déloge - https://deloge.io - Lead developer. SASU Teknoo Software - https://teknoo.software

About Teknoo Software

Teknoo Software is a PHP software editor, founded by Richard Déloge, as part of EIRL Richard Déloge. Teknoo Software's goals : Provide to our partners and to the community a set of high quality services or software, sharing knowledge and skills.


East Common is licensed under the MIT License - see the licenses folder for details.

Installation & Requirements

To install this library with composer, run these commands :

  • Add in your composer.json the entry https://api.github.com/repos/TeknooSoftware/symfony-recipes/contents/index.json to the list extra.symfony.endpoint and set to true the entry extra.symfony.allow-contrib.
  • If the extra.symfony.endpoint is not already defined, you must also add flex://defaults to avoid errors.
  • Run this command composer require teknoo/east-common-symfony

To start a project with Symfony :

symfony new your_project_name new
composer require teknoo/composer-install
composer require teknoo/east-common-symfony    

This library requires :

* PHP 8.1+
* A PHP autoloader (Composer is recommended)
* Teknoo/Immutable.
* Teknoo/States.
* Teknoo/Recipe.
* Teknoo/East-Foundation.
* Optional: Symfony 6.3+ (for administration)