
TWIG filter to wrap lines exceeding the specified length.

v1.0 2017-07-06 18:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 08:35:37 UTC


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TWIG filter to wrap lines over a specified length with a newline, or optionally pass in a different separator.

Designed for wrapping iCal files to 75 chars max length, although should be useful in any application requiring line wrapping.


  1. Install through composer.
composer require techwilk/twig-linewrap
  1. Then add as an extension to TWIG:
$twig->addExtension(new \TechWilk\Twig\Extension\LineWrap());


Use as a standard twig filter, passing in a maximum length after which to wrap:

{{ 'this is some text that goes on forever' | linewrap(10) }}


this is so
me text th
at goes on

Optionally pass in a different separator (such as for iCal wrapping):

{{ 'this is some text that goes on forever' | linewrap(75, "\n ") }}