
This package has api pointing to Fetches and stores all the countries in your local database.

v1.1.9 2022-02-11 16:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 23:19:08 UTC


World Countries API


This package has api pointing to Fetches and stores all the countries in your local database.


The recommended way to install world-countries-api is through. Composer.

# Install package via composer
composer require techguy/world-countries-api

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of techguy/world-countries-api:

# Update package via composer
 composer update techguy/world-countries-api --lock

After installing, the package will be auto discovered, But if need you may run:

# run for auto discovery <-- If the package is not detected automatically -->
composer dump-autoload

Then run this, to get the for your own configurations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="World\Countries\WorldCountriesServiceProvider"

You will have to add this in the database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder. Before using the package model seed data for the countries:

Set your ACCESS_KEY in the .env file.

         * Seed the application's database.
         * @return void
        public function run()
             // other seeds...

         * -------------------------------------
         * This is the sample data on how the
         * country data is stored in an object
         * -------------------------------------
        "id": "6ad0db80-c93b-11ea-9af5-bd4193f081f6",
        "name": "Kenya",
        "slug": "kenya",
        "data": {
            "flag": "",
            "name": "Kenya",
            "capital": "Nairobi",
            "short2Code": "KE",
            "short3Code": "KEN",
            "callingCode": "254",
            "currencyCode": "KES",
            "currencyName": "Kenyan shilling"
        "deleted_at": null,
        "created_at": "2020-07-18T21:12:42.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-07-18T21:12:42.000000Z"


Follow the steps below on how to use the world-countries-api:

Version Guidance

Version Status Packagist Namespace Repo
1.x Latest techguy/world-countries-api World\Countries v1.1.7

Security Vulnerabilities

For any security vulnerabilities, please email to Bugs Support.


This package is open-source, licensed under the MIT license.