
An unoffial Laravel wrapper for Revolut's Merchant API

v1.0 2020-04-19 10:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 19:23:48 UTC


Latest Stable Version License Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Laravel-Revolut (Merchant)

An unofficial Laravel wrapper for Revolut's Merchant API.
A sister package for Revolut's Open API for Business can be found here.


  • Laravel >=5.8
  • PHP >=7.2

Getting Started

Follow this guide on how to install the package, and read Revolut's Merchant API documentation to learn more about the functionalities offered by the API.

⚠️ Please use a sandbox account when setting up this package, and only switch to your real-world account once you're happy that everything is working correclty.


Pull the package in through Composer

composer require tbclla/laravel-revolut-merchant

Service Provider & Facade

If you have disabled auto-discovery, add the service provider and facade to your config/app.php.

'providers' => [
    // ...

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'Merchant' => tbclla\RevolutMerchant\Facades\Merchant::class,

Publish the configuration (optional)

If you would like to publish this package's configuration to your own config directory, use the below artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider "tbclla\RevolutMerchant\Providers\RevolutMerchantServiceProvider"

Set environment variables

Add the following keys to your project's .env file, as all of the configuration values are read from there.
❗Complete the REVOLUT_MERCHANT_API_KEY with the API key from your merchant account.


That's it, you're all done.

How to use this package

To use the client, you can either instantiate a new tbclla\RevolutMerchant\Client which accepts your API key, and whether or not to run in sandbox mode:

use tbclla\RevolutMerchant\Client;

// sandbox
$merchant = new Client('your_api_key', true);
// production
$merchant = new Client('your_api_key');


Or you can use the facade, which will inject your environment values.
For brevity, all of the examples in this documentation are using the facade.

use tbclla\RevolutMerchant\Facades\Merchant;



Please refer to Revolut's official documentation on orders for additional information on how to use the orders endpoint.

Create an order

    "amount" => 200,
    "capture_mode" => "MANUAL",
    "merchant_order_id" => "00122",
    "customer_email" => "sally.gibson@gmail.com",
    "description" => "description",
    "currency" => "GBP",
    "settlement_currency" => "USD",
    "merchant_customer_id" => "sally01"

Retrieve an order

$orderId = 'd41c46db-5f82-4dd7-8a22-a43ac517b6df';


Capture an order


Cancel an order


Refund an order

Merchant::order()->refund($orderId, [
    "amount" => 100,
    "currency" => "GBP",
    "merchant_order_id" => "00122",
    "description" => null


Read Revolut's official documentation about web-hooks to learn more.

Create the web-hook


Revoke the web-hook


Retrieve web-hooks


Revolut Checkout Widget API

To use the checkout widget, you have to embed a script from Revolut on any page that will use the checkout widget.

This package includes a @revolutMerchantScript blade directive which will embed this script for you and set the correct source depending on your configured environment.

    <title>Checkout Page</title>


Brief example

Below is a quick and dirty example to illustrate how to create a new payment order, and subsequently display a payment pop-up.

For this example, the logged in user sends an AJAX request to a /purchase route, where a new payment order is created. The payment order's public_id is then returned and passed to RevolutCheckout().


Route::post('/purchase', function() {
    // Get the logged in user
    $user = Auth::user();
    // Fetch the item being purchased
    $item = Item::find(request('item_id'));
    // Create a new payment order
    $paymentOrder = Merchant::order()->create([
        "currency" => "GBP",
        "description" => $item->name,
        "amount" => $item->price,
        "customer_email" => $user->email,
        "merchant_customer_id" => $user->id,
    // return the payment order's 'public_id'
    return $paymentOrder['public_id'];


❗Don't forget that any page which intends to use RevolutCheckout() must include the above mentioned checkout widget script before calling RevolutCheckout().

// the user triggers a request to the above route
axios.post('/purchase', {"item_id": 123456}).then((response) => {
    // get the 'public_id' from the response
    let publicId = response.data;
    // pass the 'public_id' to RevolutCheckout()
    RevolutCheckout(publicId).then(function(instance) {
        // Launch the pop-up
            onSuccess() { ... },
            onError(message) { ... }


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details