
Laravel Bundle for Lithuanian/Latvian banks' internet services

1.3.2 2024-10-09 06:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-09 07:39:53 UTC


Banks implemented

Lithuania: Danske, DNB, Nordea, SEB, Šiaulių bankas, Swedbank, Kevin, Everypay, Neopay
Latvian: Citadele, SEB


Require this package with composer:

composer require talandis/laravel-banklinks

Provider specific installation


If you want to use Kevin payments you need to add getkevin/kevin-php dependency to your project:

composer require getkevin/kevin-php


After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Talandis\LaravelBanklinks\LaravelBanklinksServiceProvider"

Don't forget to enter your certificates and other details into configuration files.


Payment requests

Below is a simple sample of payment request.

$bank = new \Talandis\LaravelBanklinks\Lithuania\SEB();
$bank->setConfiguration( config('banklinks.lithuania-seb') );   // This line is optional. Same configuration is read automatically
$bank->setCallbackUrl( url( 'callback/seb' ) );
$bank->setCancelUrl( url('cancel/seb' ) );

$requestData = $bank->getPaymentRequest(1, 25, 'Beer + Movie');
$requestUrl = $bank->getRequestUrl();

Sample form

<form action="{{$requestUrl}}" method="post">
    @foreach ( $requestData as $fieldName => $value ):
      <input type="hidden" name="{{$fieldName}}" value="{{$value}}" />
    <button type="submit">Make payment</button>

Succesful payment callback

$bank = new \Talandis\Banklinks\Lithuania\SEB();
$bank->setConfiguration( config('banklinks.lithuania-seb') );   // This line is optional. Same configuration is read automatically

if ( $bank->isPaidResponse( Input::all() ) ) {

    echo $bank->getOrderId();

} else if ( $bank->isReturnResponse( Input::all() ) ) {


Cancelled payment callback

$bank = new \Talandis\Banklinks\Lithuania\SEB();
$bank->setConfiguration( config('banklinks.lithuania-seb') );   // This line is optional. Same configuration is read automatically

if ( $bank->isCancelResponse( Input::all() ) ) {
