
API Rate Limiting Library for PHP

v1.0.0 2024-07-30 21:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-29 01:09:01 UTC


This library provides rate limiting functionality for PHP applications, using Redis for storage. It supports multiple rate limiting strategies and can be integrated with PSR-15 middleware.


To use the library, you need to have the following Composer packages, which are already included in the library's composer.json file:

  1. predis/predis - A Redis client library.
  2. laminas/laminas-diactoros - Provides PSR-7 (HTTP message) and PSR-15 (HTTP server) implementations.
  3. psr/http-server-handler - Provides the RequestHandlerInterface for handling HTTP requests.
  4. psr/http-server-middleware - Provides the MiddlewareInterface for HTTP middleware.
  5. laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner - Provides the SapiEmitter class for emitting HTTP responses.

In addition, for development and testing, the library includes:

  1. phpstan/phpstan - For static analysis.
  2. pestphp/pest - For testing.

Install Library and Dependencies

Run the following Composer command to install all required packages:

composer require tal7aouy/api-rate-limiter

Ensure Redis is installed and running on your system.


Basic Setup

  1. Initialize Redis Connection:

    Create a RedisConnection instance to handle the connection to the Redis server.

    use Tal7aouy\ApiRateLimiter\RedisConnection;
    $redisConnection = new RedisConnection();
  2. Initialize Redis Rate Limiter:

    Create a RedisRateLimiter instance using the Redis connection.

    use Tal7aouy\ApiRateLimiter\RedisRateLimiter;
    $redisRateLimiter = new RedisRateLimiter($redisConnection->getClient());
  3. Initialize Rate Limiter Middleware:

    Create a RateLimiterMiddleware instance with the desired rate limit and time window.

    use Tal7aouy\ApiRateLimiter\RateLimiterMiddleware;
    $rateLimiterMiddleware = new RateLimiterMiddleware($redisRateLimiter, 10, 60); // Limit: 10 requests per minute
  4. Create a Request Handler:

    Implement a simple request handler to handle incoming requests.

    use Laminas\Diactoros\Response;
    use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
    class SimpleHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface {
        public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface {
            $response = new Response();
            $response->getBody()->write('Hello, World!');
            return $response;
  5. Create Server Request and Process Through Middleware:

    Create a server request and process it through the rate limiter middleware.

    use Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory;
    $serverParams = ['REMOTE_ADDR' => ''];
    $request = ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals($serverParams, [], [], [], []);
    $response = $rateLimiterMiddleware->process($request, new SimpleHandler());
    // Emit Response
    use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
    $emitter = new SapiEmitter();

Advanced Configuration

Custom Redis Configuration

You can configure the Redis connection by passing a custom configuration array to the RedisConnection class.

$redisConnection = new RedisConnection([
    'scheme' => 'tcp',
    'host'   => 'localhost',
    'port'   => 6379,

Custom Rate Limiting Strategies

The library supports multiple rate limiting strategies. You can implement your own strategy by extending the RateLimiter interface.

use Tal7aouy\ApiRateLimiter\RateLimiter;

class CustomRateLimiter implements RateLimiter {
    public function isAllowed(string $identifier, int $limit, int $window): bool {
        // Custom rate limiting logic

Then use the custom rate limiter with the middleware.

$customRateLimiter = new CustomRateLimiter();
$rateLimiterMiddleware = new RateLimiterMiddleware($customRateLimiter, 10, 60);


Unit tests are provided for each rate limiting strategy and Redis integration. To run the tests, use PestPHP.

composer test


For detailed documentation and examples, please refer to the source code and comments within the library.

In the examples/index.php file, you can see a complete example of how to use the library.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This software licensed under the MIT license.