
A module that allows saving sent email message to an IMAP server.

Installs: 12

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Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.2 2019-04-09 18:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-10 07:29:20 UTC


This is a module that wraps around taitava/swiftmailer-imapsentfolder to provide an ability to store any email messages sent from your SilverStripe website/application to an IMAP email server.

It's quite simple and lightweight.


  • SilverStripe framework version 4
  • PHP imap extension
  • SwiftMailer must be used as the mailer (SilverStripe uses this by default)
  • An IMAP email account. No other protocols are supported.


composer require taitava/silverstripe-sentemails


Create a new file app\_config\sentemails.yml:

      host: imap.somedomain.tld
      port: 993
      sent_folder: Sent
      username: 'email.address'
      password: 'verysecretdonotsharepubliclyintheinternet'
      host: imap.somedomain.tld
      port: 993
      sent_folder: Sent
      username: 'email.address'
      password: 'verysecretdonotsharepubliclyintheinternet'

Then run dev/build?flush=all in your browser. Done! All emails that your application sends will now be saved!

The module will automatically pick the correct mailbox by inspecting the 'From' field from the email message that was sent. If the email address is not found from the mailboxes configuration, the module will use the mailbox defined with the key 'default'. You should always define a default mailbox if its possible that mail is sent from unforeseen email addresses!

Control what gets saved and what not

Sometimes you want to examine the sent email messages and make a decision whether it should be saved or not. There is a flexible way to do this by creating a subclass of the SilverStripe's Extension class:

use SilverStripe\Core\Extension;

class MyImapSentFolderFactoryExtension extends Extension
        public function onBeforeSaveEmailMessage(Swift_Mime_Message $email_message)
                // ... Inspect the $email_message instance ...

                // ... Decide not to save this message ...
                return false;

                // ... Decide to accept saving the message ...
                return true;

                // ... If you do not write a 'return' statement or if you return null, saving is also accepted ...

Now we just need to enable our new extension. Append this to app\_config\sentemails.yml:

    - MyImapSentFolderFactoryExtension

Pro tip: As far as I know, there is no extension hook in SilverStripe's Email or SwiftMailer classes that could be easily used to trigger code after sending an email. (Usually you are required to write your own plugin for SwiftMail). If you need this kind of extension hook for whatever reason, you can use an extension like the one described here. Just return false whenever you don't need the sent message to be saved.


Ideas (and pull requests) are welcome :). No big plans at the moment, I'm considering this plugin quite complete. But will try to fix issues if any arise.


Oh, it's just me. Too lazy to write my name. :)
