
1.0.0 2019-05-16 10:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 01:22:29 UTC


Build Status

Pagelanner PHP SDK utilizes guzzle-services for an easy integration with Pageplanner's API.


  • PHP 7.0 or greater
  • Composer
  • Guzzle


Add Pageplanner PHP SDK as a composer dependency.

composer require szeidler/pageplanner-php-sdk:^1.0


Returns the asset representation based on the resource url of the asset.

use szeidler\Pageplanner\PageplannerClient;

$client = new PageplannerClient([
    'baseUrl' => '',
    'access_token_url' => '',
    'client_id'        => 'xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    'client_secret'    => '123456',

// Get all issues.
$issues = $client->getIssues();
foreach ($issues->getIterator() as $issue) {
  print $issue['name'];

// Get a issue by id.
$issue = $client->getIssue(['id' => 2]);
print $issue->offsetGet('name');

// Get all publications.
$publications = $client->getPublications();
foreach ($publications->getIterator() as $publication) {
  print $publication['name'];

// Get a single publication by id.
$publications = $client->getPublications(['id' => 2]);
print $publication->offsetGet('name');
print $publication->offsetGet('publicationCode');

// Get all stories for an issue.
$stories = $client->getStories(['issueId' => 5]);
foreach ($stories->getIterator() as $story) {
  print $story['name'];

// Get a single story by id.
$story = $client->getStory(['id' => 123]);
print $story->offsetGet('name');
print $story->offsetGet('author');

// Create a story for an issue.
$data = [
    'id' => 'abcd',
    'title' =>
        'value' => 'My new title',
        'isHtml' => FALSE,
    'abstract' =>
        'value' => 'Put your abstract here',
        'isHtml' => FALSE,
    'body' =>
        'value' => '<strong>Your body could include HTML</strong>',
        'isHtml' => TRUE,
    'tags' => ['News', 'Culture'],
$story = $client->createStory($data);
print $story->offsetGet['name'];


This SDK includes PHPUnit as a composer require-dev. Copy the phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and fill in with your API testing credentials.

./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml


Stephan Zeidler for Ramsalt Lab AS


The MIT License (MIT)