
Laravel Helper for spreadsheet im-/export


A helper for importing and exporting Eloquent models.

Easily add import + export routes + controllers by adding a Trait to your model.

This package utilizes laravel-excel which is a wrapper around PhpSpreadsheet


$ composer require syspons/laravel-sheetable


The package provides an interface to the database using excel import and export. It can be used to create or update entities, not to delete them. For updating a unique identifier in the table is necessary.


Plain data from the table will be shown in the export as is. However, there might be relations within the data, that shall be shown inside the export (or import). These are defined by DropdownConfigs. These represent a relation within the excel. It is possible to include one to many and many to many relationships. For every relation you'll find a dropdown in your excel to select one of the related entities. There will be a workbook inside your spreadsheet that contains all related models, mapped to their key, in order to make it possible to import these relations as well.


If you want more, than a single column of a relation joined to your export table, you will need to use the Join functionality. You have the possibility to add nested joins and to select any column of the joined table.


  • Create your table and corresponding model, eg. with php artisan make:model YourModel -m
  • Implement the Sheetable interface in your newly generated model.
  • The package will register the following routes:
    • Export, get, post yourmodels/export => export all desired entities
    • Template, get yourmodels/template => export an empty spreadsheet
    • Import, post yourmodels/import => import a spreadsheet


To change the default options use

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="syspons\Sheetable\SheetableServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  • Inherited from laravel-targetable
    • namespace: String or array with one ore multiple namespaces that should be monitored for the configured trait. Defaults to App\Models.
    • namespace_mode: Defines the search mode for the namespaces. ClassFinder::STANDARD_MODE will only find the exact matching namespace, ClassFinder::RECURSIVE_MODE will find all subnamespaces. Defaults to ClassFinder::STANDARD_MODE.
    • prefix: Defines the route prefix. Defaults to api.
  • Formats
    • export_format: Defines the export format. Possible values are: XLSX, CSV, TSV, ODS, XLS, HTML, MPDF, DOMPDF, TCPDF. See the Laravel-Excel Documentation. Defaults to XLSX.
    • import_format: Defines the import format. Possible values are: XLSX, CSV, TSV, ODS, XLS, SLK, XML, GNUMERIC, HTML. See the Laravel-Excel Documentation. Defaults to ANY.


  • The package relies on laravel-targetable to connect specific functionality to Laravel model entities via contracts. (Sheetable, Dropdownable).
  • The entrypoints to all functionality is provided by the SheetController by utilizing laravel-excel.
    • SheetsExport is used to provide export + template functionality.
    • SheetImport is used to provide import functionality.
    • Both rely on SpreadsheetHelper and SpreadsheetUtils for core functionality.
  • ExportRequest implements the rules for selecting entities or columns to export
  • The SpreadsheetDropdowns helper implements all functionality connected to relations / Dropdownables.
  • SpreadsheetJoins and Join gather the join functionality.


Tested with Laravel 10.x.


See License File. Copyright © 2023 Jan Bladt.