
SWEW/CLI: A PHP package for streamlined command line interface (CLI) development, providing an intuitive API for creating custom commands, handling input/output, and executing command logic effortlessly. Simplify your CLI application development with rapid development.

v1.1.21 2024-12-30 13:24 UTC


The package is a PHP library for building console applications and commands in an object-oriented manner. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining commands and handling arguments and options. It also includes utilities for interacting with the console, such as coloring output and prompting for user input. With this package, you can quickly create powerful command-line tools and automate repetitive tasks in your development workflow.

Packages developed by SWEW

  • swew/cli - A command-line interface program with formatting and text entry functions.
  • swew/test - A test framework that is designed to fix the fatal flaw of other test frameworks.
  • swew/db - A lightweight, fast, and secure PHP library for interacting with databases, creating migrations, and running queries.
  • swew/dd - The simplest way to debug variables. As in Laravel.


composer require swew/cli

Example of use

Create command


namespace My\Cli\Commands;

use Swew\Cli\Command;

class ShowTimeCommand extends Command {
    const NAME = 'show:time {prefix}';

    const DESCRIPTION = 'The function shows the current time.';

    public function __invoke(): int
        $prefix = $this->arg('prefix')->getValue();

        $time = $prefix . ' ' . date('H:i:s');


        return self::SUCCESS;

Create cli-program


namespace My\Cli;

use Swew\Cli\SwewCommander;
use My\Cli\Commands\ShowTimeCommand;

class MySuperCli extends SwewCommander
    protected array $commands = [

Run cli-program

// index.php

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use My\Cli\MySuperCli;

(new MySuperCli($argv))->run();
php index.php 'show:time at'


Console — User Commands

An example of creating a command with SWEW-CLI.

The command must be inherited from the Swew\Cli\Command class and the class must be callable via the __invoke method.

The class must also have two obligatory constants.

  • NAME - necessary to call the command, it can also contain arguments.
  • The DESCRIPTION is a description of the command and is used to call the help message.

As a result of the execution of the command should return the result - the status code. If all was successful, it is 0.

class SendEmail extends Command
    const NAME = 'send:email';

    const DESCRIPTION = 'Command to send email';

    public function __invoke(): int
        // ...
        return self::SUCCESS;

By inheriting from the class Command - we also get auxiliary methods defined in it.

  • init(): void - will be run before execution (can be overridden)
  • arg(string $key): CommandArgument` - getting the argument passed to the command
  • argv(string $key): mixed - get value
  • getHelpMessage(): string - get help message for the command (can be overridden)
  • isValid(): bool - check if all required arguments are passed to the command correctly
  • getErrorMessage():string - Get an error message
  • call(string $command, ?array $args:) int - call another command

Working with command parameters, description of arguments

// Only command name, no arguments
const NAME = 'send:email';

// One required argument userId, the argument is always wrapped in curly braces
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId}';

// Optional argument userId is empty string
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId=}';
// Optional argument with default value is string
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId=1}';
// Optional argument, userId as array
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId=[]}';

/** Typing */
// Argument with typing
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId (int)}';

// Argument with typing
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId (float)}';

// Argument with typing, default userId === 0
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId= (int)}';

// Argument with typing, default userId === ''
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId= (str)}';

// Argument with typing, default userId === false
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId= (bool)}';

// Argument with typing, default:     userId === false
// if command: `send:email`           userId === true
// if command: `send:email --userId`  userId === true
const NAME = 'send:email {--userId= (bool)}';

// Alias for argument
const NAME = 'send:email {-S|--silent}';

/** Description */
const NAME = 'send:email {mail : The description, will be reflected in help}';

/** Example command with one argument in the full description */
const NAME = 'send:email {--count|-C=1          (int) : Count of mails}';
          // command | argument|alias|default | type | description

Writing Output

write / writeLn / info / warn / error

write demo

$this->output->write('Hello ');
$this->output->write('world', '<b>%s <br></>'); // formatting

$this->output->writeLn('Hello'); // write with new line
$this->output->writeLn('world', '<b>%s <br></>');

$this->output->info('Some good news');
$this->output->warn('A little attention');
$this->output->error('Something has gone wrong');

$this->output->clear(); // Reset terminal window

Width / Height



$this->output->write('<b><black><bgRed>Hello world</>');

// OR
$format = '<b><black><bgRed>%s</>';
$this->output->write('Hello world', $format);


  • </> - escape
  • <br> - new line
  • <b> - bold
  • <u> - underline



  • <saveCursor>
  • <restoreCursor>
  • <eraseToEndLine>
  • <eraseToStartLine>
  • <eraseLine>
  • <eraseToBottom>
  • <eraseToTop>

Without formatting

If you do not want to use formatting, specify this


Clear bash colors

Remove bash color symbols from string

$this->output->clearColor($text); // no color string

Empty lines

// Write a single blank line...
// Write three blank lines...


$this->output->getLink($url, $text);

Prompting For Input


public function __invoke(): int {
	$name = $this->output->ask('What is your name?');
	// ...
	return self::SUCCESS;


public function __invoke(): int {
	$name = $this->output->askYesNo('Is this the best CLI utility?', true);
	// ...
	return self::SUCCESS;



public function __invoke(): int {
	$password = $this->output->secret('What is the password?');
	// ...
	return self::SUCCESS;

Choice Question

public function __invoke(): int {
	/** @var string */
	$answer = $this->output->choice(
		'What is your name?',
		['Leo', 'Mike', 'Don', 'Raph'],
		$isRequired = true // optional


	// ...
	return self::SUCCESS;

Choice Multiple


public function __invoke(): int {
	/** @var array */
	$answer = $this->output->select(
		'What is your name?',
		['Leo', 'Mike', 'Don', 'Raph'],
		$selectedIndex = [], // optional
		$isRequired = true,  // optional
		$isMultiple = true,  // optional

	// ...
	return self::SUCCESS;



$title = ['Name', 'Age', 'Weapon'];

$list = [
	['Leo', 22, 'Swords'],
	['Mike', 21.6, 'Nunchaks'],
	['Don', 21.9, 'Bo'],
	['Raphael', 21.5, 'Saii'],

$this->output->table($title, $list);

Progress bar

Progress bar

$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($users)); 

$bar->start(); // show progress bar

foreach ($users as $user) {

	$bar->increment(); // progress

$bar->finish(); // remove progressbar


If you only need output to the console, you can use the Output class separately.


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Swew\Cli\Terminal\Output;

$output = new Output();

$output->writeLn('Hello world!');