
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.4.9) of this package.

PHP-SDK for Suretly Lender API

v0.4.9 2018-10-24 05:36 UTC


PHP7 SDK for Suretly Lender API

Installing LenderAPI SDK

The recommended way to install LenderAPI SDK is through Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of LenderAPI SDK:

php composer.phar require suretly/lender-api-sdk

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


After installing, you need to create a new Suretly\LenderApi\LenderManager.

Include LenderManager class

use Suretly\LenderApi\LenderManager;

You can create SDK from static method:

$sdk = LenderManager::create('id', 'token', 'server'):

Or you can create a configuration for your connection and create a LenderManager:

$config = [
    'id' => '<your_id>',
    'token' => '<your_token>',
    'server' => '<server_name>'
$sdk = new LenderManager($config);

Calling API methods with SDK

1 General methods

1.1 Getting parameters for surety search

$options = $sdk->getOptions();

#1.2 Orders list

Get orders with parameter $limit and optional parameter $skip. The limit parameter must be set in the range from 0 to 25.

$orders = $sdk->getOrders($limit, $skip);

#2 Creating and handling orders

#2.2 Create surety order

For a create a new order, you must create a new Suretly\LenderApi\Model\NewOrder object.

/** @var Suretly\LenderApi\Model\NewOrder $newOrder */
$newOrder = new NewOrder()

// ...
// set data
// ..

After, you can add new order on Suretly server with method postNewOrder:

/** @var string $orderID */
$orderID = $sdk->postNewOrder($newOrder)->id;

Method postNewOrder return object with id

/** @var object $response */
$response = $sdk->postNewOrder($newOrder);
$orderID = $response->id;

For example, json data

    "id": "string"

#2.3 Get order status

To get the status of the order, run method getOrderStatus, which return Suretly\LenderApi\Model\OrderStatus object:

$orderStatus = $sdk->getOrderStatus($orderID);

For example, json data

    "id": "string",
    "public": true,
    "sum": 0,
    "cost": 0,
    "bids_count": 0,
    "stop_time": 0,
    "fee_total": 0,
    "fee_paid": 0,
    "payment_link": "string"

#2.4 Get public Order and public Order Url

To get a order, you must call method getOrder with parameter $orderID:

/** @var \Suretly\LenderApi\Model\Order $order */
$order = $sdk->getOrder($orderID);

For example, json data for Borrower with russian passport:

  "id": "string",
  "uid": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "borrower": {
    "name": {
      "first": "string",
      "middle": "string",
      "last": "string",
      "maiden": "string"
    "gender": "string",
    "birth": {
      "date": "string",
      "place": "string"
    "email": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "profile_url": "string",
    "photo_url": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "identity_document_type": "passport_rf",
    "identity_document": {
      "series": "string",
      "number": "string",
      "issue_date": "string",
      "issue_place": "string",
      "issue_code": "string",
      "registration": {
        "country": "string",
        "zip": "string",
        "area": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "street": "string",
        "house": "string",
        "building": "string",
        "flat": "string",
        "address_line_1": "string",
        "address_line_2": "string"
      "iin": "string",
      "expire_date": "string",
      "ssn": "string",
      "authority": "string"
    "residential": {
      "country": "string",
      "zip": "string",
      "area": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "street": "string",
      "house": "string",
      "building": "string",
      "flat": "string",
      "address_line_1": "string",
      "address_line_2": "string"
  "user_credit_score": 0,
  "cost": "string",
  "loan_sum": "string",
  "loan_term": "string",
  "loan_rate": 0,
  "currency_code": "string",
  "max_wait_time": "string",
  "created_at": "string",
  "modify_at": "string",
  "closed_at": "string",
  "bids_count": "string",
  "bids_sum": "string",
  "callback": "string"

#2.5 Cancel order

For a cancel the order, you must call method postOrderStop with parameter $orderID:


#2.6 Get borrower contract

To get a contract for a Borrower, you must call method getContract with parameter $orderID:

/** @var string $contractHTML */
$contractHTML = $sdk->getContract($orderID);

Method getContract return HTML code:


#2.7 Confirm that contract is signed by borrower

To confirm that contract is signed by borrower:


#2.8 Confirm that order is paid and issued

To confirm that order is paid and issued:


#2.9 8 Confirm that order is paid

To confirm that order is paid:


#2.10 Confirm that order is partial paid

To confirm that order is partial paid:

$sdk->postOrderPartialPaid($orderID, $sum);

#2.11 Prolong order

To get fee_amount prolong order, you must run method getOrderProlong with parameter $orderID and parameter $days, which return float value:

/** @var float $feeAmount */
$feeAmount = $sdk->getOrderProlong($orderID, $days);

For example, json data

  "fee_amount": 0

To prolong order, you must call method postOrderUnpaid

$sdk->postOrderProlong($orderID, $days);

#2.13 Upload borrower image

To upload a borrower image, you must call method postUploadImageOrder with parameter $orderID, parameter $realPathToFile, which is realpath to file, and optional parameter $filename:

$sdk->postUploadImageOrder($orderID, $realPathToFile, $filename);

#2.14 Mark loan as overdue

Mark loan as overdue:

$sdk->postOrderUnpaid($orderID, $sum);



/** @var \Suretly\LenderApi\Model\Currency[] $currencies */
$currencies = $sdk->getCurrencies();

For example, json data

      "code": "DE",
      "name": "Germany"
      "code": "FR",
      "name": "France"
      "code": "US",
      "name": "United States of America"
      "code": "RU",
      "name": "Russia"
      "code": "KZ",
      "name": "Казахстан"


/** @var \Suretly\LenderApi\Model\Country[] $countries */
$countries = $sdk->getCountries();

For example, json data

      "code": "DE",
      "name": "Germany",
      "currency_code": "EUR"
      "code": "FR",
      "name": "France",
      "currency_code": "EUR"
      "code": "US",
      "name": "United States of America",
      "currency_code": "USD"
      "code": "SWE",
      "name": "Sweden",
      "currency_code": "BTC"
      "code": "RU",
      "name": "Russia",
      "currency_code": "RUB"
      "code": "KZ",
      "name": "Казахстан",
      "currency_code": "KZT"

# Work with errors

All SDK methods should use try/catch. For example:

try {
    $sdk->postOrderUnpaid($orderID, $sum);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

All SDK methods call ResponseErrorException when an error occurs on the server. You can see all errors in class - SuretlySDK\Type\ResponseErrorStatusType.

try {
    $sdk->postOrderUnpaid($orderID, $sum);
} catch (\SuretlySDK\Type\ResponseErrorStatusType $exception) {
    echo $exception->getCode() . ': ' . $exception->getMessage();


version v0.2 to v0.3

First change:

use Suretly\LenderApi\Suretly;

And second, Method getOrders() consists of only limit and skip arguments.

// before
$sdk->getOrders($from, $to, $limit, $skip);

// after
$sdk->getOrders($limit, $skip);

version v0.3 to v0.4

Now, you should use LenderManager instead Suretly.

use Suretly\LenderApi\LenderManager;

// create sdk
$sdk = LenderManager::create('id', 'token');

Also, all field on Model is private and you should use getters and setters.

// create sdk
/** @var Order $order */
$orderId = $order->getId();

That's all.


For run examples test in root project directory run commands

cd examples
php example_v0.4.php

For run unit tests in root project directory run command in console


For Windows
