suqunsq / ppu
2022-09-30 08:16 UTC
- php: >=5.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
© KnowRoaming LTD 2017
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $distributor_id = 56; // int | The ID of the Distributor to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getDistributorAuthorization($distributor_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getDistributorAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $group_id = 56; // int | The ID of the Group to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getGroupAuthorization($group_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getGroupAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $iccid = "iccid_example"; // string | The ID of the ICCID to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getIccidAuthorization($iccid, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getIccidAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $inventory_id = 56; // int | The ID of the Inventory to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getInventoryAuthorization($inventory_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getInventoryAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $package_id = "package_id_example"; // string | The ID of (UUID4) the Package to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getPackageAuthorization($package_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getPackageAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $package_template_id = 56; // int | The ID of the Package Template to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getPackageTemplateAuthorization($package_template_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getPackageTemplateAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $sponsored_imsi = 789; // int | The Sponsored IMSI to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getSponsoredImsiAuthorization($sponsored_imsi, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getSponsoredImsiAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AuthorizationApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $whitelist_id = 56; // int | The ID of the Whitelist to check the authorization $request_id = "request_id_example"; // string | It will be returned in the response header, the purpose of the RequestId to provide a reference ID to the client side developer if one is using a asynchronous system try { $result = $apiInstance->getWhitelistAuthorization($whitelist_id, $request_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthorizationApi->getWhitelistAuthorization: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to /ds/u/distributorPPUService/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthorizationApi | getDistributorAuthorization | GET /authorization/distributor/{distributorId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Distributor |
AuthorizationApi | getGroupAuthorization | GET /authorization/group/{groupId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Group |
AuthorizationApi | getIccidAuthorization | GET /authorization/iccid/{iccid} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the ICCID |
AuthorizationApi | getInventoryAuthorization | GET /authorization/inventory/{inventoryId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Inventory |
AuthorizationApi | getPackageAuthorization | GET /authorization/package/{packageId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Package |
AuthorizationApi | getPackageTemplateAuthorization | GET /authorization/packageTemplate/{packageTemplateId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Package Template |
AuthorizationApi | getSponsoredImsiAuthorization | GET /authorization/networkSubscriber/{sponsoredImsi} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Sponsored IMSI |
AuthorizationApi | getWhitelistAuthorization | GET /authorization/whitelist/{whitelistId} | Returns the permissions the logged in user has on the Whitelist |
CompanyTopUpApi | getPayment | GET /{distributorId}/payments/{paymentId} | Get a Payment |
CountryApi | getCountries | GET /country | Get the list of Countries |
DataSessionsServiceApi | getOpenedDataSession | GET /openDataSessions | Get opened data session |
DistributorApi | createInventory | POST /{distributorId}/distributor/{id}/inventories | Creates Inventory under a child Distributor |
DistributorApi | getDistributor | GET /{distributorId}/distributor/{id} | Returns the Distributor by Distributor Id |
DistributorApi | getDistributors | GET /{distributorId}/distributor | Returns the list of Distributors that are accessible to the user performing the request |
DistributorApi | getInventories | GET /{distributorId}/distributor/{id}/inventories | Retrieve Inventories |
DistributorApi | getSimHistory | GET /{distributorId}/distributor/{id}/sim-history | Fetch SIM history of a given distributor |
DistributorApi | provisionDistributor | POST /{distributorId}/distributor | Provision a new distributor |
DistributorApi | updateDistributorStatus | PUT /{distributorId}/distributor/{id}/status | Update the Distributor's status |
GroupApi | adjustGroupBalance | POST /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/adjustBalance | Modify the balance of a group |
GroupApi | createGroupSubgroup | POST /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/subGroup | Create a sub-group |
GroupApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /{distributorId}/group/{groupId} | Delete a group |
GroupApi | getALegDataEntries | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/dataalegrates | Get a list of A Leg rates for a given Group for Data service |
GroupApi | getALegSmsEntries | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/smsalegrates | Get a list of A Leg rates for a given Group for SMS service |
GroupApi | getALegVoiceEntries | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/voicealegrates | Get a list of A Leg rates for a given Group for Voice service |
GroupApi | getBLegSmsEntries | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/smsblegrates | Get a list of B Leg rates for a given Group for SMS service |
GroupApi | getBLegVoiceEntries | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/voiceblegrates | Get a list of B Leg rates for a given Group for Voice service |
GroupApi | getGroup | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/info | Get a group information |
GroupApi | getGroupBalance | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/balance | Get a group balance |
GroupApi | getGroupDetails | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId} | Get the details of a group |
GroupApi | getGroupOverdraft | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/overdraft | Get the overdraft of a group |
GroupApi | getGroupSims | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/sims | Get SIMs owned by a group |
GroupApi | getGroupSubgroups | GET /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/subGroups | Get sub-groups owned by a group |
GroupApi | setGroupOverdraft | POST /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/overdraft | Set the overdraft of a group |
GroupApi | setGroupParent | POST /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/setParent | Set a group parent |
GroupApi | updateALegDataEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/dataalegrates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Group for Data service |
GroupApi | updateALegSmsEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/smsalegrates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Group for SMS service |
GroupApi | updateALegVoiceEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/group/{groupId}/voicealegrates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Group for Voice service |
IMSIApi | getImsiByImsiId | GET /{distributorId}/imsis/{imsiId} | Get a IMSI information |
IMSIApi | updateImsiWhiteList | POST /{distributorId}/imsis/{imsiId}/whitelist | Update Whitelist information for IMSI |
ImsiSlotProfilesApi | createImsiSlotProfile | POST /{distributorId}/imsi-slot-profiles | Create IMSI to Slot Profile |
ImsiSlotProfilesApi | getImsiSlotProfileById | GET /{distributorId}/imsi-slot-profiles/{imsiSlotProfileId} | Get IMSI to Slot Profile by ID |
InventoryApi | createInventoryGroup | POST /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/createGroup | Create a new group under the inventory |
InventoryApi | createPackageType | POST /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/packageType | Create a package type |
InventoryApi | createPayment | POST /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/payments | Create a payment to top up the Inventory balance |
InventoryApi | createWhitelist | POST /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/whitelist | Create a whitelist |
InventoryApi | getInventory | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId} | Get Inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryBalance | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/balance | Get the balance of an inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryCurrency | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/currency | Get the Inventory's currency |
InventoryApi | getInventoryDataRates | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/datarates | Retrieves the Data Rates for the inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryGroups | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/groups | Get groups owned by an inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryOverdraft | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/overdraft | Get the overdraft of an inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryPackageTypes | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/packageTypes | Get all package types within an inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryRouteConfig | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/routeconfig | Get the Inventory's route config details |
InventoryApi | getInventorySmsRates | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/smsrates | Retrieves the SMS Rates for the inventory |
InventoryApi | getInventoryStatus | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/status | Get the Inventory's status |
InventoryApi | getInventoryVoiceRates | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/voicerates | Retrieves the Voice Rates for the inventory |
InventoryApi | getNetworkAccessEntries | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/networkaccess | Get the Network Access entries |
InventoryApi | listInventories | GET /{distributorId}/inventory/list | List inventories |
InventoryApi | provisionSimsOnInventory | POST /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/sims | Provision SIMs under an inventory |
InventoryApi | removeSimsFromInventory | DELETE /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/sims | Remove SIMs under an inventory |
InventoryApi | updateALegDataEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/datarates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Inventory for Data service |
InventoryApi | updateALegSmsEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/smsrates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Inventory for SMS service |
InventoryApi | updateALegVoiceEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/voicerates | Update (or create if non-existent) rate entries of A Leg for a given Inventory for Voice service |
InventoryApi | updateInventoryStatus | PUT /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/status | Update the Inventory's status |
InventoryApi | updateNetworkAccessEntries | PUT /{distributorId}/inventory/{inventoryId}/networkaccess | Add or Update the Network Access entries |
NetworkApi | getNetworkMccMncPairs | GET /{distributorId}/network/{networkId}/mcc-mnc-pair | Get network mcc/mnc pairs |
NetworkSubscriberApi | sendSms | POST /{distributorId}/networkSubscriber/{imsi}/sendSms | Send an SMS |
NetworkSubscriberApi | sendSmsBinary | POST /{distributorId}/networkSubscriber/{imsi}/sendSmsBinary | Send an SMS in binary |
NetworkSubscriberApi | sendSmsBinaryCustom | POST /{distributorId}/networkSubscriber/{imsi}/sendSmsBinaryCustom | Send a binary SMS with custom SMPP and GSM SMS parameters |
PackageApi | getPackage | GET /{distributorId}/package/{packageId}/info | Get a package information |
PackageApi | setPackageStatus | POST /{distributorId}/package/{packageId}/status | Set a package status |
PackageAutomationApi | createPackageAutomation | POST /{distributorId}/package-automation | Create a Package Automation for the logged in Distributor |
PackageAutomationApi | deactivatePackageAutomation | DELETE /{distributorId}/package-automation/{packageAutomationId} | Deactivate a Package Automation for the logged in Distributor |
PackageAutomationApi | getPackageAutomation | GET /{distributorId}/package-automation/{packageAutomationId} | Get a Package Automation for the logged in Distributor |
PackageAutomationApi | getPackageAutomations | GET /{distributorId}/package-automation | Get a paginated list of Package Automations for the logged in Distributor.The results are sorted descending by ID |
PackageTypeApi | getPackageType | GET /{distributorId}/packageType/{packageTypeId} | Get a package type information |
PackageTypeApi | updatePackageTypeStatus | PUT /{distributorId}/packageType/{packageTypeId}/status | Update the PackageType status |
SIMApi | adjustSimBalance | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/adjustBalance | Adjust the balance of a SIM |
SIMApi | cancelSimLocationUpdate | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/cancelLocationUpdate | Cancel SIM location update |
SIMApi | createSimPackage | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/addPackage | Add a package to a SIM |
SIMApi | getRoutingConfiguration | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/routingConfiguration | Get the routing configuration |
SIMApi | getSim | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/info | Get a SIM information |
SIMApi | getSimBalance | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/balance | Get the balance of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimBalanceDrain | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/balanceDrain | Get the balance drain of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimByIccid | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid} | Get a SIM information |
SIMApi | getSimCli | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/cli | Get calling line identification of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimDids | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/dids | Get DID numbers of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimOverdraft | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/overdraft | Get the overdraft of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimPackages | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/package/infos | Get packages owned by a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimStatus | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/status | Get the status of a SIM |
SIMApi | getSimThrottle | GET /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/throttle | Get the throttle speed of a SIM |
SIMApi | purge | DELETE /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/purge | Terminate a SIM |
SIMApi | sendSms | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/sendSms | Send an SMS |
SIMApi | sendSmsBinary | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/sendSmsBinary | Send an SMS in binary |
SIMApi | sendSmsBinaryCustom | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/sendSmsBinaryCustom | Send a binary SMS with custom SMPP and GSM SMS parameters |
SIMApi | setSimBalanceDrain | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/balanceDrain | Set the balance drain of a SIM |
SIMApi | setSimOverdraft | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/overdraft | Set the overdraft of a SIM |
SIMApi | setSimParent | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/setParent | Set a SIM parent |
SIMApi | setSimStatus | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/status | Set the status of a SIM |
SIMApi | setSimThrottle | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/throttle | Set the throttle speed of a SIM |
SIMApi | switchProfileOTA | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/switchProfileOTA | Switch IMSI profile Over-The-Air |
SIMApi | updateRoutingConfiguration | POST /{distributorId}/sim/{iccid}/updateRoutingConfiguration | Update the routing configuration for a sim ICCID |
SearchApi | searchDataCdr | GET /{distributorId}/search/cdr/data | Search Data CDRs |
SearchApi | searchDistributors | GET /{distributorId}/search/distributor | Search distributors |
SearchApi | searchGroups | GET /{distributorId}/search/group | Search Groups |
SearchApi | searchImis | GET /{distributorId}/search/imsis | Search IMSIs |
SearchApi | searchImsiSlotProfiles | GET /{distributorId}/search/imsi-slot-profiles | Get IMSI Slot Profile entries |
SearchApi | searchInventories | GET /{distributorId}/search/inventory | Search inventories |
SearchApi | searchLu | GET /{distributorId}/search/lu | Search Location Updates |
SearchApi | searchPackageTypes | GET /{distributorId}/search/packageType | Search package types |
SearchApi | searchPackages | GET /{distributorId}/search/package | Search packages |
SearchApi | searchSims | GET /{distributorId}/search/sim | Search SIMs |
SearchApi | searchSmsCdr | GET /{distributorId}/search/cdr/sms | Search SMS CDRs |
SearchApi | searchTrafficPolicies | GET /{distributorId}/search/trafficPolicy | Search traffic policies |
SearchApi | searchVoiceCdr | GET /{distributorId}/search/cdr/voice | Search Voice CDRs |
SearchApi | searchWhitelistEntries | GET /{distributorId}/search/whitelistEntry | Get whitelist entries |
SearchApi | searchWhitelists | GET /{distributorId}/search/whitelist | Search whitelists |
SimNotificationApi | createSimNotification | POST /{userDistributorId}/sim-notification | Create a Sim Notification entity |
SimNotificationApi | getSimNotification | GET /{userDistributorId}/sim-notification/{id} | Get a single Sim Notification |
SimNotificationApi | getSimNotifications | GET /{userDistributorId}/sim-notification | Get a list of Sim Notifications |
SimNotificationApi | updateSimNotification | PUT /{userDistributorId}/sim-notification/{id} | Update a Sim Notification entity |
TrafficPolicyApi | getTrafficPolicy | GET /{distributorId}/trafficPolicy/{trafficPolicyId} | Get a traffic policy |
WhitelistApi | duplicateWhitelist | POST /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId}/duplicate | Duplicate whitelist |
WhitelistApi | getWhitelistById | GET /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId} | Get Whitelist details |
WhitelistApi | updateWhitelistEntries | POST /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId}/entry | Update whitelist entries |
WhitelistApi | updateWhitelistImsis | POST /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId}/imsis | Update whitelist IMSIs |
WhitelistApi | updateWhitelistName | POST /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId}/name | Update whitelist name |
WhitelistApi | updateWhitelistSims | POST /{distributorId}/whitelist/{whitelistId}/sim | Update whitelist SIMs |
Documentation For Models
- ErrorMessage
- PagedResultResponsePackageAutomation
- PagedResultResponseSimNotification
- RequestALegDataEntry
- RequestALegSmsEntry
- RequestALegVoiceEntry
- RequestAdjustBalance
- RequestCreateDistributor
- RequestCreateImsiSlotProfile
- RequestCreateInventory
- RequestCreatePackage
- RequestCreatePackageType
- RequestCreatePayment
- RequestDuplicateWhitelist
- RequestGroupOverdraft
- RequestGroupParent
- RequestImsiSlotMapping
- RequestImsiWhitelist
- RequestInventoryGroup
- RequestInventorySim
- RequestInventorySimImsi
- RequestPackageAutomation
- RequestPackageStatus
- RequestProvisionInventorySim
- RequestRemoveInventorySim
- RequestSendSms
- RequestSendSmsBinary
- RequestSendSmsBinaryCustom
- RequestSetBalanceDrain
- RequestSimNotification
- RequestSimNotificationRecipient
- RequestSimOverdraft
- RequestSimParent
- RequestSimStatus
- RequestSimThrottle
- RequestSubgroup
- RequestSwitchProfileOTA
- RequestTimeAllowance
- RequestUpdateDistributorStatus
- RequestUpdateInventoryStatus
- RequestUpdateNetworkAccessEntries
- RequestUpdateNetworkAccessEntry
- RequestUpdatePackageTypeStatus
- RequestUpdateRouteConfiguration
- RequestUpdateWhitelistEntry
- RequestUpdateWhitelistImsis
- RequestUpdateWhitelistName
- RequestUpdateWhitelistSims
- RequestWhitelist
- RequestWhitelistEntry
- ResponseBalance
- ResponseBalanceDrain
- ResponseCountry
- ResponseDataCdr
- ResponseDataCdrCost
- ResponseDataSession
- ResponseDistributor
- ResponseDynamicPackageTimeAllowance
- ResponseGroup
- ResponseGroupDetails
- ResponseImsi
- ResponseImsiRecord
- ResponseImsiSlotMapping
- ResponseImsiSlotProfile
- ResponseInventory
- ResponseInventoryCurrency
- ResponseInventoryRateEntryALegData
- ResponseInventoryRateEntryALegSms
- ResponseInventoryRateEntryALegVoice
- ResponseInventoryStatus
- ResponseListResponseCountry
- ResponseListResponseDataCdr
- ResponseListResponseGroup
- ResponseListResponseGroupDetails
- ResponseListResponseImsiRecord
- ResponseListResponseInventory
- ResponseListResponseInventoryRateEntryALegData
- ResponseListResponseInventoryRateEntryALegSms
- ResponseListResponseInventoryRateEntryALegVoice
- ResponseListResponseLocationUpdate
- ResponseListResponseNetworkAccessEntry
- ResponseListResponsePackage
- ResponseListResponsePackageType
- ResponseListResponseRateEntryALegData
- ResponseListResponseRateEntryALegSms
- ResponseListResponseRateEntryALegVoice
- ResponseListResponseRateEntryBLegSms
- ResponseListResponseRateEntryBLegVoice
- ResponseListResponseSearchDistributor
- ResponseListResponseSearchImsiSlotProfiles
- ResponseListResponseSearchInventory
- ResponseListResponseSearchPackage
- ResponseListResponseSearchPackageType
- ResponseListResponseSearchSim
- ResponseListResponseSearchTrafficPolicy
- ResponseListResponseSearchWhitelist
- ResponseListResponseSim
- ResponseListResponseSimHistory
- ResponseListResponseSmsCdr
- ResponseListResponseVoiceCdr
- ResponseListResponseWhitelistEntry
- ResponseLocationUpdate
- ResponseMccMncPair
- ResponseNetworkAccessEntry
- ResponseOverdraft
- ResponsePackage
- ResponsePackageAutomation
- ResponsePackageType
- ResponsePayment
- ResponsePermission
- ResponseProvisionDistributor
- ResponseRateEntryALegData
- ResponseRateEntryALegSms
- ResponseRateEntryALegVoice
- ResponseRateEntryBLegSms
- ResponseRateEntryBLegVoice
- ResponseRouteConfig
- ResponseSearchDistributor
- ResponseSearchImsiSlotProfiles
- ResponseSearchInventory
- ResponseSearchPackage
- ResponseSearchPackageType
- ResponseSearchSim
- ResponseSearchTrafficPolicy
- ResponseSearchWhitelist
- ResponseSim
- ResponseSimCli
- ResponseSimDids
- ResponseSimHistory
- ResponseSimNotification
- ResponseSimRouteConfiguration
- ResponseSimStatus
- ResponseSimThrottle
- ResponseSmsCdr
- ResponseSmsCdrCost
- ResponseSponsorImsi
- ResponseTimeAllowance
- ResponseTrafficPolicy
- ResponseVoiceCdr
- ResponseVoiceCdrCost
- ResponseWhitelist
- ResponseWhitelistEntry
- RouteConfig
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: ApiKey
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication