
24.04.02 2024-04-08 17:47 UTC


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Your home connected.


Requires PHP 7.3 or later.

Install with Composer.

Getting Started

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use Supla\ApiClient\Api\ChannelsApi;
use Supla\ApiClient\Model\ChannelFunctionEnumNames;

// Get access token from OAuth flow or use a Personal Access Token
$accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>';
$config = Supla\ApiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken($accessToken);

$apiInstance = new ChannelsApi( new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config);

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getChannels([ChannelFunctionEnumNames::LIGHTSWITCH]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling SUPLA API: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://YOUR_SUPLA_SERVER/api/v3.

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessIdentifiersApi createAccessIdentifier POST /accessids Create a new Access Identifier
AccessIdentifiersApi deleteAccessIdentifier DELETE /accessids/{id} Delete the access identifier
AccessIdentifiersApi getAccessIdentifier GET /accessids/{id} Get AID by ID
AccessIdentifiersApi getAccessIdentifiers GET /accessids Get Access Identifiers
AccessIdentifiersApi updateAccessIdentifier PUT /accessids/{id} Update the access identifier
ChannelGroupsApi createChannelGroup POST /channel-groups Create a new channel group
ChannelGroupsApi deleteChannelGroup DELETE /channel-groups/{id} Delete the channel group
ChannelGroupsApi executeActionOnChannelGroup PATCH /channel-groups/{id}
ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroup GET /channel-groups/{id} Get Channel Group
ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroupDirectLinks GET /channel-groups/{channelGroup}/direct-links Get channel group direct links
ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroupScenes GET /channel-groups/{channelGroup}/scenes Get channel group scenes
ChannelGroupsApi getChannelGroups GET /channel-groups Get Channel Groups
ChannelGroupsApi updateChannelGroup PUT /channel-groups/{id} Update the channel group
ChannelsApi configureChannel PATCH /channels/{id}/settings
ChannelsApi createChannelReaction POST /channels/{channel}/reactions Create channel reaction
ChannelsApi deleteChannelMeasurementLogs DELETE /channels/{channel}/measurement-logs Delete channel measurement logs.
ChannelsApi deleteChannelReaction DELETE /channels/{channel}/reactions/{reaction} Delete channel reaction
ChannelsApi downloadChannelMeasurementLogs GET /channels/{channel}/measurement-logs-download Get measurement logs as a zipped CSV file.
ChannelsApi executeAction PATCH /channels/{id}
ChannelsApi getChannel GET /channels/{id} Get Channel
ChannelsApi getChannelChannelGroups GET /channels/{id}/channel-groups Get Channel Groups that the given channel belongs to
ChannelsApi getChannelDirectLinks GET /channels/{channel}/direct-links Get channel direct links
ChannelsApi getChannelMeasurementLogs GET /channels/{channel}/measurement-logs Get channel measurement logs.
ChannelsApi getChannelNotifications GET /channels/{channel}/notifications
ChannelsApi getChannelReaction GET /channels/{channel}/reactions/{reaction} Get channel reaction
ChannelsApi getChannelReactions GET /channels/{channel}/reactions Get channel reactions
ChannelsApi getChannelScenes GET /channels/{channel}/scenes Get channel scenes
ChannelsApi getChannels GET /channels Get Channels
ChannelsApi updateChannel PUT /channels/{id}
ChannelsApi updateChannelReaction PUT /channels/{channel}/reactions/{reaction} Update channel reaction
ClientAppsApi deleteClientApp DELETE /client-apps/{id} Delete the client app
ClientAppsApi getClientApps GET /client-apps Get Client Apps
ClientAppsApi updateClientApp PUT /client-apps/{id} Update the client app
DevicesApi deleteDevice DELETE /iodevices/{id} Delete the device
DevicesApi executeDeviceAction PATCH /iodevices/{id}
DevicesApi getIoDevice GET /iodevices/{id} Get Device
DevicesApi getIoDeviceNotifications GET /iodevices/{device}/notifications
DevicesApi getIoDevices GET /iodevices Get Devices
DevicesApi updateDevice PUT /iodevices/{id}
DirectLinksApi getDirectLink GET /direct-links/{directLink} Get direct link
DirectLinksApi getDirectLinks GET /direct-links Get Direct Links
EnumsApi getActionsEnum GET /enum/actions
EnumsApi getChannelTypesEnum GET /enum/channel-types
EnumsApi getFunctionsEnum GET /enum/functions
LocationsApi createLocation POST /locations Create a new location
LocationsApi deleteLocation DELETE /locations/{id} Delete the location
LocationsApi getLocation GET /locations/{id} Get location by ID
LocationsApi getLocations GET /locations Get locations
LocationsApi updateLocation PUT /locations/{id} Update the location
NotificationsApi getNotification GET /notifications/{id} Get Notification
NotificationsApi sendNotification PATCH /notifications Send a notification.
NotificationsApi updateNotification PUT /notifications/{notification}
OAuthApi issueAccessToken POST /oauth/v2/token Issues an access token based on authorization_code or refresh_token.
ScenesApi createScene POST /scenes Create a scene
ScenesApi deleteScene DELETE /scenes/{scene} Delete the scene
ScenesApi executeScene PATCH /scenes/{scene}
ScenesApi getScene GET /scenes/{scene} Get Scene
ScenesApi getSceneDirectLinks GET /scenes/{scene}/direct-links Get scene direct links
ScenesApi getSceneScenes GET /scenes/{scene}/scenes Get scene scenes
ScenesApi getScenes GET /scenes Get Scenes
ScenesApi updateScene PUT /scenes/{scene} Update the scene
SchedulesApi getSchedules GET /schedules Get Schedules
ServerApi getServerInfo GET /server-info Get the server info
ServerApi getSuplaServerStatus GET /server-status Get the SUPLA Server status
ServerApi getTokenInfo GET /token-info Returns information about used access token
UserIconsApi createUserIcon POST /user-icons Create a new User Icon
UserIconsApi createUserIconBase64 POST /user-icons.base64 Create a new User Icon sent in Base64 format.
UserIconsApi deleteUserIcon DELETE /user-icons/{id} Delete the User Icon
UserIconsApi getUserIcon GET /user-icons/{id} Get User Icon
UserIconsApi getUserIconImage GET /user-icons/{id}/{imageIndex} Get User Icon image at specified index
UserIconsApi getUserIcons GET /user-icons List User Icons
UsersApi getCurrentUser GET /users/current Get info about user for the token.



Personal Access Token

Generate a Personal Access Token for you in the Integrations section on or your server instance.


  • Flow: authorizationCode
  • Authorization URL: if the app is public or https://YOUR_SUPLA_SERVER/oauth/v2/auth otherwise
  • Scopes:
    • accessids_r: Access Identifiers (read)
    • accessids_rw: Access Identifiers (read and modify)
    • account_r: User account and e-mail address (read)
    • account_rw: User account (read and modify)
    • channels_r: Channels (read)
    • channels_rw: Channels (read and modify)
    • channels_ea: Channels (execute actions)
    • channels_files: Download files from API (measurements history, user icons)
    • channelgroups_r: Channel groups (read)
    • channelgroups_rw: Channel groups (read and modify)
    • channelgroups_ea: Channel groups (execute actions)
    • clientapps_r: Client apps (read)
    • clientapps_rw: Client apps (read and modify)
    • directlinks_r: Direct links (read)
    • directlinks_rw: Direct links (read and modify)
    • iodevices_r: IO Devices (read)
    • iodevices_rw: IO Devices (read and modify)
    • locations_r: Locations (read)
    • locations_rw: Locations (read and modify)
    • scenes_r: Scenes (read)
    • scenes_rw: Scenes (read and modify)
    • scenes_ea: Scenes (execute actions)
    • schedules_r: Schedules (read)
    • schedules_rw: Schedules (read and modify)
    • state_webhook: Access to state webhooks
    • mqtt_broker: MQTT Broker settings
    • offline_access: Issue refresh token
  • Example Auth URL: /oauth/v2/auth?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI&response_type=code&scope=account_r%20channels_r&state=example-state


This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • Targeted Cloud version: 24.01.01-51-gd3ab095f
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen