
Simple fixtures factory utils for Fuel/ORM package

2.0.0 2022-01-28 13:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-28 18:11:26 UTC


This package is a simple util for generating commonly used data fixtures.

Basic usage

Documentation will be fulfilled. Consider the following Fixture example for Currency model:


namespace Tests\Fixtures;

use Model_Orm_Currency;
use Stwarog\FuelFixtures\Fuel\Factory;

final class CurrencyFixture extends Factory
    # Constants representing the "state" name
    public const USD = 'usd';
    public const EUR = 'eur';
    public const PLN = 'pln';

    /** @return array<string, string> */
    public function getDefaults(): array
        # This values must be as random as possible
        return [
            'code' => $this->faker->countryISOAlpha3,
            'rate' => $this->faker->randomFloat(1, 1, 10),

    # Class name for wchich we are going to create a new instance
    public static function getClass(): string
        return Model_Orm_Currency::class;

    /** array<string, callable> */
    public function getStates(): array
        # Main method, returning list of available states (used by calling "with" method)
        return [
            self::USD => function (Model_Orm_Currency $model, array $attributes = []) {
                $model->code = 'USD';
                $model->rate = 1.0;
            self::EUR => function (Model_Orm_Currency $model, array $attributes = []) {
                $model->code = 'EUR';
                $model->rate = 0.8418;
            self::PLN => function (Model_Orm_Currency $model, array $attributes = []) {
                $model->code = 'PLN';
                $model->rate = 3.5896;

Each of factory provides few very important methods (like Laravel`s one):

     * @param array<string, mixed> $attributes
     * @return Model<array>
    public function makeOne(array $attributes = []): Model;

     * @param array<string, mixed> $attributes
     * @return array<Model>
    public function makeMany(array $attributes = [], int $count = 5): array;

     * @param array<string, mixed> $attributes
     * @return Model<array>
    public function createOne(array $attributes = []): Model;

     * @param array<string, mixed> $attributes
     * @return array<Model>
    public function createMany(array $attributes = [], int $count = 5): array;

MakeOne/Many - creates new instance.

CreateOne/Many - creates new instance and persists using provided persistence strategy.

Sample call using with:

    $fixture = CurrencyFixture::initialize();
    # All states will be executed in the consecutive order
    $fixture->with('usd', 'rate1000', fn(Model $m, array $attrs = []) => $m->rate = 1.5)->makeOne();



This package follows PSR-4 for autoloading and PSR-12 for styling.

Useful commands

The whole project is Unit tested and protected with strong static code analytics (phpstan).

make unit # for unit testing
make phpstan # for phpstan validation
make cs     # for phpcs validation
make cs_fix # for phpcbf auto fix attempt

Code is dockerized and simplified by makefile. Simply run:

make # to execute all mandatory quality check commands

If you can't run make file locally, then checkout the direct commands in composer.json.


There is an abstraction of event dispatcher PSR-14 with NullObject implementation by default.

The intention is to add a capability to modify prepared model data in concrete situations, from the outside.

You can initialize concrete dispatcher by dependency and then access predefined events:

Name Class Description
model.before.prepared BeforePrepared Called right before any states (closures) has been applied.
model.after.prepared AfterPrepared Called right after all states (closures) has been applied and before persistence event.
model.before.persisted BeforePersisted Called right before prepared model is persisted in DB e.g. classes UowPersistence, FuelPersistence.
model.after.persisted AfterPersisted Called right after prepared model is persisted in DB.

Change Log

1.2.0 (2021-12-02) BREAKING CHANGE

  • Refactor - added Config for Factory Dependency as amount of it grows up to quickly
  • Added PSR container dependency
  • Fixed Reference type (in getStates), to be aware of Container and avoid re-creating new instance if entry is present as DI

1.1.0 (2021-12-02)

  • Added event dispatcher abstraction, and events: BeforePersisted, ModelPrepared